The areas finest Retinal Specialist office. Located at the back of the eye, the retina is attached to the vitreous, the gel-like substance that makes up for most of the eye's volume. Although the vitreous begins as a thick substance with a firm shape, the consistency of the gel changes and becomes thinner and more watery as we age. A change in the shape of the vitreous can cause it to pull away from the retina and leave a tear. A retinal tear leaves the retina unprotected and can allow fluid to travel between the retina and the wall, which may lead to retinal detachment.
Retina Conditions:
?Flashing Lights and Floaters
?Macular Degeneration
?Retinal Detachment
?Retinal Tear
Our Retina Specialists
?Dan P. Montzka, M.D.
?Nandesh Patel, M.D.
?M. Kohlhepp, M.D.