If your pool needs a remodel, hire Rodriguez Pool Remodeling in Houston, TX to handle the renovations. Our swimming pool company employs qualified professionals who are eager to improve your swimming pool, repair, plaster and re-tile your pool. We commit our time and expertise to deliver extraordinary results. The owner has 20 years of experience in the pool business.
Having the right pool remodeler on your side is critical to your experience and service. Our staff strives to produce phenomenal results when handling services including pool plaster repair, pool remodeling and pool re-tiling. Look to us for pool resurfacing, as well. We acid wash pools to restore the oasis appeal of swimming pools. Our thorough understanding of restoring, repairing and remodeling swimming pools have truly made a difference to the community.
Call Rodriguez Pool Remodeling in Houston, TX at 832-246-9736 to discuss the specifics of your renovation project. No job is ever too small or large in scale for us to handle.