Restaurant Exhaust Cleaning Specialists is a cleaning services company based out of Salem, OR . Restaurant Exhaust Cleaning Specialists is determined to helping you with all your cleaning services needs. Our services include: hood cleaning , hood and duct cleaning , and base exhaust cleaning .
Our Services:
Nfpa 96 Cleaning
Ceiling Cleaning
Hood And Vent Cleaning
Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning
Restaurant Exhaust Cleaning Specialists is proud to be servicing its satisfied customers out of Salem, OR for many years. Restaurant Exhaust Cleaning Specialists pride ourselves in the experience, quality, and customer service we provide to meet consumer needs and expectations.
Our local services include: grease exhaust cleaning , restaurant exhaust cleaning and restaurant ceiling cleaning
Local Services
Hood Cleaning Salem, OR 97304
Hood And Duct Cleaning Salem, OR 97304
Base Exhaust Cleaning Salem, OR 97304
Contact Us:
Service Areas: Salem, OR 97304
Phone: 503-316-9799