Rejuvenate Your Life

(on bearss ave)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Tampa, FL
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
Health and Medical


8:00AM - 2:00PM
12:00PM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 2:00PM
12:00PM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 2:00PM


1706 E Bearss Ave
Tampa, FL


At Rejuvenate Your Life in Tampa, Florida, Gil Mejia, MD, and Rebecca Mejia, RN, focus their treatment on two scientifically grounded principles: eliminating anything that prohibits the body from functioning normally and adding or restoring what is deficient to bring the body back to a state of balance. These principles have been key at helping their patients achieve their desired health goals, from weight loss to hormone balance to a healthier lifestyle. The integrative medicine practice strives to optimize health and wellness for each patient who comes in for care by providing individualized treatment based on their unique health needs.
Rejuvenate Your Life specializes in the management of a number of health issues, including erectile dysfunction, menopause, sexual dysfunction, and obesity. The integrative medicine practice takes a holistic approach to care and utilizes advanced medical techniques to help return the body to health, including bioidentical hormone therapy, intravenous nutrition, and vaginal revitalization with ThermiVa®.
The team at Rejuvenate Your Life strongly believes that aging doesn’t have to be associated with fatigue, low vitality, pain, or mental decline, and focuses on providing patients with antiaging treatments that restore health and vitality.
Rejuvenate Your Life is proud to help the residents of Tampa achieve their health and wellness goals. For an appointment, call the office or schedule online.


Rejuvenate Your Life Photo Rejuvenate Your Life Photo


  • Anti Aging
  • Menopause
  • Bioidential Hormones
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • IV Nutrition
  • Sexual Medicine
  • Vaginal Revitalization
  • Weight Loss


What better time than NOW to boost your immune system than with an IV Therapy infusion? Ask Rejuvenate Your Life how one treatment can provide all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients your body needs to thrive!
Did you know up to 60% of the human body is water? Our bodies need water to function, but the amount of water a person needs depends on several factors. Check out this article by Healthline to calculate how much water you need daily.
Men and women seek hormone replacement therapy for many reasons related to aging. Learn how we can provide the hormonal relief you're longing for at Rejuvenate Your Life.
For a nutrient boost to restore health, visit Rejuvenate Your Life. We can help patients feel their best with a simple IV nutrition session. Learn more by heading over to our website: REJUVENATEYOURLIFE.NET Rejuvenate Your Life
If you're frequently exercising to help aid weight loss but aren't seeing results, you may be doing too much cardio! According to the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, lifting weights increases your resting metabolic rate and builds muscle, allowing you to burn more calories. Therefore, try adding weight training to your exercise routine!
The American Diabetes Association recommends blood glucose screening for diabetes for adults ages 45 and older, especially if you are considered overweight and have a family history of diabetes! Speak to a member of our team for more information.
Each year, on October 10th, we celebrate World Mental Health Day and the fight to end the stigma against those with mental health conditions! Today, let us choose love, advocacy, education, and support for those in our community who struggle with mental health issues.
Make time to take care of your mental health! Do something that clears your mind, such as practicing yoga or staying connected with friends and family. For more ways to manage stressful situations during the COVID-19 pandemic, visit:
Testimonial: "Dr. Mejia has given my life back to me. Words can not describe the difference she has made to my life." Rejuvenate Your Life with Dr. Gil Mejia. Book a consultation online:
At Rejuvenate Your Life, we use a comprehensive approach to address sugar imbalances, low functioning immune systems, and food intolerances. Let's start with a food sensitivity test: REJUVENATEYOURLIFE.NET Rejuvenate Your Life
If you're eating healthy but aren't losing any weight, be careful of added calories, you may not be tracking. Just a single tablespoon of vegetable oil can contain around 120 calories!
Because nutrients from an IV infusion are delivered directly to the vein, the effects are almost instant! For a quick AND easy answer way to manage energy levels, illness, or a hangover you just can't quit, talk to our team about IV therapy!
Increased thirst, fatigue, extreme hunger, frequent urination, and blurred vision are a few of the telltale signs of diabetes. Rejuvenate Your Life can diagnose this condition and help patients come up with a plan to manage their symptoms! Learn more:
Anti-aging is a medical specialty that focuses on the detection, treatment, and prevention of diseases associated with aging. Dr. Gil Mejia, MD, is an anti-aging specialist and can help patients feel their best in no time; call 813-960-3436 today!
Certain health conditions and risks affect men and women differently. Check out this article by Everyday Health listing the top 10 health threats women face so you can make lifestyle choices that keep you healthy!
At Rejuvenate Your Life, we offer a wide array of services to ensure our patients are the healthiest they can possibly be. Click the link below to learn about the treatments we provide and to schedule an appointment:
According to Harvard Medical School, the average man pays less attention to his health than the average woman. Men are more likely to drink alcohol, use tobacco, make risky choices, and not see a doctor for regular checkups. Don't be a statistic; visit Rejuvenate Your Life for our Men's Health services to get you on the right track to a happy, healthy life!
Some symptoms of a hypothyroid include fatigue, weight gain, depression, poor circulation, and digestive problems. If patients notice any of these symptoms, they should visit Rejuvenate Your Life as soon as possible; call 813-960-3436 today!
During American Diabetes Month, join us in supporting and raising awareness for diabetes. Visit the American Diabetes Association to learn more:
Enjoy this spoooky season with your loved ones, and remember to stay safe! Happy Halloween from your friends at Rejuvenate Your Life 🦇🎃
There is no stopping menopause, but there are ways patients can treat the awful symptoms that come with it. Patients should visit Rejuvenate Your Life to get back to doing the things they love; get started by visiting our website!
Diabetes is a scary disease that can make life a challenge. Fortunately, Rejuvenate Your Life has years of experience helping patients manage this chronic condition and living life to the fullest. Learn more:
Eating slowly is key to becoming more in tune with your body and hopefully shedding those extra pounds! Generally, signals of satiety become present about 20 minutes after you eat. Consider consuming half of your meal and taking a break. You may find that you are satisfied and do not need to finish the rest.
Your age is just a number, but sometimes it's hard to ignore the signs of aging as the years go on. With hormone replacement therapy, we can help adults reclaim their youth despite the odds!
A positive antibody test doesn't mean you should stop taking preventative measures to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. According to scientists, it's still unknown if those who've recovered from the virus can get infected again. Learn more about antibody testing here:
Cardiovascular problems can be scary, so it's important to have a risk assessment from the team at Rejuvenate Your Life to ensure you are in the clear. Call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
Preventative care focuses on maintaining one's health and well-being rather than waiting until disease or illness requires treatment. Get started with preventative healthcare services with Rejuvenate Your Life.
Getting good quality sleep can make such a difference in your health! Check out this article by Healthline listing 10 different reasons sleep is good for you.
Men with diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and obesity are at higher risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction. Rejuvenate Your Life can help with treatment options and lifestyle changes to prevent this from occuring! Learn more:
Many people with adrenal fatigue experience insomnia, depression, a weak immune system, and weight gain. Rejuvenate Your Life uses a unique testing method to determine if there are glandular insufficiencies present; learn more:
Take simple daily precautions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, especially without washing your hands. Learn more about how to protect yourself from COVID-19:
"Dr. Mejia has rejuvenated my life. I have more energy, and I have the ability to do things I did 15 years ago." -Verified Patient. Visit Rejuvenate Your Life for an experience like this; call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
From our family and friends to all the new faces we get to meet, there's always something to be thankful for! Enjoy this Thanksgiving Day from the team at Rejuvenate Your Life!🦃🍂
When it comes to menopause, most cases are not cause for medical intervention, but that doesn't mean women have to suffer through hot flashes, insomnia, and weight gain! There are ways to manage the symptoms and minimize the disruptive side effects of menopause. Call 813-960-3436 for more information!
Did someone say vitamin deficiencies? Rejuvenate Your Life has just the solution for you! Ask us about IV therapy, a new treatment that delivers all of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs!
If patients are looking for an easy way to treat their ED, they should visit the team at Rejuvenate Your Life for a GAINSwave session. We can treat this condition and get patients feeling confident again; call 813-960-3436 today.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? Well, when it comes to best preventative care practices, there's more to it than that! Discover more about our healthcare service offerings online:
Healthy eating means making smart choices to eat nutrient-dense foods from ALL of the major food groups! This will keep you living healthy, happy, and free of chronic conditions. For a comprehensive list of healthy food choices, check out this article from Medical News Today!
While weight loss is often seen as a challenge, with help from the team at Rejuvenate Your Life, it can be a breeze. Visit our website to learn about our weight loss techniques and to schedule an appointment.
Besides the A1C blood test, there are other tools to know your risk for type 2 diabetes. Visit the American Diabetes Association to take their 60-second risk test or find your body mass index (BMI) to understand your risk today!
The team at Rejuvenate Your Life wishes everyone a holiday season filled with laughter, health, and happiness!🖤
Who says you still can't have an exciting sex life as you age? If you're looking for a boost in libido, hormone replacement therapy at Rejuvenate Your Life can improve sexual function!
Neurotransmitters are chemicals found in the brain that control communication between the body, and when there is an imbalance, things can get hectic. If patients are dealing with anxiety, mood fluctuations, or trouble sleeping, it could be this; call 813-960-3436 today.
Although travel restrictions are slowly being lifted in the United States, the risk of getting COVID-19 is still significant, especially while traveling. Visit the CDC online to know and understand your travel risk:
It is extremely important to have a food sensitivity test so patients can see what is bothering their stomach, and to see if they have an allergy to certain foods. The team at Rejuvenate Your Life can help with these, call 813-960-3436 to get started!
Compared to men, women are more susceptible to heart disease, and symptoms will present themselves in different ways. Take caution and lower your risk by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For tips and guidance, plan a visit to see Rejuvenate Your Life.
The most important part of weight loss is making a commitment to eating better, exercising, and making healthier choices. It is not easy, but with Rejuvenate Your Life's step-by-step weight loss guide, the process is easy. Call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
Throughout the different stages of a woman's life, they have different nutritional needs. Check out this article by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to learn what these dietary needs are:
Happy New Year from your friends at Rejuvenate Your Life! We hope that this new year is filled with happiness and good health!✨
Exercise and good sleep go hand-in-hand! A good cardio workout, such as a 30-minute jog, can help you snag more slow-wave sleep, the deep and restorative kind that you need to feel refreshed!
"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but by all means, keep moving." - Martin Luther King Jr. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
For a nutrient boost to restore health, visit Rejuvenate Your Life. We can help patients feel their best with a simple IV nutrition session. Learn more by heading over to our website:
Women tend to live longer than men, which may have something to do with a man's tendency to avoid medical care and ignore unusual symptoms. Don't let complacency take a toll on your health. Schedule yearly checkups with us and keep those appointments!
At Rejuvenate Your Life, we use a comprehensive approach to address sugar imbalances, low functioning immune systems, and food intolerances. Let's start with a food sensitivity test:
There shouldn't be an age limit to feeling great! Hormone replacement therapy can help individuals turn back the clock. Learn more:
"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but by all means, keep moving." - Martin Luther King Jr. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
For a nutrient boost to restore health, visit Rejuvenate Your Life. We can help patients feel their best with a simple IV nutrition session. Learn more by heading over to our website:
Women tend to live longer than men, which may have something to do with a man's tendency to avoid medical care and ignore unusual symptoms. Don't let complacency take a toll on your health. Schedule yearly checkups with us and keep those appointments!
Testimonial: "Dr. Mejia has given my life back to me. Words can not describe the difference she has made to my life." Rejuvenate Your Life with Dr. Gil Mejia. Book a consultation online:
Many people think they have to be overweight to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but this is false. People with a family history or an unusually fatty liver have a higher chance of procuring the condition, even when they are at an optimal weight!
Remember to practice everyday food safety, like putting away perishable foods after grocery shopping and handwashing frequently. Learn more about food and COVID-19:
At Rejuvenate Your Life, we use a comprehensive approach to address sugar imbalances, low functioning immune systems, and food intolerances. Let's start with a food sensitivity test:
There shouldn't be an age limit to feeling great! Hormone replacement therapy can help individuals turn back the clock. Learn more:
"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but by all means, keep moving." - Martin Luther King Jr. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
At Rejuvenate Your Life, we offer a wide array of services to ensure our patients are the healthiest they can possibly be. Click the link below to learn about the treatments we provide and to schedule an appointment:
If you're overweight, adding small exercise movements into your daily routine could benefit your health. A recent study showed that a 10% drop in weight helped people reduce their blood pressure, cholesterol, and improve their overall wellbeing.
Prevention starts with YOU! Keep the wellness of your mind and body in-check, and Rejuvenate Your Life will be here to help along the way! Visit our website to learn more about our preventative care services:
Testimonial: "Dr. Mejia has given my life back to me. Words can not describe the difference she has made to my life." Rejuvenate Your Life with Dr. Gil Mejia. Book a consultation online:
Many people think they have to be overweight to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but this is false. People with a family history or an unusually fatty liver have a higher chance of procuring the condition, even when they are at an optimal weight!
Remember to practice everyday food safety, like putting away perishable foods after grocery shopping and handwashing frequently. Learn more about food and COVID-19:
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in America? Developing a regular exercise routine can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and keep your heart healthy. Incorporate jogging, cycling, dancing, or swimming into your routine to stay happy and healthy!
At Rejuvenate Your Life, we offer a wide array of services to ensure our patients are the healthiest they can possibly be. Click the link below to learn about the treatments we provide and to schedule an appointment:
If you're overweight, adding small exercise movements into your daily routine could benefit your health. A recent study showed that a 10% drop in weight helped people reduce their blood pressure, cholesterol, and improve their overall wellbeing.
Prevention starts with YOU! Keep the wellness of your mind and body in-check, and Rejuvenate Your Life will be here to help along the way! Visit our website to learn more about our preventative care services:
Testimonial: "Dr. Mejia has given my life back to me. Words can not describe the difference she has made to my life." Rejuvenate Your Life with Dr. Gil Mejia. Book a consultation online:
Many people think they have to be overweight to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but this is false. People with a family history or an unusually fatty liver have a higher chance of procuring the condition, even when they are at an optimal weight!
Rejuvenate Your Life wishes you a Happy Presidents' Day!
🌹🌹Happy Valentine's Day from your friends at Rejuvenate Your Life! We hope everyone has a day filled with love and laughter! ❤
Anti-aging is a medical specialty that focuses on the detection, treatment, and prevention of diseases associated with aging. Dr. Gil Mejia, MD, is an anti-aging specialist and can help patients feel their best in no time; call 813-960-3436 today!
IV therapy can support your immune system and optimize your overall health! There are various things that can cause dehydration, from sweating to medical conditions to athletic activity. If you are feeling dehydrated, talk to us about a IV hydration boost! 813-960-3436.
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in America? Developing a regular exercise routine can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and keep your heart healthy. Incorporate jogging, cycling, dancing, or swimming into your routine to stay happy and healthy!
At Rejuvenate Your Life, we offer a wide array of services to ensure our patients are the healthiest they can possibly be. Click the link below to learn about the treatments we provide and to schedule an appointment:
There is no stopping menopause, but there are ways patients can treat the awful symptoms that come with it. Patients should visit Rejuvenate Your Life to get back to doing the things they love. Call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
Rejuvenate Your Life wishes you a Happy Presidents' Day!
🌹🌹Happy Valentine's Day from your friends at Rejuvenate Your Life! We hope everyone has a day filled with love and laughter! ❤
Anti-aging is a medical specialty that focuses on the detection, treatment, and prevention of diseases associated with aging. Dr. Gil Mejia, MD, is an anti-aging specialist and can help patients feel their best in no time; call 813-960-3436 today!
IV therapy can support your immune system and optimize your overall health! There are various things that can cause dehydration, from sweating to medical conditions to athletic activity. If you are feeling dehydrated, talk to us about a IV hydration boost! 813-960-3436.
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in America? Developing a regular exercise routine can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and keep your heart healthy. Incorporate jogging, cycling, dancing, or swimming into your routine to stay happy and healthy!
Having ED doesn't mean that you won't be able to enjoy intimate moments again! Rejuvenate Your Life can help find a treatment plan that works best for you, so you can pick up where you left off! Learn more:
New Research shows that More than 50% of healthcare workers infected with SARS-CoV-2 report that their sense of smell has not returned to normal an average of 5 months post infection. It can be problematic because you may unknowingly eat spoiled food, or you may not smell smoke or toxic fumes or gas in your home or work places.
Some symptoms of a hypothyroid include fatigue, weight gain, depression, poor circulation, and digestive problems. If patients notice any of these symptoms, they should visit Rejuvenate Your Life as soon as possible; call 813-960-3436 today!
The safety of COVID-19 vaccines is a top priority in the United States. Despite some people's concerns about its rapid development, it's safe and beneficial to get vaccinated. Visit the CDC website to learn more:
There is no stopping menopause, but there are ways patients can treat the awful symptoms that come with it. Patients should visit Rejuvenate Your Life to get back to doing the things they love. Call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
Rejuvenate Your Life wishes you a Happy Presidents' Day!
Diabetes is a scary disease that can make life a challenge. Fortunately, Rejuvenate Your Life has years of experience helping patients manage this chronic condition and living life to the fullest. Learn more:
Menopause symptoms can begin very suddenly and noticeably, or they can be mild at the start. Speak to our specialists about any changes that you notice in your body, and be sure to speak up if any menopause symptoms are actively bothering you.
Diet is the driving force behind overall health, so it's critical to hold yourself accountable and ensure that you are receiving all of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs for optimal functioning. March is National Nutrition Month, so now is the perfect time to make healthy changes!
Having ED doesn't mean that you won't be able to enjoy intimate moments again! Rejuvenate Your Life can help find a treatment plan that works best for you, so you can pick up where you left off! Learn more:
New Research shows that More than 50% of healthcare workers infected with SARS-CoV-2 report that their sense of smell has not returned to normal an average of 5 months post infection. It can be problematic because you may unknowingly eat spoiled food, or you may not smell smoke or toxic fumes or gas in your home or work places.
Some symptoms of a hypothyroid include fatigue, weight gain, depression, poor circulation, and digestive problems. If patients notice any of these symptoms, they should visit Rejuvenate Your Life as soon as possible; call 813-960-3436 today!
Cardiovascular problems can be scary, so it's important to have a risk assessment from the team at Rejuvenate Your Life to ensure you are in the clear. Call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
If you need a little jump in your step or a boost in your energy levels, we have just the trick! Rejuvenate Your Life offers IV Therapy, the new solution for replenishing your body and providing the nutrients and vitamins you need! Learn more at 813-960-3436.
Don't let changes in your hormonal levels prevent you from performing your best. Learn how to improve your hormonal and overall health by visiting our website:
Diabetes is a scary disease that can make life a challenge. Fortunately, Rejuvenate Your Life has years of experience helping patients manage this chronic condition and living life to the fullest. Learn more:
Menopause symptoms can begin very suddenly and noticeably, or they can be mild at the start. Speak to our specialists about any changes that you notice in your body, and be sure to speak up if any menopause symptoms are actively bothering you.
Diet is the driving force behind overall health, so it's critical to hold yourself accountable and ensure that you are receiving all of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs for optimal functioning. March is National Nutrition Month, so now is the perfect time to make healthy changes!
I can't think of any medical benefit that comes from keeping daylight saving time. Sleep experts say daylight saving time needs to go. What do you think?
Cardiovascular problems can be scary, so it's important to have a risk assessment from the team at Rejuvenate Your Life to ensure you are in the clear. Call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
If you need a little jump in your step or a boost in your energy levels, we have just the trick! Rejuvenate Your Life offers IV Therapy, the new solution for replenishing your body and providing the nutrients and vitamins you need! Learn more at 813-960-3436.
Don't let changes in your hormonal levels prevent you from performing your best. Learn how to improve your hormonal and overall health by visiting our website:
Diabetes is a scary disease that can make life a challenge. Fortunately, Rejuvenate Your Life has years of experience helping patients manage this chronic condition and living life to the fullest. Learn more:
Menopause symptoms can begin very suddenly and noticeably, or they can be mild at the start. Speak to our specialists about any changes that you notice in your body, and be sure to speak up if any menopause symptoms are actively bothering you.
I can't think of any medical benefit that comes from keeping daylight saving time. Sleep experts say daylight saving time needs to go. What do you think?
Cardiovascular problems can be scary, so it's important to have a risk assessment from the team at Rejuvenate Your Life to ensure you are in the clear. Call 813-960-3436 to schedule an appointment.
If you need a little jump in your step or a boost in your energy levels, we have just the trick! Rejuvenate Your Life offers IV Therapy, the new solution for replenishing your body and providing the nutrients and vitamins you need! Learn more at 813-960-3436.
Don't let changes in your hormonal levels prevent you from performing your best. Learn how to improve your hormonal and overall health by visiting our website:
Diabetes is a scary disease that can make life a challenge. Fortunately, Rejuvenate Your Life has years of experience helping patients manage this chronic condition and living life to the fullest. Learn more:
Menopause symptoms can begin very suddenly and noticeably, or they can be mild at the start. Speak to our specialists about any changes that you notice in your body, and be sure to speak up if any menopause symptoms are actively bothering you.


Company name
Rejuvenate Your Life
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for Rejuvenate Your Life in Tampa FL?
    You can reach them at: 813-331-4546. It’s best to call Rejuvenate Your Life during business hours.
  • What is the address for Rejuvenate Your Life on bearss ave in Tampa?
    Rejuvenate Your Life is located at this address: 1706 E Bearss Ave Tampa, FL 33613.
  • What are Rejuvenate Your Life(Tampa, FL) store hours?
    Rejuvenate Your Life store hours are as follows: Mon: 8:00AM - 2:00PM, Tue: 12:00PM - 6:00PM, Wed: 8:00AM - 2:00PM, Thu: 12:00PM - 6:00PM, Fri: 8:00AM - 2:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.