Excellent service is different than perfect service. Excellence is born of striving—of hard work—of pushing oneself + setting a standard of greatness. Though we will make our mistakes, have our mishaps + fall short at times, you can rest assured that our service is a service of EXCELLENCE. 🙏
🏡 When you build a house will you... Tile It?... Shingle it?... Or will you SHAKE—SHAKE—SHAKE—SHAKE—SHHHH—SHAKE IT?!?! 😂
😁 Fun Fact:
Asphalt shingles comprise 80% of residential roofs across North America.
In 1 Word—What does CUSTOMER SERVICE mean to you?!?! ☝️
We want to hear some stories! What was the toughest work you’ve ever had to do under the Arizona Sun? ☀️ Some of these days are nearing 120 degrees but with a passion for great service on our side, that won’t stop us from putting a premium roof over your head! 💪
What’s your preference? There are advantages to both, but what it seems to really come down to is preference!!!
🤔 🏠
It’s that time of year! The Gutters are getting full + the roof debris is piling up! 🍁 Heavy amounts of debris corrode the integrity of your roofing system! 🚫
ASK about our Roof Care Membership to get your roof + gutters all tidied up! 🧼
Is there anything as clean + crisp as a standing seam metal roof??? 🤔
If you feel you have problems this #Halloween—just remember the good people of Walnut Creek 😂
👻 It’s time for some HALLOWEEN Would-You-Rather’s!!! 🎃
Our FAVORITE Veteran + his sweet wife ❤️ Thank you! #veteransday
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to our country’s Veterans + their Families!
Happy Veterans’ Day!