Rental Services, Inc.

(on ralston)
Financial Services in Arvada, CO
Financial Services
Real Estate Services
Staffing & Recruiting


9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
10:00AM - 4:00PM


10050 Ralston Rd
Arvada, CO


Rental Services, Inc. has been in the resident and tenant screening business for over 35 years, assisting rental property owners in Arvada, CO and surrounding communities in selecting the best possible renters all over the United States. Our


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Survey Question: About how many times have you used our employment screening services so far this year? #QOTD
Do you miss having a fully-staffed office with everyone working in tandem? Many other people have the same feelings, as it turns out. Luckily, the office is going to make a comeback, says Forbes. Here’s why:
Rental Services, Inc. helps our clients find top-notch renters and employees. Give us a call today!
Did you recently accept a job that would mean working from home (which you aren't used to) or did you recently require your own workers (including you) work remotely? Here's some great advice on being productive:
Did one of your candidates make it to nearly the end of the application process but drop out of the running just before the screening began? That may be because they didn't want you to find something out about them. So, don't take it personally and move on to the next candidate.
Question of the Day: How often would you say you use our employment screening services these days? #survey
Question of the Day: What would you say is the best part about working with our employment services team? #survey #QOTD
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” - Milton Berle #inspiration #careers #employment #screening #motivation
For expert applicant screening in the Arvada area, look no further than Rental Services, Inc. Call us today!
Pro Tip: If you intend to drug-test employees in a state where legal marijuana exists — such as Colorado, Washington, Maine, etc. — you may want to let people know that there will be a drug screening at some point in the process. That way, they can save you time by not applying.
NEWS: In a major ruling, one court recently decided that urine samples observed by employment screeners are constitutionally acceptable. Here’s the story:
Fill in the Blank: I first heard about this employment screening company about ______________________ ago. #survey #QOTD
Fact: Were you aware that, in February 2020, U.S. employment peaked? The number was roughly 158,000,000 at the time, according to this report.
Tip: If you’re a new company and you recently opened up a slew of new positions, you are probably overwhelmed with applications. Recruiters help you weed out unqualified people; employment screenings will narrow it down further by weeding out people who have provided incorrect or outdated information.
Rental Services, Inc. offers tenant and pre-employment screening services. Give us a call at (303) 420-1212.
Are you hiring in various cities? According to this story, the ones that are hiring the most right now include Cincinnati, Denver, Detroit, Minneapolis, and Philadelphia. Here’s which cities are coming back strong(est) from the pandemic.
What shows up on background checks is dictated by laws in your state. Talk to one of our experts about what to expect. #Tip
Major fleet operators are taking employee drug screenings up a notch.
Fair chance hiring can be beneficial for applicants and employers.
For easy management of rental properties, try RSI Property Assistant software from Rental Services, Inc. Call (303) 420-1212.
Some companies require both background checks and drug screenings. Does your company currently require both?
Pre-employment background checks can also include education and employment verification. Could you use some help verifying these things?
Potential employers aren't the only people who can benefit from verifying background information.
53 percent of candidates provide inaccurate information on job applications. Vet candidates properly by making sure background checks are in place. #Tip
Trying to conduct background checks on your own with internet searches is not a best practice. Trust the process to a reliable service provider instead. #Tip
In the healthcare industry, COVID-19 tests are becoming a part of the pre-employment screening process.
When it comes to background checks for rental agreements, Rental Services Inc is always here to help! Call us today for additional information on our services at (303) 420-1212
Pre-employment background checks can help to ensure workplace safety. Do you conduct background checks before extending offers for employment?
FYI: As the economy stays volatile, competition for the few open roles will stiffen and candidates may get more willing to fib or exaggerate on their resumes and in interviews. No matter what position you're hiring for, make sure your candidates are vetted.
Fill in the Blank: The last time I screened potential employees, I was hiring for a position in my _______________________ department. #survey
Are you having trouble hiring during the pandemic? Consider having a drive-through job fair like this one, where you can keep your (social) distance from possible candidates.
It's important for tenants to conduct background checks for future tenants to ensure safe and reliable rental agreements. Call us today to learn more about our 30 years of screening services at (303) 420-1212
Fill in the Blank: I prefer this employment screening service to the competition because they _________________________________. #survey
Are you in a city that's had high employment numbers even during the pandemic? You may be desperate for candidates, which can lead to a quick hire and not doing your due diligence. Make sure you always screen your employees!
ADVICE: If you have an urgent hire in progress, get our employment screening service involved early on in the process, perhaps before you set up interviews. That way, you'll waste the least amount of time on candidates that turn out to be untruthful, unqualified, etc.
Fill in the Blank: The best part about working with this employment screening service is their __________________________________. #survey #QOTD
Survey Question: What percentage of your current staff would you say you've run through our screening process, specifically, before they were hired? 100%? About half? #QOTD
Are you thinking about bringing back your employees or having new hires start work on-site? Make sure you speak with your attorneys about local and federal regulations and what your liability might be.
Question of the Day: How often would you say you use our employment screening services? #survey #jobs
As an employer, finding quality talent can seem tough. However, here's some info you may find to be useful.
Have you been using our professional employment screening services? How would you describe our services? Please write us a review below.
Be sure to get quality tenants at a rental property by having us screen for problems! Call Rental Services to conduct a thorough background check!
Do you know that some people in the workforce have been affected by some form of age bias? Take a look at this to learn more.
Survey: How important would you consider employment screening services to be for businesses? Let us know your thoughts.
When a hire needs to be made, it's important to get them checked out by a company who knows all the latest rules and regulations! Call today to have us handle the screening process!
Once you've found and hired some new employees, would you like to know some tips on how to train them? This may help.
When searching for a potential employee, what sort of skills do you look for the most? Share your thoughts. #EmploymentScreeningServices
In an interesting report, see how employers are starting to look at an applicant's social media accounts before hiring.
When it comes to hiring during the current public health situation, see this report on background checks and more.
What particular employment screening services do you feel every business could benefit from? Share your thoughts.
Are you currently looking for professional employment screening services for your business? What sort of assistance do you need most?
As a startup company, if you're needing to find talented employees, this article has some tips on how to get started on a plan.
There are many uncertainties still surrounding the public health crisis. See this information on hiring a new employee.
Are you currently looking for professional employment screening services for your business? What sort of assistance do you need most?
As a business owner, have you been using our professional employment screening services? If so, please let us know how we've been doing by writing a review.
There can be many variables to consider when trying to find talent for an open job position. Here are some tips you may find useful.
At Rental Services, we take the utmost pride in providing our clients with high-quality background checks before deciding to rent. Call us today at (303) 420-1212.
As a startup company, if you're needing to find talented employees, this article has some tips on how to get started on a plan.
There are many uncertainties still surrounding the public health crisis. See this information on hiring a new employee.
How essential would you consider employment screening services to be in finding quality business talent?
Have you been looking for a professional employment screening service? What sort of help do you need most? Tell us below.
As a business owner, have you been using our professional employment screening services? If so, please let us know how we've been doing by writing a review.
There can be many variables to consider when trying to find talent for an open job position. Here are some tips you may find useful.
At Rental Services, we take the utmost pride in providing our clients with high-quality background checks before deciding to rent. Call us today at (303) 420-1212.
As a startup company, if you're needing to find talented employees, this article has some tips on how to get started on a plan.
What particular services do you feel every employment screening company should be able to provide their clients? Share your comments.
At Rental Services, we pride ourselves on being a company that listens to our valued customers' needs. Reach out to our team today for a list of available services.
Survey: When hiring an employee, what do you feel is more important, experience, or a clean background check? Let us know your thoughts.
How essential would you consider employment screening services to be in finding quality business talent?
Have you been looking for a professional employment screening service? What sort of help do you need most? Tell us below.
As a business owner, have you been using our professional employment screening services? If so, please let us know how we've been doing by writing a review.
When it comes to hiring someone, this article has some tips you may find to be insightful.
In some interesting news, see how workplace drug testing has been impacted by the public health issue.
What particular services do you feel every employment screening company should be able to provide their clients? Share your comments.
At Rental Services, we pride ourselves on being a company that listens to our valued customers' needs. Reach out to our team today for a list of available services.
Survey: When hiring an employee, what do you feel is more important, experience, or a clean background check? Let us know your thoughts.
How essential would you consider employment screening services to be in finding quality business talent?
Rental Services, Inc. helps businesses and landlords find potential employees and tenants to fill any open positions, utilizing our years of experience in the Arvada area. Call us today! (303) 420-1212.
From recruiting to screenings, here are some tips for attracting and hiring the best employees for your business.
Legitimate companies should not ask potential applicants to complete complex projects before making an official offer. Avoid having employees start working before employment screening is complete. #Tip
When it comes to hiring someone, this article has some tips you may find to be insightful.
In some interesting news, see how workplace drug testing has been impacted by the public health issue.
What particular services do you feel every employment screening company should be able to provide their clients? Share your comments.
Some employers are incentivizing new and current employees for getting vaccinated.
Automated screening options allow your candidates to choose a conveniently located testing facility for pre-employment drug testing. Have you considered adding this service?
Rental Services, Inc. helps businesses and landlords find potential employees and tenants to fill any open positions, utilizing our years of experience in the Arvada area. Call us today! (303) 420-1212.
From recruiting to screenings, here are some tips for attracting and hiring the best employees for your business.
Legitimate companies should not ask potential applicants to complete complex projects before making an official offer. Avoid having employees start working before employment screening is complete. #Tip
When it comes to hiring someone, this article has some tips you may find to be insightful.
Every year, organizations lose nearly 5 percent of their annual revenue because of occupational fraud. What steps are you taking to protect your business and screen employees?
Seasonal job hiring has become even more common as the country's gig economy has grown. Do you screen seasonal employees as well as full-time employees?
Candidate perception of your company is equally as important as their matching your criteria for hire. Talk to us about how our employment screening protects vital data. #Tip
Some employers are incentivizing new and current employees for getting vaccinated.
Automated screening options allow your candidates to choose a conveniently located testing facility for pre-employment drug testing. Have you considered adding this service?
Rental Services, Inc. helps businesses and landlords find potential employees and tenants to fill any open positions, utilizing our years of experience in the Arvada area. Call us today! (303) 420-1212.
Accuracy of job application background checks is important for the applicant and for the protection of your business. Talk to one of our experts to learn about how ours are conducted. #Tip
We partner with many landlords and property managers throughout the area to create a comprehensive tenant screening program. Visit our website to learn more and contact us for service today!
Every year, organizations lose nearly 5 percent of their annual revenue because of occupational fraud. What steps are you taking to protect your business and screen employees?
Seasonal job hiring has become even more common as the country's gig economy has grown. Do you screen seasonal employees as well as full-time employees?
Candidate perception of your company is equally as important as their matching your criteria for hire. Talk to us about how our employment screening protects vital data. #Tip
Some employers are incentivizing new and current employees for getting vaccinated.
No jobs should be offered without interviews and employment screenings. How many interviews does your hiring process typically involve?
Employee screening can be useful far beyond the initial hiring process.
Accuracy of job application background checks is important for the applicant and for the protection of your business. Talk to one of our experts to learn about how ours are conducted. #Tip
We partner with many landlords and property managers throughout the area to create a comprehensive tenant screening program. Visit our website to learn more and contact us for service today!
Every year, organizations lose nearly 5 percent of their annual revenue because of occupational fraud. What steps are you taking to protect your business and screen employees?
Seasonal job hiring has become even more common as the country's gig economy has grown. Do you screen seasonal employees as well as full-time employees?
Question of the Day: When did you most recently use our employment screening service? #survey
Fill in the Blank: I first heard about this employment screening company through a _________________________. #survey
No jobs should be offered without interviews and employment screenings. How many interviews does your hiring process typically involve?
Employee screening can be useful far beyond the initial hiring process.
Accuracy of job application background checks is important for the applicant and for the protection of your business. Talk to one of our experts to learn about how ours are conducted. #Tip
We partner with many landlords and property managers throughout the area to create a comprehensive tenant screening program. Visit our website to learn more and contact us for service today!
FYI: Cities and states around the country are banning non-compete agreements. If you are struggling to find employment because of non-compete agreements you signed in the past, see if they’re still permitted in your locale. #protip
Fill in the Blank: The best part about working with this employment screening service is their _______________________.
Tip: If you have been getting denied for jobs, contact the company doing the screenings to find out what they were able to learn about your background. Sometimes there just isn’t enough information out there and you may need to build credit, get a driver’s license, etc.
Question of the Day: When did you most recently use our employment screening service? #survey
Fill in the Blank: I first heard about this employment screening company through a _________________________. #survey
No jobs should be offered without interviews and employment screenings. How many interviews does your hiring process typically involve?


Company name
Rental Services, Inc.
Financial Services


  • What is the phone number for Rental Services, Inc. in Arvada CO?
    You can reach them at: 303-420-1212. It’s best to call Rental Services, Inc. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Rental Services, Inc. on ralston in Arvada?
    Rental Services, Inc. is located at this address: 10050 Ralston Rd Arvada, CO 80004.
  • What are Rental Services, Inc.(Arvada, CO) store hours?
    Rental Services, Inc. store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:30PM, Sat: 10:00AM - 4:00PM, Sun: Closed.