Dr. Peter G. Reichl, DDS, MS is a Board Certified Orthodontist. He is a Dentofacial Orthodontic Specialist and provides orthodontic treatment to children, teens and adults using traditional braces, ceramic braces and clear, Invisalign aligners to straighten and improve the alignment of their teeth. Dr. Reichl is an Elite Invisalign provider and an AcceleDent provider. Reichl Orthodontics has 3 convenient locations in Waukesha County with offices in Hartland, Mukwonago and Waukesha. Visit our website at ReichlOrtho.com or email us at JustSmile@ReichlOrtho.com for more information or to schedule a complimentary evaluation and begin your journey to a beautiful smile. Office Hours: Mondays 8-5, Tuesdays 8-5, Wednesdays 9-6, Thursdays 8-5 and Fridays 8-12 or 7-4.