The Revelry team spent one week building a contact tracing app prototype for the state of Louisiana. Here's a break down of our process.
Project Nightingale: Building a Contact Tracing App for Louisiana
When Revelry was asked by the state of Louisiana, "How can we help build a contact tracing app to help flatten the curve here in Louisiana? ", we jumped at the chance.
Our work always begins with framing a question, "How might we solve for the perceived challenge the audience is facing." Our challenge question is the rudder for the course we chart to uncover the challenges our audience is facing. In this case, it's everyone in Louisiana who is affected by COVID-19. Over the last two weeks, by listening, we've begun to discover the depth and breadth of the problem space, which is contact tracing. It has been a profoundly humbling experience to uncover the complexity of cultural nuances and varied contexts. There's a lot of work to be done, but where to begin?
We've started by taking our initial learnings from listening to a cross-section of; epidemiologists, mental health professionals, community and civic business leaders, and those who've had COVID-19. We've used those learnings to inform some initial testable prototypes.
We're excited to share our work thus far with you. While we're still learning so much, we do know one immutable truth; contact tracing innovations are going to come from the Open Source community. That's why we've shared all our work with you. We encourage you to see our work to date and build upon our insights, designs, and user flows.
Let's build together.
#opensource #listening #community #covidresponse #build #designthinking #listen #buildwhatmatters #contacttracing #COVID19 #publichealth
Listening to Our Community
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We stand in solidarity with the Black community. We are proud supporters of Operation Restoration and the New Orleans Safety and Freedom Fund. Join us in donating.
#givenoladay #blacklivesmatter
More ways to support here:
GiveNOLA Day!
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