Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa

(on moss park road)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Orlando, FL
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


8:30AM - 4:30PM
8:30AM - 4:30PM
8:30AM - 4:30PM
8:30AM - 4:30PM
8:30AM - 3:00PM


10920 Moss Park Road
Orlando, FL


At Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa, under the experienced leadership of Pallavi Cherukupally, MD, the team of orthopedic specialists and regenerative medicine experts believes in balancing everyday health, wellness, sports, and beauty. To help their Orlando, Florida, patients look and feel great, both inside and out, the team treats the whole person, rather than just focusing on a few parts of the body or specific injuries.
Using the latest treatment protocols in regenerative medicine, including exciting stem cell and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapies, the regenerative specialists help their patients overcome a number of painful musculoskeletal issues, from arthritis to back pain. By tapping the human body’s incredible resources, the providers at Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa provide the necessary tools for cellular healing for long-term results, allowing their patients to lead happy, healthy, and active lives.
Believing that patients should look as good as they feel, the team also offers aesthetic services, including PRP and microneedling treatments, as well as cosmetic injectables such as Botox®.
Wellness, beauty, freedom of movement, and pain-free living are the goals at Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa and the providers work with patients to achieve this perfect balance.
To learn more, call Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa or use the easy online booking feature to set up a consultation.


Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa Photo


  • Stem Cell Treatments
  • Back Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Neuropathy
  • Arthritis
  • Botox
  • Shoulder Pain
  • PRP Therapy
  • Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
  • Car Accident Injuries


Regenerative Sport and Spine believes that surgery is only one answer to most orthopedic problems and that a better one may lie in tapping the human body's amazing healing and regenerative resources, namely mesenchymal stem cells. To learn more, call 407-730-5600! REGENERATIVESPORTSPINEANDSPA.COM Regenerative Sport and Spine
If you’re in St. Cloud today, be sure to stop OG Fitness for their grand opening event! Meet the owner Keilah Rios and of course be sure to stop your favorite Regenerative Medicine table and say hi to Daniel Tribby.
Y’all come check our friends at OG Fitness (Keilah Rios) on Saturday! Regen will be in the house supporting their grand opening and talking to everyone about natural healing! • Check the info and plan your Saturday around stopping by!
Friends‼️🚨🚨🚨 Please please please be aware of these types of practices. • What we offer at our office is highly specialized and we don’t sell “snake oil.” We believe in whole heartedly regenerative medicine and work diligently to stay within the confines of what is legal and more importantly, what is right. • Unfortunately, some people see opportunities in making money rather than helping people. • What can you do as a consumer❓ Do your research. Know who is providing the care, are they qualified to offer the services they offer, are the products they’re using legit, and what real testimonials of success can they provide you. WSBTV.COM Metro Atlanta medical clinic made $6M+ on unsafe, unproven stem cell shots, lawsuit says
When your doctor is out of the office.... When the cats away.... 🐁 😂
Today we will discuss your questions and some of the most common questions we get as it relates to regenerative medicine and fixing pain without surgery.
Wanna help your back pain? Fix your posture. • Dr C discusses some easy tips on how you can adjust your posture to help your back pain. • Try these out and post a before and after picture of you’re new and improved posture!
Why does our medical assistant look like she’s rocking a pilgrim hat? 😂 • Having a good MA means everything to a doctor. And Laura is nothing less than amazing. They often are the ones that keep the doctor organized and on track - something only magical fairy dust can accomplish! • Thanks Laura for all you do for our team and our clients.
Back pain. 80% of you will experience it at least once in your lifetime. 30% of those people will have chronic back pain. 80% of those will use potentially addicting medicines to control their pain. • Anyone else see an issue with that? • We definitely do! That’s why we are committed to finding more natural ways of healing the body. • Have a listen to our friend Sarah talk about her experience with back pain and regenerative medicine.
Lets talk about shoulder pain and how stem cell therapy could be the answer you're looking for...
Let's talk knees! Have you been through this scenario? See the doctor, get a steroid injection, try some therapy, get an MRI, then off to surgery? Well, you're missing a step. A very important one that could cause you to have continued pain. We will talk about that step in our LIVE today!
Let's talk knees! Have you been through this scenario? See the doctor, get a steroid injection, try some therapy, get an MRI, then off to surgery? Well, you're missing a step. A very important one that could cause you to have continued pain. We will talk about that step in our LIVE today! Why you should avoid surgery for your knee pain...
FB LIVE EVENT! If you have knee pain, you won’t want to miss it. We will be answering all your questions about knee pain and why you should avoid having surgery. • Topics covered will include: ❗️why knee surgery could set you up for more pain later ❗️why the right exercise is important ❗️why stem cell therapy works
Here’s why you should avoid knee surgery unless it’s absolutely necessary. • Dr. C discusses the problems with having knee surgery: ☝️Removes cushion/support from the joint 🚫 ✌️Makes you more likely to have arthritis later 🚫 • You could be sacrificing pain now, only to have greater pain and limitations later. 🤔 • Isn’t it time we started relying on the body’s unique ability to heal rather than cutting into it every time we have pain?
LIVE today at noon! Want to know more about the power and multiple applications of PRP? You won’t want to miss it!
Having a defined mission and vision keeps us focused on our desire to give you the best experience and best outcome. • We recently decided to post these on the wall in our lobby to share with each of you what drives us. • Impacting your life in a positive way will always be at the core of what we stand for.
But what is it used for? Joint pain? Muscle pain? Tendinitis? Sexual dysfunction? Find out the answers during our LIVE today (10/27) at noon!
But what is it used for? Joint pain? Muscle pain? Tendinitis? Sexual dysfunction? Find out the answers during our LIVE today (10/27) at noon! Everyone is talking about PRP...
When one of your team members is on the mend.... you wheel their butts around the office. 😂
Jay and Sarah had treatments in our facility and our raving about their results. If you’re considering stem cell therapy and are having doubts - be sure to tune in today and listen to their story!
Jay and Sarah had treatments in our facility and our raving about their results. If you’re considering stem cell therapy and are having doubts - be sure to tune in today and listen to their story! One of our clients is joining us today!
Hey everyone! We get this question a TON! • Where do you get the stem cells? Dr. C breaks down how and where we extract your body’s own stem cells. • May places that offer “stem cell therapy” don’t use YOUR body’s own natural stem cells. Furthermore, if someone is offering you stem cell therapy from a donated source.... it’s not true stem cell therapy. Many of these products don actually have LIVE cells in them. The best and most potent sources of stem cells always always always come from your own body. • Give this a listen to learn more about your body and stem cells! #stemcelltherapy #orlando #topdoctors
Today we’re discussing tendinitis and natural ways of helping it heal. If you’ve tried medicine, steroids, physical therapy, or even surgery and still have pain, this is the LIVE you’ll want to watch. Tune in today at noon to find out more!
Today we’re discussing tendinitis and natural ways of helping it heal. If you’ve tried medicine, steroids, physical therapy, or even surgery and still have pain, this is the LIVE you’ll want to watch. Tune in today at noon to find out more! Stubborn tendinitis causing you pain?
PRP can be a great accelerator to healing. You may have heard baseball players using it for elbow pain or shoulder tendinitis. • But it can also help with muscle strains/tears. In this video we are using PRP to help spark a quicker healing process for a calf strain. • If you’ve been suffering with some tendinitis and on going pain as a result, PRP could be what your body needs to spark the healing process! • We’re accepting new clients. Natural relief and healing are a phone call away. 407-730-5600.
The best place to get live stem cells is directly from your own bone marrow. • Don’t be fooled by places that tell you stem cells can come from donated sources. • With a needle we can take bone marrow from your own pelvis - rich with growth factors, healing agents, stem cells and other regenerative properties- and place them in your bulging discs, degenerative hips and knees or even your rotator cuff tear! • Want to heal without the risk of surgery? Call our office for a consultation. 407-753-5600 #stemcelltherapy #orlando #backpain #jointpain
A lot places that offer “stem cell” injections don’t do this one very important thing..... • Not everyone uses imaging to make sure they put the the stem cells in the exact area you need them. Some places just blanket inject into the joint. This will give you sub maximal results. • Need an expert to help you heal without surgery? We have that.... schedule your consult now. 407-730-5600. Stop living with pain.
What if we could help your hip pain in 1 MINUTE! • This is a video of a common hip injection we perform on this with pain. From start to finish = 1 minute. People often ask about whether or not getting a shot hurts. • To which we ask, if it does hurt but it helps, isn’t it better than the pain you deal with on a daily basis? • Give your family and friends and the best of you during the holidays. Don’t suffer with pain. Call us at 407-730-5600 and begin your journey to pain relief. • • • #doctorsonsocialmedia #orlandodoctor #painrelief
Foot pain? Heal pain? Plantar fasciitis? • Many of you have tried therapy, steroids and possibly even surgery. BUT, did you know that the healing of your foot pain could be found in your own blood? • Your blood is powerful source of natural healing factors. At Regen, we can drop your blood, concentrate those healing factors or “PRP” and then inject them into those painful areas of your foot. • No chemicals. No drugs. Just #naturalhealing • Call our office (407-730-5600), schedule your consultation today and take the first step in being #painfree.
#backpain threatening to ruin your holiday season? • Wouldnt it be awesome to be able to get up and down off the floor after opening presents without pain? • Or play with the little one’s new toys? We all know the adults are the biggest kids! • Don’t let pain steal the child inside you over the holidays. • Instead, call our office, make an appointment with Dr. C and take the first step towards being #painfree.
Today on lunch time live we will discuss the most common questions and concerns we get n stem cell therapy. If you’ve been considering stem cell therapy, but don’t feel comfortable yet, this is the LIVE you won’t wanna miss!
Today on lunch time live we will discuss the most common questions and concerns we get n stem cell therapy. If you’ve been considering stem cell therapy, but don’t feel comfortable yet, this is the LIVE you won’t wanna miss! FAQs about Stem Cell Therapy
Neck pain? Want to avoid surgery? • Sometimes no matter how many injections or surgeries you have, pain still persists. • In this video we are doing a procedure called a radio frequency ablation (RFA). This helps to deadens the nerves around the joints in your neck that transmit #pain. • It takes less than a half hour to perform and you can return to your daily activities after! • Looking for better solutions to #neckpain ? We can help! 407-730-5600.
Today we’re discussing how permanent stem cell therapy is and should you need to do it again, how often should you do it?
Today we’re discussing how permanent stem cell therapy is and should you need to do it again, how often should you do it? Stem Cell therapy
Are the traditional treatments for your back pain just not working? • We see many people in our office who have been through countless medications, therapies, steroid injections, surgeries.... and they STILL struggle with pain. • Why? Because many of these methods are NOT addressing their pain. Only their symptoms. • At Regen, we’re dedicated providing a remedy for that very problem by using regenerative medicine to help you actually HEAL. • In this picture Dr. C is delivering bone marrow from this particular individuals own body back into their spine. Directly at the source of their problem. • Bone Marrow is one of 2 sources of #stemcells that come from your own body. Introducing these to the area of concern helps spark the natural healing potential of our bodies! • Want to know more about natural healing? Call our office to schedule a consult with Dr. C. Don’t spend another holiday season in pain.
Happy Holidays from our work family!! • Hope you all have a joyful holiday season!
Have you ever considered the long term affects of taking pain medicines, having surgery, or using steroids? Unfortunately so much of “modern healthcare” revolves around these 3 things. And unfortunately these 3 methods often don’t directly address the problem and many people still have pain! BUT what if there was a way to heal and fight off the degenerative process without harmful chemicals, surgeries, and potentially addictive drugs. The answer to that question is in your own pelvis. Our bone marrow is a plentiful source of stem cells - the natural building blocks of our bodies - which can be used to help you heal broken down joints, bulging disks, and crush pain. Your own pelvis could have the keys to you getting out of pain and back to the life you enjoy. Call our office for a consultation and take your first into being pain free. 407-730-5600.
Happy birthday to these 2 December gems! • We wouldn’t have the practice and offer the service to our clients we do without these 2. • Thanks Denise and Courtney for being rockstars!
Interested in helping your #backpain without medicine, surgery, or steroids? • We do that here. Did you know more people suffer from chronic pain than diabetes in America? • The problem is so much of your pain is treated by addressing the symptoms and not the cause. • Dr. C specializes in #stemcelltherapy especially for the spine and has done nearly 20k procedures just like this one. • Doesn’t your body deserve natural healing? Without the side effects of drugs and surgery? • Schedule your consultation and take the first step in getting rid of your pain.... permanently. 407-730-5600
How will you step into #2021? • Will you conquer pain and limitations this year? Will you step away from taking pain Medications to get by? • Or, will you continue to go through the same process is that leave you limited in life? • More people suffer from chronic pain in the United States than diabetes. The problem is, people treat their pain with medications, steroid injections, and surgeries. • It’s time for a better solution. At Regen we believe in the power of natural healing by harvesting our bodies on ability to heal itself. • Call our office today at 407 Dash 730–5600 and take your first step into making 2021 your best year… #painfree
Have an MRI that you want another opinion on? • Many people are sent for these imaging studies to determine the amount of damage they may have inside their back, shoulder, or knee. • The problem is a lot people who see tears will immediately turn to surgery BUT surgery is not always the best option. • Did you know we can help minor to moderate tears, damage, and degeneration with regenerative medicine? • No surgery. No medicines. Ask us how! Click the links on our page or call our office directly at 407-730-5600. #mri #regenerativemedicine #orlandodoctor
‼️Important message. How do you choose the best facility for stem cell therapy? • With all the hype surrounding stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine it’s important you educate yourself on who is offering these services. ESPECIALLY when it comes to joints and the spine. • Tips: ✅ The doctor offering these procedures should be an actual MD - medical doctor ✅ This MD should be trained in sports medicine, spine, or orthopedics ✅ Image guidance should always be used when performing these injections in joints or the spine - no blind needle poking allowed. • Considering stem cell therapy? Give our office a call at 407-730-5600 and experience the different regenerative medicine can make on your life. • No more medicines. No unnecessary surgery. #stemcelldoctor #orlandotopdoctor #stemcelltherapy
Hey #Orlando! Will you let pain and limitations continue to hold you back in the new year? • With all the talk of how difficult 2020 was and how 2021 is going to be brighter and full of positive change, how will you change your life? • How will you make 2021 the year you conquer pain and get back to those things you love doing: enjoying the outdoors; playing with your kids/grandkids; doing that marathon; finally losing that weight? • The problem is, so many people rely on medicines to make it through their day. Why not rely on the power of your body to heal itself. • We believe in using regenerative medicine and the power and #stemcelltherapy to conquer your pain. Want to learn more? • Our office is open and accepting new consults! Call us 407-730-5600.
Happy New Year everyone! May 2021 bring you joy, happiness, and health. • What are you looking forward to in 2021?
Infusion Friday! • Did you know we have IV infusion therapy in our office? Now you do! • In this infusion treatment we are using glutathione to help with cellular detoxing. This helps with general body inflammation. • We lose and regenerate millions of cells everyday. The dying process of cells in our body causes inflammation. • Glutathione helps rid your body of these dying cells and decrease general inflammation. • This is just of the many IV treatments to help you look and feel your best!
New swag and new wall art! • Last year we went through a class in branding and how to stand out from those around you. • We decided to come up with a new tag line: Kicking Pain Making Gains Taking Names • We believe as a healthcare consumer (“patient”), you’re entitled to the best customer service, the time you need to discuss your problems, and a better understanding of the treatment options. • You also should be given the option to heal naturally - without over prescribed drugs and surgery as the first choice. • At Regen we believe in the power of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy to help you kick pain and make those gains! • Get back the time and energy that pain has cost you.
Today we’re discussing hormone pellets and how these little guys can help balance your fatigue, mood, energy, and even joint pain. Hormone Replacement Therapy
Want to learn more about hormone replacement therapy? And how it can help you with: ✅ irritability ✅ fatigue ✅ muscle and joint pain ✅ restlessness at night ✅ mental fogginess • We’re going to be discussing how you could benefit from bio identical hormones today on Lunch Time Live. • Don’t miss it!!
‼️Attention elbow pain sufferers‼️ • Tennis elbow and golfers elbow can be terribly difficult to get rid of. It can agree you your grip, your sleep and your ability to exercise or play a sport. • Typical treatments include steroid injections which have been shown to cause further damage to soft tissues over time, prolonging your problem. • Medications, which come with a slew of side affects • And activity modifications or bracing. Who has time for that? • You often hear about professional sports players using PRP for their elbow pain. Well guess what, PRP isn’t just for professional athletes. • PRP comes directly from your own blood and can be used a catalyst for natural healing and as an anti inflammatory. • Here’s what to do: 1️⃣ Call our office to schedule a consultation. 2️⃣ Have your 1 on 1 half hour consultation with our medical doctor 3️⃣ Come up with a treatment plan that’s get you back to being pain free. #elbowpain #prp #regenerativemedicine
Diabetic neuropathy frustrating you? • If you’re a #diabetic you know all too well about diabetic neuropathy. • Until now we used to think there was no treatment to help it other than taking nerve medicines or antidepressants. These medicines come with a broad range of potential side effects including: 😴Drowsiness 💩Diarrhea 🍩 Weight gain 🥴Blurry vision • 🩸 Now we know there is power of healing in your own blood? • At our office we can draw off your blood, spin it down to separate the platelets, which are the cells responsible for signaling healing, and then inject this platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the areas of neuropathy. • This PRP can help stimulate healing and repair of the nervous tissue in your feet. • Tired of living off the meds that don’t actually help your neuropathy? Call our office for a consult. 407-730-5600
While regenerative therapies are changing the world around us, there’s one key element that you need to know about... • Any qualified healthcare provider can stick a needle in your joint.... BUT, making sure that needle is in the right place so you can maximize the healing process is key. • Wherever you go for regenerative therapies, regardless of the joint, they should be using some sort of image guidance to make sure the therapy is going to the exact spot you need. • AND, in order to know where the best spot is, you should’ve had an MRI done prior to the procedure. #orlandoflorida #lakenona #regenerativemedicine #stemcelltherapy
If you’ve had multiple steroid injections you could be causing more harm to your joints than you think. • Steroids are a wonderful tool for relieving pain, BUT too much of good thing, isn’t always a good thing. • Reducing pain is always a good thing, but at what expense of you use too many steroids. Dr. C explains why in this video. #steroidfree #jointpain #orlandoflorida #stemcelltherapy
Today we’re discussing hormone pellets and how these little guys can help balance your fatigue, mood, energy, and even joint pain.
Today we’re discussing hormone pellets and how these little guys can help balance your fatigue, mood, energy, and even joint pain. Hormone Replacement Therapy
Want to learn more about hormone replacement therapy? And how it can help you with: ✅ irritability ✅ fatigue ✅ muscle and joint pain ✅ restlessness at night ✅ mental fogginess • We’re going to be discussing how you could benefit from bio identical hormones today on Lunch Time Live. • Don’t miss it!!
#liquidgold comes from your own blood! • Most people don’t realize that medicines and steroids don’t help “fix” anything. They only serve to mask and Cover up pain but don’t address the cause of said pain. • Using PRP (platelet rich plasma) which is A product of your own blood can help reduce inflammation and spark natural healing. • This can be done in our office and takes less than an hour from start to finish. And you get to go home the same day. • Who’s up for natural healing? Call our office at 407-730-5600. #naturalhealing #prp #nosurgeryneeded
We used to think getting rid of elbow pain was a matter of braces, therapy and steroids... • Now there is a better way! • Platelet rich plasma or PRP is derived from your own blood. No chemicals. No possible side effects. Just your own blood 🩸 Your blood has the ability to signal healing. By drawing some of your blood and spinning it in a centrifuge, the blood will separate into layers. The yellowish color layer, which you see in this picture, is the PRP. • This PRP is loaded with anti-inflammatories and platelet switch signal healing. • Wouldn’t you rather give your body the opportunity to heal naturally rather than take medicines or have steroid injections that potentially have other harmful side effects? • Schedule your first step to better healing by clicking the link in our bio for an appointment with Dr. C. • • • #prp #regenerativemedicine #elbowpain
How about some natural healing for your neck pain? • Are you tired of feeling: 🤕The headaches 😩The tingling in the arms 😴The sleepness nights 😤The pain when using your phone or computer • Frustration doesn’t even begin to describe how neck pain can change your life. The biggest problem we see is that neck pain is typically treated with medicines and steroids. • While we believe whole heartedly in physical therapy- what happens when when all these attempts fail? Surgery??!! 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️🙅 • You deserve healing that works. That’s why we offer regenerative medicine treatments that use your own body’s natural ability to heal. • Want to know more? Call our office at 678-383-7246 and schedule your first step towards natural healing and living a pain free life without the thought of reoccurring pain.
How does surgery actually affect your body? And for how long? We’re talking about it today - LIVE!
How does surgery actually affect your body? And for how long? We’re talking about it today - LIVE! Surgery - The Real Deal
If you're considering back surgery, you might want to listent to this. Back surgery doesn't fix all of your pain - the reason? Your back pain doesnt come from just one area. Dr. C breaks down the lower back and how its structured in this video. If you're looking for a better way to eliminate back pain - regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy could be for you! #regenerativemedicineorlando #naturalbackpainrelief #stemcelldoctor
Don't you deserve the best experience when you're at the doctor? We think so. #doctortestimony #orlandodoctor #orlandostemcell
Rocking the eye of the tiger today! Did you know Dr. C is an LSU medical school grad? • Where did you all go to school? Geaux Tigers! #eyeofthetiger #regenerativemedicine #medicalschool
Today we will feature a guest to talk more about hormone replacement and how it has changed his life. If you’ve been considering HRT, you won’t want to miss it.
Today we will feature a guest to talk more about hormone replacement and how it has changed his life. If you’ve been considering HRT, you won’t want to miss it. More on Hormones
#liquidgold comes from your own blood! • Most people don’t realize that medicines and steroids don’t help “fix” anything. They only serve to mask and Cover up pain but don’t address the cause of said pain. • Using PRP (platelet rich plasma) which is A product of your own blood can help reduce inflammation and spark natural healing. • This can be done in our office and takes less than an hour from start to finish. And you get to go home the same day. • Who’s up for natural healing? Call our office at 407-730-5600. #naturalhealing #prp #nosurgeryneeded
Many people have steroid injections to help reduce pain and inflammation BUT are you aware of the long term affects these could have on your joints? We’re going to talk about it today on LUNCH TIME LIVE!
Many people have steroid injections to help reduce pain and inflammation BUT are you aware of the long term affects these could have on your joints? We’re going to talk about it today on LUNCH TIME LIVE! The truth about steroids...
Diabetic neuropathy causes tingling, numbness, burning, and even loss of sensation. The main way its treated is usually with medicines that come with a slew of side effects. These medicines often only help with the symptoms but never change the progression of neuropathy. At Regen, we can use #plateletrichplasma from your own blood. This #prp as it’s commonly called, can help stimulate the repair of the nerves and actually reduce the symptoms. Who wouldn’t want that? Suffering from #diabeticneuropathy doesn’t have to be your reality. Click the link in our bio or call our office at 407-730-5600 and schedule your PRP consultation today!
If you're considering back surgery, you might want to listent to this. Back surgery doesn't fix all of your pain - the reason? Your back pain doesnt come from just one area. Dr. C breaks down the lower back and how its structured in this video. If you're looking for a better way to eliminate back pain - regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy could be for you! #regenerativemedicineorlando #naturalbackpainrelief #stemcelldoctor
Don't you deserve the best experience when you're at the doctor? We think so. #doctortestimony #orlandodoctor #orlandostemcell
Rocking the eye of the tiger today! Did you know Dr. C is an LSU medical school grad? • Where did you all go to school? Geaux Tigers! #eyeofthetiger #regenerativemedicine #medicalschool
Did you know that your hormones could be a contributor to pain? • Many people think that hormones are responsible for your mood swings or level of fatigue. • BUT we also know they can contribute to: 💪 muscle and joint pain 😴 poor sleep quality 😦 anxiety and depression • We can test your levels and provide you with #bioidenticalhormones to bring more balance to your life. • Want to feel like your youthful self? Schedule your #agemanagement consultation with us! #hormones #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #hormonemonster #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonereplacement #hormonedoctor #hormonedoctororlando #orlando #orlandodoctor #regenerativemedicine #regenerativemedicinecenter #doyoustemcell #centralfl
Degenerative disc disease is a common diagnosis that can often leave you feeling hopeless. Want to find out some better options than pain meds and waiting around for surgery? We’re talking about it LIVE today!
Degenerative disc disease is a common diagnosis that can often leave you feeling hopeless. Want to find out some better options than pain meds and waiting around for surgery? We’re talking about it LIVE today! Treatment options for degenerative discs
#surgery and #medicines aren’t your only choices! • Your body has a really amazing ability to heal itself. You get a cut or a bruise amd what happens?! It heals! How does it do that? • Blood signals the body’s natural profession of healing. The problem is, not every part of our body has the blood flow we need to signal this healing. • This is true of discs in our back and the cartilage in our knees. • So what can we do? Well, we can draw your blood in our office and then spin it down to separate these natural healing factors from the red blood cells. • This is called #PRP and it’s the yellowish color liquid in the syringe in the picture. PRP is loaded with natural healing factors that when injected into cartilage can spark the natural healing process. • Helping you avoid surgery in some cases. • If you’re dealing with pain and are tired of limiting your life while waiting for surgery, isn’t it time you thought about #regenerativemedicine? • Our office is ready to serve you as get tired back to living life to the fullest. Click the link in our bio to learn more and to schedule 📱 407-730-5500.
Many people have steroid injections to help reduce pain and inflammation BUT are you aware of the long term affects these could have on your joints? We’re going to talk about it today on LUNCH TIME LIVE!
Many people have steroid injections to help reduce pain and inflammation BUT are you aware of the long term affects these could have on your joints? We’re going to talk about it today on LUNCH TIME LIVE! The truth about steroids...
Chronic headaches got you down? What if there was a different treatment? We’re discussing those treatments today on our weekly LIVE.
Chronic headaches got you down? What if there was a different treatment? We’re discussing those treatments today on our weekly LIVE. Hope for headaches
😣 #KneePain got you down? 🔨 Can’t Work? 😴 Can’t Sleep? 🤩 Can’t have fun? You only have one life! Why continue to live it with pain? Pain happens some times inevitably. Suffering with pain is a choice. The problem with typical treatments is they include #steroids, which could cause more damage, and #surgery which inevitably lead to more surgery later. Why not use your body’s natural ability to heal through #regenerativemedicine and #stemcelltherapy ? Here’s a list of pains we can help with 👇: #lowbackpain #neckpain #midbackpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #elbowpain #footpain #anklepain #triggerpoints #headaches #degenerativediscs #sciatica #rotatorcufftear #meniscustear #herniateddiscs #diabeticneuropathy #plantasfasciitis #golferselbow #tenniselbow
One of our patients had been through almost every treatment imaginable without relief.... • Insert #stemcelltherapy into his life and have a listen to what happened. #orlandodoctor #orlandostemcelltherapy #stemcelldoctor
Did you know that your hormones could be a contributor to pain? • Many people think that hormones are responsible for your mood swings or level of fatigue. • BUT we also know they can contribute to: 💪 muscle and joint pain 😴 poor sleep quality 😦 anxiety and depression • We can test your levels and provide you with #bioidenticalhormones to bring more balance to your life. • Want to feel like your youthful self? Schedule your #agemanagement consultation with us! #hormones #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #hormonemonster #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonereplacement #hormonedoctor #hormonedoctororlando #orlando #orlandodoctor #regenerativemedicine #regenerativemedicinecenter #doyoustemcell #centralfl
Degenerative disc disease is a common diagnosis that can often leave you feeling hopeless. Want to find out some better options than pain meds and waiting around for surgery? We’re talking about it LIVE today!
#neuropathy can be so frustrating as #diabetic. You’re suffering with tingling, numbness, and loss of sensation in your feet. Traditionally it’s controlled with medicines that have a slew of potential #sideeffects Want a better option? An option that could actually restore some of your sensation? We offer #prp therapy that is shown to help with potential nerve regeneration. We start by drawing your blood, spinning to down to separate the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells. This plasma is loaded with natural regenerative healing properties that we can inject directly into the feet to help with #diabetic neuropathy! Wanna know more about PRP and #diabeticneuropathy? Schedule your consult today! 407-730-5600 #regenerativemedicine #stemcelltherapy #orlandofl
Chronic headaches got you down? What if there was a different treatment? We’re discussing those treatments today on our weekly LIVE.
Chronic headaches got you down? What if there was a different treatment? We’re discussing those treatments today on our weekly LIVE. Hope for headaches
😣 #KneePain got you down? 🔨 Can’t Work? 😴 Can’t Sleep? 🤩 Can’t have fun? You only have one life! Why continue to live it with pain? Pain happens some times inevitably. Suffering with pain is a choice. The problem with typical treatments is they include #steroids, which could cause more damage, and #surgery which inevitably lead to more surgery later. Why not use your body’s natural ability to heal through #regenerativemedicine and #stemcelltherapy ? Here’s a list of pains we can help with 👇: #lowbackpain #neckpain #midbackpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #elbowpain #footpain #anklepain #triggerpoints #headaches #degenerativediscs #sciatica #rotatorcufftear #meniscustear #herniateddiscs #diabeticneuropathy #plantasfasciitis #golferselbow #tenniselbow
One of our patients had been through almost every treatment imaginable without relief.... • Insert #stemcelltherapy into his life and have a listen to what happened. #orlandodoctor #orlandostemcelltherapy #stemcelldoctor
Did you know that your hormones could be a contributor to pain? • Many people think that hormones are responsible for your mood swings or level of fatigue. • BUT we also know they can contribute to: 💪 muscle and joint pain 😴 poor sleep quality 😦 anxiety and depression • We can test your levels and provide you with #bioidenticalhormones to bring more balance to your life. • Want to feel like your youthful self? Schedule your #agemanagement consultation with us! #hormones #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #hormonemonster #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonereplacement #hormonedoctor #hormonedoctororlando #orlando #orlandodoctor #regenerativemedicine #regenerativemedicinecenter #doyoustemcell #centralfl
Diabetic neuropathy frustrating you? • If you’re a #diabetic you know all too well about diabetic neuropathy. • Until now we used to think there was no treatment to help it other than taking nerve medicines or antidepressants. These medicines come with a broad range of potential side effects including: 😴Drowsiness 💩Diarrhea 🍩 Weight gain 🥴Blurry vision • 🩸 Now we know there is power of healing in your own blood? • At our office we can draw off your blood, spin it down to separate the platelets, which are the cells responsible for signaling healing, and then inject this platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the areas of neuropathy. • This PRP can help stimulate healing and repair of the nervous tissue in your feet. • Tired of living off the meds that don’t actually help your neuropathy? Call our office for a consult. 407-730-5600
#neuropathy can be so frustrating as #diabetic. You’re suffering with tingling, numbness, and loss of sensation in your feet. Traditionally it’s controlled with medicines that have a slew of potential #sideeffects Want a better option? An option that could actually restore some of your sensation? We offer #prp therapy that is shown to help with potential nerve regeneration. We start by drawing your blood, spinning to down to separate the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells. This plasma is loaded with natural regenerative healing properties that we can inject directly into the feet to help with #diabetic neuropathy! Wanna know more about PRP and #diabeticneuropathy? Schedule your consult today! 407-730-5600 #regenerativemedicine #stemcelltherapy #orlandofl
Chronic headaches got you down? What if there was a different treatment? We’re discussing those treatments today on our weekly LIVE.
Chronic headaches got you down? What if there was a different treatment? We’re discussing those treatments today on our weekly LIVE. Hope for headaches
😣 #KneePain got you down? 🔨 Can’t Work? 😴 Can’t Sleep? 🤩 Can’t have fun? You only have one life! Why continue to live it with pain? Pain happens some times inevitably. Suffering with pain is a choice. The problem with typical treatments is they include #steroids, which could cause more damage, and #surgery which inevitably lead to more surgery later. Why not use your body’s natural ability to heal through #regenerativemedicine and #stemcelltherapy ? Here’s a list of pains we can help with 👇: #lowbackpain #neckpain #midbackpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #elbowpain #footpain #anklepain #triggerpoints #headaches #degenerativediscs #sciatica #rotatorcufftear #meniscustear #herniateddiscs #diabeticneuropathy #plantasfasciitis #golferselbow #tenniselbow
One of our patients had been through almost every treatment imaginable without relief.... • Insert #stemcelltherapy into his life and have a listen to what happened. #orlandodoctor #orlandostemcelltherapy #stemcelldoctor
Runner's knee can cause intense pain and limit you from participating in events and #marathons. Before you opt in for surgery or give up on your passion for running, consider #stemcelltherapy. How does it work? We draw your blood and then separate the healing #prp (platelet rich plasma). The PRP is then injected into the cartilage area at the pain points. If you're dealing with joint pain, consider regenerative options with us. Schedule a consultation today at 407-730-5500. What questions do you have or what type of pain are you currently experiencing? #pain #marathon #surgery #healing #jointpain #running #runnersknee #orlando #orlandoflorida #orlandofl #jointpain #elowpain #backpainrelief #regenerativemedicine #painfree #plateletrichplasma #nervepain #runningcommunity #runninginjury #marathonrunner #kneepainrelief
We appreciate our clients and patients so much! Your reviews and testimonials are a constant reminder of why we love what we do! #clients #patients #reviews #testimonial #orlando #orlandoflorida #lakenona #orlandofl #orlandobusiness #lakenonasocial #lakenonamedical #lakenonalife #lakenonatowncenter #lakenonaorlando #orlandodoctor #stemcelltherapy #jointpain #backpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #neckpain #elbowpain #backpainrelief #regenerativemedicine #painfree #prp #stemcells
Do you have consistent #backpain ? Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), involves heating a part of a pain-transmitting nerve with a radiofrequency needle. This desired result is to prevent the nerve from sending pain signals to the brain. RFA treatment typically provides longer-lasting pain relief compared to other therapeutic injections. What questions or concerns do you have? Book your consultation with us to see if RFA is the answer to zap your pain away. #linkinbio #regenerativesportspinanadspadotcom / / / / / #pain #treatment #radiofrequencyablation #painrelief #stemcelltherapy #jointpain #backpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #neckpain #elowpain #backpainrelief #regenerativemedicine #painfree #prp #plateletrichplasma #stemcells #stemcelldoctor #nervepain #orlando #orlandoflorida #lakenona #orlandofl #orlandobusiness #lakenonalife
Stem cell therapy is a hot topic that is showing up every where these days, so how do you know which stem cell therapy center to go to? How can you make sure the procedure will actually for your particular pain? Today on lunch time LIVE we're giving the do's and don'ts.
Stem cell therapy is a hot topic that is showing up every where these days, so how do you know which stem cell therapy center to go to? How can you make sure the procedure will actually for your particular pain? Today on lunch time LIVE we're giving the do's and don'ts. How to find the right stem cell provider
Diabetic neuropathy frustrating you? • If you’re a #diabetic you know all too well about diabetic neuropathy. • Until now we used to think there was no treatment to help it other than taking nerve medicines or antidepressants. These medicines come with a broad range of potential side effects including: 😴Drowsiness 💩Diarrhea 🍩 Weight gain 🥴Blurry vision • 🩸 Now we know there is power of healing in your own blood? • At our office we can draw off your blood, spin it down to separate the platelets, which are the cells responsible for signaling healing, and then inject this platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the areas of neuropathy. • This PRP can help stimulate healing and repair of the nervous tissue in your feet. • Tired of living off the meds that don’t actually help your neuropathy? Call our office for a consult. 407-730-5600
It's #stpatricksday and we want to keep you feeling great Orlando! Here's an easy way to boost energy with a classic green smoothie recipe by The Honour System. Drink one of these green beauties daily for optimum health. The key to a creamy green smoothie is a frozen banana. Ingredients: 1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk or milk of choice 2.5 cups water 1.5 cups frozen blueberries 1 frozen banana 2 scoops protein powder optional 2 scoops wheatgrass powder optional 4 cups torn kale 4 cups spinach Blend until smooth (unless you like to chew your smoothie) What's your favorite way to get your greens in? #instafood #greenbeauty #vegans #smoothie #energy #recipes #optimumhealth #greengoodness
#surgery and #medicines aren’t your only choices! • Your body has a really amazing ability to heal itself. You get a cut or a bruise and what happens?! It heals! How does it do that? • Blood signals the body’s natural profession of healing. The problem is, not every part of our body has the blood flow we need to signal this healing. • This is true of discs in our back and the cartilage in our knees. • If you’re dealing with pain and are tired of limiting your lifestyle, isn’t it time you thought about #regenerativemedicine? • Our office is ready to serve you. Click the link in our bio to learn more and to schedule 📱 407-730-5500. #healing #pain #lifestyle #regenerativemedicine #stemcelltherapy #jointpain #backpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #neckpain #elbowpain #backpainrelief #regenerativemedicine #painfree #prp #plateletrichplasma #stemcells #neuropathy #stemcelldoctor #nervepain
PRP from Your own blood can be a source of healing for sexual dysfunction problems like erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness. We’re talking about it today! Lunch time live.
PRP from Your own blood can be a source of healing for sexual dysfunction problems like erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness. We’re talking about it today! Lunch time live. Natural healing for sexual dysfunction
Here’s a list of pains we can help with 👇: #neckpain #backpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #elbowpain #footpain #anklepain #headaches #degenerativediscs #sciatica #rotatorcufftear #meniscustear #herniateddiscs #diabeticneuropathy #plantasfasciitis #golferselbow #tenniselbow #arthritis
We love helping our patients and clients improve their wellbeing so we also want to know the best places to refer them to in Orlando for additional healthy lifestyle choices. Tag your favorite #yogastudio or #yogainstructor in Orlando! #orlando #orlandoflorida #lakenona #orlandofl #orlandobusiness #lakenonasocial #lakenonamedical #lakenonalife #lakenonatowncenter #lakenonaorlando
With great weather on the way and outdoor activities on the calendar, will you be able to participate fully? Today we’re talking about that knee pain that is keeping you from enjoying favorite golf game, tennis match or simply enjoying your favorite past time with your kids. Steroids injections and pills will only give you short term relief. If you’re looking for a more permanent, better solution to your knee pain, we will be discussing stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine for knees today on lunch time LIVE!
With great weather on the way and outdoor activities on the calendar, will you be able to participate fully? Today we’re talking about that knee pain that is keeping you from enjoying favorite golf game, tennis match or simply enjoying your favorite past time with your kids. Steroids injections and pills will only give you short term relief. If you’re looking for a more permanent, better solution to your knee pain, we will be discussing stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine for knees today on lunch time LIVE! Summer is coming! Will you spend it in pain?
We know you have so many questions about #regenerativemedicine. We go live every Monday at 12pm EST on our FB page to answer those questions and discuss topics on #jointpainrelief #stemcelltherapy #prptherapy #backpain #hippain #neuropathy #shoulderpain And more! Join us every Monday! What questions do you want Dr. C and Daniel to answer?
Spring is here! Don't let your chronic pain hold you back, book a consult with us today. You only have one life! Why continue to live it with pain? Typical treatments include #steroids, which could cause more damage. Why not use your body’s natural ability to heal through #regenerativemedicine and #stemcelltherapy ? Here’s a list of pains we can help with 👇: #lowbackpain #neckpain #midbackpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #elbowpain #footpain #anklepain #triggerpoints #headaches #degenerativediscs #sciatica #rotatorcufftear #meniscustear #herniateddiscs #diabeticneuropathy #plantasfasciitis #golferselbow #tenniselbow
Where is your favorite spot to play #beachvolleyball or any sand sport? We want to feature the best people ,places and things in Orlando to support our community and keep you inspired to lead healthy lifestyles. Look for a new " Best of" post and nominate your local favorites #orlando #orlandoflorida #lakenona #orlandofl #orlandobusiness #lakenonasocial #lakenonamedical #lakenonalife #lakenonatowncenter #lakenonaorlando #healthylifestyle #florida #lifestyle #localfavorite
Are you suffering with tingling, numbness, and loss of sensation in your feet? We offer #prptherapy that is shown to help with potential nerve regeneration. We start by drawing your blood, spinning it down to separate the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells. This plasma is loaded with natural regenerative healing properties that we can inject directly into the feet to help with #diabeticneuropathy! Wanna know more about PRP and #diabetic neuropathy? Schedule your consult today! 407-730-5600 #healing #feet #foot #healingproperties #stemcelltherapy #jointpain #regenerativemedicine #painfree #plateletrichplasma #stemcells #neuropathy #stemcelldoctor #nervepain #daibetestype2 #diabeticsupport #diabeticlife #footpain #diabeticproblems #painrelief
With stem cell therapy being touted as the next best thing, how do you know that you’re actually getting “stem cells?” Today we’re talking about real sources of stem cell therapy and what you should be watching out for at various doctors offices. What you should know about stem cell therapy...
What’s the BEST place to get stem cells? 🤫 Hint, it’s not from amniotic tissue or Wharton’s jelly like so many clinics advertise. Science shows the best source of live stem cells come from your own body. Specifically your bone marrow. Why chose bone marrow? Simply - surgery may set up for the need for more surgery later. And medicines have an array of side effects including addiction. Why choose us? 1️⃣ Dr. C has done more than 20,000 procedures in her career 2️⃣ She has been performing regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy procedures in the spine longer than anyone else on the east coast 3️⃣ At our office you’re never treated like a number on a page. You deserve the time to discuss your care and have a team advocate for your healing. Book your consult now by calling us at 407.730.5500 #stemcelltherapy #jointpain #backpain #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #neckpain #elowpain #backpainrelief #regenerativemedicine #painfree #stemcells #neuropathy #stemcelldoctor #nervepain #patientcentered #patientsupport #notjustanumber
Tell us the best spot in #orlando to grab #brunch! We love supporting our #orlandocommunity and we really love hearing from all of you! So give us the details on the best spot for ... #eggsbenedict #frenchtoast #mimosas #breakfasttacos #beignets and more! #orlando #orlandoflorida #orlandobusiness #lakenonasocial #florida #brunch #bestbrunch #instafood #instabrunch #brunchideas #brunchgoals #brunchlife #weekendadventures #weekendbrunch #orlandofoodies #orlandofoodie
Join us live every Monday for detailed information on regenerative medicine! What topics or questions do you have for Dr.C to discuss? Tell us in the comments or book your consultation today. #linkinbio #regenerativemedicine #questions #comments #live #bookyourconsultation #facebooklive #askdoctorc #stemcelltherapy #jointpainrelief #backpainrelief #hippain #kneepain #shoulderpain #neckpain #elbowpain #backpain #regenerativemedicine #painfree #prp #plateletrichplasma #stemcells #neuropathy #stemcelldoctor #nervepain #orlandolocal #centralflorida #askthedoctor
#throwbackthursday post from our write up in @centralfloridamonthly. What other local magazines and editorials do you follow? #orlando #orlandoflorida #lakenona #orlandofl #orlandobusiness #lakenonasocial #lakenonamedical #lakenonalife #lakenonatowncenter #lakenonaorlando #orlandoblog #orlandoblogger #centralflorida #orlandodoctor
At Regen we believe in the power of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy to help you kick pain and make those gains! Get back the time and energy that pain has cost you. Call us today to schedule a consult at 407-730-5500. #regenerativemedicine  #prptherapy  #pain  #backpaintreatment #backpainrelief  #stemcelltherapy  #orlandofitness  #orlandoflorida  #lakenona  #orlandofl  #orlandobusiness  #lakenonasocial #lakenonamedicalcity  #lakenonalife  #lakenonaorlando #lifestyleinspo  #over40fitness  #over50 #over40beauty #over50andfabulous #over40style #hippain #shoulderpain


Company name
Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa in Orlando FL?
    You can reach them at: 407-204-0963. It’s best to call Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa during business hours.
  • What is the address for Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa on moss park road in Orlando?
    Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa is located at this address: 10920 Moss Park Road Orlando, FL 32832.
  • What are Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa(Orlando, FL) store hours?
    Regenerative Sport, Spine and Spa store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 8:30AM - 4:30PM, Fri: 8:30AM - 3:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.