RedFin POS provides point-of-sale (POS) solutions to all merchant types. Solutions consist of hardware, software, mobile solutions and 24/7/365 customer support.
With an emphasis on brand independence and customer support, RedFin provides access to its certified payment gateway. RedFin provides PCI certified, market-ready POS solutions for Mobile Merchants, Hospitality, Wireless, Retail, Transportation and Enterprise businesses.
By partnering with banks, ISOs and MSPs, POS system integrators, terminal manufacturers, software developers and wireless carriers, RedFin delivers a turn-key, low-cost point of sale solution. This is the RedFin Advantage®.
RedFin POS provides 24/7/365 Class A support, distribution, wireless activation, billing and fulfillment for Third-party products and services. RedFin Holdings services ISO/MSP acquiring companies while managing the RedFin Gateway, and POS terminal / solutions help desk.