"What I discovered was several different folders with fully filled out credit applications for Rent-A-Center," Officer Brian Chavis of Sanitation Enforcement said. Chavis said information including dates of birth, addresses, driver's license numbers, social security numbers, and references could be found on these applications.
Exclusive: Personal information of Rent-A-Center customers discovered in Port Richmond dumpster
Police had said the documents contained personal information, including social security and credit card numbers. "There was quite a bit of personal information in the file" said Van Pounds, chief of enforcement with the division of finance and corporate security. The investigation was turned over to the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services.
Hundreds of files discarded by Beaverton tutoring center contained one social security number,...
The dumpster was full of personal documents that included home loans, copies of personal checks, purchase orders and site plans all on display in several large bins on several school campuses. An IT Manager at D.R. Horton, who is married to a former teacher at the local high school, was "simply wanting to help the school’s recycling program". WOW!
Piles of private documents found dumped in public bins | KXAN.com
"I think it is kind of scary that a doctor's office would just throw out people's files like that," store manager Tim Cowell said. The records are from the practice of Dr. Stephen Secunda, an Ormond Beach chiropractor, who died in 2011. The documents are now being held by the Port Orange Police Department.
Florida patient files found in dumpster | ksdk.com
Hundreds of personal records including social security numbers and driving records were discovered in recycling dumpster. A Washington Inventory Service employee told the news crew that it was perfectly legal to dump the records in the recycling dumpster; but shortly after, her story changed to indicate the documents had been dumped accidentally.
Identities Carelessly Thrown Out With the Trash
The documents all had Washington Inventory Service on the top, and an employee from the company initially told 41 Action News that leaving the documents in the dumpster was perfectly legal because it was private dumpster on private property. The employee later changed her story and said the company was shredding old documents, but one box was thrown in the recycle bin by mistake.
Hundreds at risk of identity theft after personal records dumped in public recycling bin