While wearing braces, it's important to be mindful of making the right food choices to protect your orthodontic appliances and preserve the health of your smile. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Just how does the orthodontist move your teeth? In response to the precise application of gentle forces, the tooth moves as the surrounding bone remodels. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
In humans and other mammals, the mandible - or lower jaw - is the largest and strongest bone of the face. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Every smile is unique. At the office of Dr. Robert Weeman, we're well equipped to address the challenges posed by crooked, crowded, gapped, and otherwise imperfectly aligned teeth and jaws. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Just had your braces off? Wearing your retainers as prescribed is the best way to keep your smile as straight and beautiful as the day your orthodontic appliances were removed. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
In girls, jaw growth is typically completed by the age of 16 years; for boys, the average age is 18 years. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
For a well-aligned smile and a stable result of care, see an orthodontist! | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Orthodontic treatment not only improves the appearance of your teeth, but it can also lead to better chewing, TMJ health, and speech function. It also makes it easier to keep your smile clean! | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Braces help to align smiles and support overall oral health. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
You are never too old to have a beautiful smile! | orthodontist-manhattan.com
While orthodontics has come a long way since the days of large metal bands wrapped around each tooth, the first official use of the term "braces" in the field of dentistry was in the early 1900s. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
A well-aligned smile puts less strain on your jaws and the surrounding muscles, preventing as well as easing TMJ disorders. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Researchers are exploring how dental occlusion or one's "bite" is linked to postural control and balance. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Invisalign® treatment offers a cosmetic way to align your smile with minimal interference to daily activities. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Not all bite problems are a result of improper tooth alignment. When significant discrepancies between the size and relationship of the upper and lower jaws exist, surgical correction in addition to braces may be required. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
Watch these children apply their orthodontic knowledge to treat patients: | orthodontist-manhattan.com
At the office of Dr. Robert Weeman, we're experts in the diagnosis of orthodontic problems and provide the highest level of skilled care to achieve attractive, stable, and healthy treatment outcomes. | orthodontist-manhattan.com
With today's advances in orthodontic technology and treatment, it's no wonder so many adults are choosing to align their smiles! | orthodontist-manhattan.com
What does it mean to have an impacted tooth? This informative article from the American Association of Orthodontists explains the various scenarios and approaches to care. | orthodontist-manhattan.com https://www.aaoinfo.org/blog/what-is-an-impacted-tooth/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvfvzwbTG6wIViZWzCh3xEARkEAMYAyAAEgJM7fD_BwE
Beware of Do-It-Yourself techniques to straighten your teeth at home. More and more children and teens are damaging their teeth by following unhealthy online advice. | orthodontist-manhattan.com