Rides 4 Less Taxi Service- our name says it all! If you need affordable, reliable, honest, professional transportation, Rides 4 Less is the place to call. We offer taxi service, airport transportation, and are always available when you're ready. Contact us for your next ride- you'll never use anyone else again!
taxi cab
Rides 4 Less Taxi Service is the premiere taxi service in the Greater Akron, Ohio, area. We have been a reliable and courteous taxi service since 2011.
Our business is family owned and operated and although we are a small company, we pay extra attention to details and treat our customers like one of our own! Our customers describe us as reliable, honest and professional. Customer satisfaction is a huge priority here at Rides 4 Less Taxi Service!
Our professional services have been proven through our dependable and courteous services. Our team is made up of Licensed Taxi Operators. We offer affordable rates throughout the Akron, Ohio, area.