Rong sounds similar to Chinese character 龍,which means dragon. Rong Restaurant also has a Chinese name that means “Dragon City”, the same as the nick name of its owner’s hometown. Rong offers traditional Huaiyang cuisine with modern Cantonese cuisine in a high-end and elegant environment that seats up to 150 people. It also prominently features a tea program of rare imported selections from China.“龍城”之名源自於餐廳主人的家鄉——江蘇省常州市。在龍城,正宗傳統的淮陽菜係和新版粵菜都得完美的結合。更有從中國直接進口的頂級“明前茶”供客人享用,分別有紅茶和綠茶可選。高檔雅緻的用餐區域可容納150人,是親朋聚會、商務聚餐及舉辦各類派對的理想之所。