Reid Dermatology

(on chester boulevard)
Doctors in Richmond, IN


7:45AM - 5:00PM
7:45AM - 5:00PM
7:45AM - 5:00PM
7:45AM - 5:00PM
7:45AM - 5:00PM


1434 Chester Boulevard
Richmond, IN


Dr. Stone sees babies and young children with skin issues, teens with acne, and adults with growths on their skin.

Established patients can contact their provider about Reid HealthNOW virtual visit options


Reid Dermatology Photo Reid Dermatology Photo


Learn more about Reid's Safe Pathways initiative. Dr. Jennifer Bales reviews the guidelines implemented throughout our healthcare system to ensure patients, customers, and employees are safeguarded during COVID-19. For more information visit
Wondering what to have for lunch? How about a taco! October 4 is #NationalTacoDay. Last year Americans ate over 4.5 billion tacos! That’s 490,000 miles of tacos, which could take you to the moon and back. For more information visit And for the delicious recipe below -- visit:
National Midwifery Week (#NMW2020) was created by ACNM to celebrate and recognize midwives and midwife-led care. Help us celebrate Reid's midwives Oct. 4-10
Checking up on your emotional wellbeing doesn’t have to wait. For #NationalDepressionScreeningDay, take a free, online behavioral health screen – instantaneously and anonymously.
October's edition of #ReidBesideYou is out now. Join host Sharrie Harlin Davis as she discusses Advanced Practice Providers. Missed the telecast? View it on YouTube:
#ReidNews Hospice patient exceeds predictions: 'I don't give up' REIDHEALTH.ORG Hospice patient exceeds predictions: ‘I don’t give up’
#ReidNews October Ambassador 'tries to make everyone's day better' REIDHEALTH.ORG October Ambassador ‘tries to make everyone’s day better’
'Germ-zapping robots' team expands to four. REIDHEALTH.ORG Reid Health increases germ-zapping robot team
Reid Health has a special announcement, as we pause, in this prayerful moment. Gracious Lord, As we continue to wrestle with wanting to move back into some normal activities in various social settings continue to guide us along the way. Give us wisdom to make good decisions about moving forward or waiting a bit longer. Give us peace and courage for the many adjustments yet to be made in the days and weeks ahead. Give us patience and respect for those who hold a different opinion on the matter than we do. Give us kindness as we continue this journey together. Amen! With Gratitude to Rick Alvey, Chaplain Reid Health, for this prayerful moment.
#Wellness Managing arthritis pain with low-impact activities #WorldArthritisDay
Reid Health is VisionFirst's Hospital of the Year in recognition of our donor program. REIDHEALTH.ORG Reid Health ‘Hospital of the Year’ with donor organization
#Wellness: Do you have a skin allergy? #EczemaAwarenessMonth
Oct. 19-23 Reid is recognizing our amazing Advanced Practice Providers. APPs play a vital role in administering the best care to our patients across several disciplines. Meet five of Reid's own APPs. #APPWeek Noelle Armstrong is a physician assistant at Reid Orthopedic and Spine.
-Back up your files- If you rarely clean your desktop, then it is safe to assume that you barely back up your files. So here’s an idea; do both! Back up your files to a secured hard drive and delete them from your computer. -Organize your things- Question, can you see the background picture on your desktop? Or is it being camouflaged by the army of documents on your screen? If the answer is yes, then SMH. Clean it up! Organize your files by archiving them into folders. -Let it go- Let it go, let it gooooo! Sorry, that song is catchy so we couldn’t help but reference Frozen. All jokes aside though, let go of those files you’ve been holding to. Do you really need that screenshot from 3 years ago? Trash it if the answer is no.
#ReidEats: Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese Full recipe available here --
#Wellness: Mammogram screening: Choosing what's best for you
Whitewater Community Television October 16 at 4:11 PM · 📺 Join us LIVE at 2 p.m. today for another 𝘼𝙨𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙤𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙨 program with Dr. David Jetmore and Christine Stinson of Wayne County Health Department and Dr. Thomas Huth of Reid Health!
This week we celebrate respiratory therapists because TOGETHER, WE SAVE LIVES. #RCWEEK20
#ReidEats: Apple & Carrot Pancakes - visit here for the full recipe.
Thanks to our wonderful pharmacy colleagues for continuing to make a difference in patient care! #PharmacyStrong #PharmacyWeek
Happy Medical Assistant's Week from Outpatient Behavioral Health-Richmond. #MAWeek
HAPPY #MAWEEK to our Reid Family Health Medical Assistants! We are so lucky to have you on our team! Thank you for all you do!
National Pharmacy Week (happening now!) is an annual observance that acknowledges the invaluable contributions that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians make to patient care in hospitals, ambulatory care clinics, and other healthcare settings. #PharmacyWeek
Thank you for uplifting these vital members of any hospital team. #RCWEEK20
We hope everyone enjoys a happy and safe Halloween.
#Wellness: 9 screening tests women need to know about
#ReidNews HIP extension good news for thousands in Reid Health Service area REIDHEALTH.ORG HIP extension good news for thousands in Reid Health Service area
Safety is a priority at Reid Health. We recognize the positive impact a loved one’s support can have on a patient’s physical and emotional well-being and recovery; however, we must prioritize the safety of our staff, patients, and their families. Please click here for updated visitation requirements. Families of hospitalized patients are encouraged to designate a family representative to provide regular updates. Reid has iPads available for visual communication. Visit for further details.
Tune in Thursday night at 7:30PM for this week's story - Remarkably You
November ambassador steps in to help coworkers REIDHEALTH.ORG November Ambassador steps in to help coworkers
#ReidNews COIVD-19 hospitalizations exceed record at Reid Health
Introducing November’s Ambassador, Darren Roberts of Patient Financial Services. #reidambassador
This month's edition of #ReidBesideYou has premiered. If you missed it last night, check your local listings for the next airing. You can also find it on Whitewater Community Television YouTube page. Search: "Reid beside you"
As many people in the United States begin to plan for fall and winter holiday celebrations, the CDC offers considerations to help protect individuals and their families, friends, and communities from COVID-19.
Tune in Thursday night at 7:30 PM for this week's story Rosie Revere Engineer.
#ReidEats: A savory stew to knock the wintry chill. Recipe here:
#Wellnessblog: Diabetes prevention is in your control #DiabetesDay
MON, NOV 23 AT 1:00 PM EST Let's Talk Open Enrollment
Help us celebrate our RTs for Radiologic Technology Week! #NRTW2020
We know that “COVID fatigue” is a thing, but we also know that it just as important now (if not more important) to remain vigilant in the fight against the virus. IHACONNECT.ORG Indiana Hospitals Express Support for the Governor’s Actions
#Wellnessblog: GERD: What is gastroesophageal reflux disease? #GERDAwarenessWeek
#ReidEats: Enjoy this unique dessert for the holidays. Click here for the full recipe:
As we approach Giving Tuesday and people make plans for year-end giving, your donations play a crucial role in helping us make a difference in the lives of the millions living with diabetes. Because at the end of the day, Advancement > Acceptance. Learn how you can support the American Diabetes Association at
Reid Health Diabetes educator Allanna A. details how to support yourself, or someone you may know, after a diabetes diagnosis. #DiabetesAwarenessMonth
Because of tightened visitor restrictions on the main campus, payments can no longer be dropped off at 1100 Reid Parkway.
#Wellnessblog: What to know before a loved one begins hospice #HospiceMonth
Although it may not resemble festivities of Thanksgivings in the past, we all have to count our blessings this year. Reid wishes all a happy and safe holiday.
Thank God for Thanksgiving Day. :) YOUTUBE.COM Ben Rector - The Thanksgiving Song (Official Video)
CDC November 25 at 6:58 PM · This Thanksgiving, staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Also consider these tips: • Avoid crowds. Shop online sales the day after Thanksgiving and the days leading up to winter holidays. • Use contactless delivery or curbside pick-up for purchased items. • Shop in open-air markets and stay 6 feet away from others. More tips:
Reid Health registered dietitian and diabetes educator Jennifer S. details the risk factors for pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. #nationaldiabetesawarenessmonth
Reid Health Vice President Dr. Huth shares perspective on the current surge. TWITTER.COM The News with Shepard Smith on Twitter
Presenting December’s Ambassador of the Month, Mary Eversole, NP with Reid Hospitalists.
#Wellnessblog: Skin Tags 101
The Reid Ready Care Clinic located inside Richmond's Meijer store will be temporarily closed.
TUE, DEC 29 AT 7:30 AM EST Blood Drive
Tune in Thursday night at 7:30 PM for a special holiday storytime with Dr. Holmes.
#ReidNews December Ambassador cares for patients, coworkers
#ReidNews Reid Health to handle coronavirus vaccine program for region
"Tonight, area first responders, safety officers, firefighters and more are here to light up your night with a Parade of Support, surrounding the Reid campus. Please know these flashing red lights carry the gratitude and encouragement for your renewal of strength, delivered to you from emergency management groups everywhere, as well as your community. God of mercy, wrap your comforting blanket around our first responders and all caregivers at the frontlines of this pandemic. These are our Angels who so generously and courageously devote themselves to serving others. Protect them. Grant them courage when they are afraid, wisdom when they must make quick decisions, strength when they are weary, and compassion in all their work. When the alarm sounds and they are ALL called to aid both friend and stranger, let them faithfully serve with Care for one another. Amen." Randy Kirk 18 hrs · As Covid numbers continue to climb, an incredible display of support and encouragement tonight from area first responders to Reid Health care givers. These are our true heroes .
"Cold and flu season is here again. One of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs this time of year is to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. To keep fall and winter from becoming memorable for all the wrong reasons it's important to know the proper method of washing your hands. This is good not only for your own health but for the health of others too!"
"From feeling hungry in the morning to sleepy at night, your hormones influence almost every aspect of your day. Hormones are chemicals that travel through your body and signal processes like growth, metabolism, and fertility."
"The flu shot, also known as the influenza vaccine, is a safe and effective injection that helps prevent you from getting seasonal flu. There are four main types of flu virus: A, B, C and D, with the A and B viruses commonly leading to "flu season" in the United States. Each type has different strains that can change every year. A flu vaccine is developed each year to target circulating strains."
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
Tune in Thursday night at 7:30 pm for this special holiday version of Storytime with Dr. Holmes. Storytime with Dr. Holmes
ATTENTION: We want to make the public aware of a phone scam that is contacting individuals as Reid Orthopedics. The imposter will claim to be giving away free braces to the patient and will request your DOB, SSN, and Medicare number. The number is calling from Connersville. Please do not give any information to this caller. Authorities have been contacted to spread awareness of the scam calls.
CDC December 15 at 6:28 PM · Hosting a small celebration? Have conversations with guests ahead of time to set expectations. Stay safer during the holidays: • Wear masks. • Improve ventilation by choosing outdoor spaces or opening windows and doors as weather permits. • Space seating at least 6 feet apart for people who don’t live together. • Limit the number of guests and length of the event. • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. More tips:
"The holidays are a time for family friends — and lots of food. It can be hard to turn down all the yummy side dishes and sweets. But making a few healthy swaps for traditional holiday foods can help you cut calories and avoid the dreaded weight gain often associated with the holiday season. You can still enjoy your favorite holiday food traditions by simply making some adjustments."
Miranda Moore joins the Perioperative Clinic as a physician assistant.
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
"Atrial fibrillation (also called AFib or AF) is a serious heart condition that can be fatal if left untreated. Unfortunately many patients are not familiar with the disease and how serious it can be according to the Heart Rhythm Society. "
Reid Health President/CEO, Craig Kinyon, has a special message as we prepare to reach the end of 2020.
A message from DASCO Reid Uniform & Shoes: DASCO Reid Uniform & Shoes December 20 at 7:56 PM ·
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
#ReidNews Latest Reid Health police officers sworn in
DASCO Reid Uniform & Shoes Yesterday at 2:50 AM · Final three days to take advantage of these great specials. We will be closed on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
There will be two Blood Drives happening as we enter the new year. Saturday, Jan. 2 a mobile blood drive will occur in the Reid Health Outpatient Care Parking Lot from 9 a.m- 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan 5. a blood drive will be held at First Friends Meeting from 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Register for both at
Congratulations to the next group of Reid Health Police officers!
FRI, JAN 8, 2021 AND 3 MORE Plasma Donation Drive
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
#ReidEats: Crunchy Sweet Brussels Sprout Salad
#ReidNews First baby of 2021 arrives well ahead of her due date
#ReidNews Get to know Reid Health’s new Chief of Staff
#WellnessBlog Why you should consider beginning yoga this year
Happy New Year!
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
#ReidNews January Ambassador 'is a great team player' #reidambassador
Introducing the first #ReidAmbassador of 2021.
#WellnessBlog 7 healthy snacks on the go that get you results
Some kiddos are heading back to school this week after the holidays, Dr. Holmes has a great reminder for them! Tune in Thursday night at 7:30PM for Storytime with Dr. Holmes.
#ReidNews For the Clarkes, working at Reid 'is kind of the family business'
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
#WellnessBlog Aging hands: Fillers aren't just for the face
Please be advised that Reid Health is experiencing intermittent phone issues. If you have a call dropped, please accept our apologies and know that we will be reaching back out to you.
Dr. Erica Kretchman offers a creative endorsement to get vaccinated! Erica Kman is with Jennifer Jones Phillips. January 13 at 11:17 PM · Just got my final vaccination against COVID-19 so had to finish my Challenge post from Dr. Jennifer Bales al la Britney Spears! I don’t own the rights to this music but it is my parody. #ThisIsOurShot Thanks Sydney and Megan Selke for the hair!
ATTENTION As our community begins to access the COVID-19 vaccine, there are those who wish to prey on our vulnerability. Please be aware of any phone calls or texts from individuals claiming to have vaccines available for a dollar amount. Currently, the vaccine is being offered by the Indiana State Dept. of Health free of charge. The only prerequisite is to supply verification of one's health insurance carrier. You should NOT have to submit any payment for a vaccine. To schedule your vaccine appointment, visit Call 211 for assistance if needed. Thank you
Join Reid Health registered dietitian Jennifer S. for this quick and easy Shrimp Fajita recipe. #HealthyCooking
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
#ReidNews Reid Health administers its 5,000th COVID-19 vaccine dose
#WellnessBlog The many benefits of Kale
HYPE Wayne County Yesterday at 3:30 PM · Do you enjoy working out in the morning, during lunch or in the evening? Even if you don't have 30 minutes to dedicate to a workout all at once, workout in 10 minute increments throughout the day! Try doing 20 squats, 20 pushups and 20 sit-ups between your daily chores! This can easily add up to 30 minutes of exercise for the day! Thanks to our friends at Reid Health for this #WellnessWednesday tip!
#ReidNews Reid physician, his wife named Cambridge City Citizens of the Year
#ReidNews Reid Health set to open new COVID-19 mass vaccination site #covid19 #vaccine #thisisourshot
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
Dr. Holmes is back with new bedtime stories for the new year. Tune in Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM Bedtime Stories with Dr. Holmes
TUE, FEB 16 AT 10:00 AM EST Blood Drive
SCAM ALERT UPDATE ATTENTION: A phone scam we posted a warning about in December 2020 is still active in our service area. The caller claims to be representing Reid Orthopedics and is requesting one’s DOB, SSN, and Medicare number for the purpose of ordering braces. DO NOT give any of this protected health information over the phone. When in doubt, hang up and call the Reid Switchboard at (765) 983-3000. We will be able to determine if someone from a Reid office is trying to contact you. Reid Health December 16, 2020 at 2:54 PM · ATTENTION: We want to make the public aware of a phone scam that is contacting individuals as Reid Orthopedics. The imposter will claim to be giving away free braces to the patient and will request your DOB, SSN, and Medicare number. The number is calling from Connersville. Please do not give any information to this caller. Authorities have been contacted to spread awareness of the scam calls.
#ReidNews COVID-19 vaccination age limit lowered to 65
The Covid-19 vaccine is here. It’s safe, effective and it’s our shot, Hoosiers. Visit to schedule an appointment - now eligible for seniors 65 years and older. But remember, we need to keep wearing masks and following other protective measures to keep everyone safe. #OurShotHoosiers
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
#Wellnessblog: What is a silent heart attack?
#ReidEats: Wheat Berries, Edamame & Black Bean Toss
For the month of February, Reid acknowledges the many contributions African Americans have made in medicine throughout history. We speak power to the names, organizations, and work that continues today for a more equitable society for all. #BlackHistoryMonth
#WellnessBlogs: How to prevent colon cancer with regular screenings
Dr. Holmes is back with new bedtime stories for the new year. Tune in Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM
In an effort to address your questions about COVID-19, Reid Health has established a hotline to take your calls about the novel coronavirus and the vaccines now becoming available. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms, who wants to know more about the vaccines or has other concerns about the virus, can call 765-965-4200 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline also should be used to schedule appointments for Reid’s Respiratory Clinic dedicated to handling respiratory illnesses.
For the month of February, Reid acknowledges the many contributions African Americans have made in medicine throughout history. We speak power to the names, organizations, and work that continues today for a more equitable society for all. #BlackHistoryMonth
February Ambassador 'should have her picture right beside the saying above and beyond' #ReidAmbassador
February’s Ambassador is Christa Maitlen of Oncology Services! #ReidAmbassador
#Wellnessblog: Are you at risk for a heart attack?
Tune in Thursday nights at 7:30 pm for bedtime stories with Dr. Holmes
It’s American #HeartMonth and this #FollowFriday we want to hear from you! Who inspires you to care for your heart health? Share using #OurHearts!
#WellnessBlog: Exercise is the key to heart health
Tune in Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM for Bedtime Stories with Dr. Holmes. Special guest this week. :)
This #TreatYourselfThursday, give your heart to some extra care. Have a family dance party, meditate, go for a bike ride, watch a funny show (laughter is healthy!). Devoting some time every day to care for yourself is good for your ❤️. #OurHearts #HeartMonth
#ReidNews Reid Health now at 15,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses and counting
It's #WellnessWednesday! Show your heart some love by devoting time every day to care for yourself. Move more, eat a fruit/veggie you’ve never tried, make a plan to quit smoking/vaping, or schedule bedtime to get 7-8 hours of sleep. #OurHearts #HeartMonth
This year’s National Nutrition Month theme is Personalize Your Plate. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and health. We are all unique with different bodies, goals, backgrounds and tastes! And a registered dietitian nutritionist can tailor a healthful eating plan that is as special as you are. Learn more about #NationalNutritionMonth:
It's ok not to be ok. If you're experiencing feelings of sadness or despair, to the point it's changing your daily routine or habits, take this free behavioral screening. It could be the help you need. Visit
During #NationalNutritionMonth and beyond, choose nutrient-rich foods that represent the five basic food groups. Use these tips to get started:
#ReidNews 20,000th COVID-19 vaccine dose given; capacity remains for much more
Tune in Thursday nights at 7:30 PM for Bedtime Stories with Dr. Holmes Bedtime Stories with Dr. Holmes
EFFECTIVE TODAY: Indiana residents 55+ are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. They join long-term care residents, first responders, and healthcare workers. Please visit to schedule your vaccine! Reid Health is a host site for vaccines at the Kuhlman Center, Wayne Co. Fairgrounds - 861 N. Salisbury Rd., Richmond, If you need help scheduling a vaccination at the Kuhlman Center, please call (765) 935-8484 Mon.-Fri.; 7 a.m.- 5 pm. Appointments are available. For questions about COVID-19 or the vaccine, please call the Reid Health hotline at (765) 965-4200.
#Wellnessblog: Sports nutrition tips to keep your athletic performance top-notch
Cynthia Brindle, NP joines our Behavioral Health team. #ReidFaculty
Today's Certified Athletic Trainer is Scott. Scott has been with Reid Health for a combined 7 years. He is currently contracted to Northeastern High School Northeastern Wayne School Corporation. He also helps out with the Rock Steady Boxing Program. Happy National Athletic Training Month Scott! #NATM
Each year during National Nutrition Month, we celebrate Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day to thank those who help advance the nutritional status of Americans and people around the world. Learn more about #RDNday: #NationalNutritionMonth
#ReidEats A healthy alternative for an all-time favorite treat.
Planning ahead may help relieve mealtime stress. Follow these steps to plan for and prepare nutritious and delicious meals that fit your preferences and lifestyle: #NationalNutritionMonth EATRIGHT.ORG 3 Strategies for Successful Meal Planning
#ReidEats Enjoy this healthy dip with your fruit.
March 14-20 is Patient Safety Awareness Week. Nationally healthcare facilities and professionals acknowledge the practices they follow to ensure patients are kept safe during their visits to a hospital. The week recognizes sound methods that both providers and patients can utilize to make their experience at any facility safe for everyone.
#ReidNews March Ambassador 'radiates kindness and happiness'
Today's Certified Athletic Trainer is Morgan. Morgan has been with Reid Health for 3+ years. She is currently contracted to Centerville High School. She also helps out with the Rock Steady Boxing Program. Happy National Athletic Training Month Morgan! #NATM
Our March Ambassador is Violet Sarmiento of Whitewater Valley Urgent Care. Congratulations Violet.
Reid wants to take the time to acknowledge the employees who have dedicated their time and care to see the community at large receive the COVID-19 vaccine. #ReidSpotlight
ATTENTION INDIANA RESIDENTS: The age of eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine has lowered to 45 and up! Visit to make an appointment.
Planning ahead may help relieve mealtime stress. Follow these steps to plan for and prepare nutritious and delicious meals that fit your preferences and lifestyle: #NationalNutritionMonth
Health disparities is defined as the inequalities that exist when certain populations or groups do not benefit from the same health status as other groups. Learn more from the CDC about the groups that are impacted the most- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease
#ReidNews IDOH adds pregnancy to list of conditions eligible for COVID-19 vaccination
Reid wants to take the time to acknowledge the employees who have dedicated their time and care to see the community at large receive the COVID-19 vaccine. #ReidSpotlight
Join us Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM for Bedtime Stories with Dr. Holmes.


Company name
Reid Dermatology


  • What is the phone number for Reid Dermatology in Richmond IN?
    You can reach them at: 765-966-1600. It’s best to call Reid Dermatology during business hours.
  • What is the address for Reid Dermatology on chester boulevard in Richmond?
    Reid Dermatology is located at this address: 1434 Chester Boulevard Richmond, IN 47374.
  • What are Reid Dermatology(Richmond, IN) store hours?
    Reid Dermatology store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 7:45AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.