Roos Only

(on federal blvd)
Auto Repair in Englewood, CO
Auto Repair


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 12:00PM


3395 S Federal Blvd
Englewood, CO


Roos Only is a family oriented, environmentally concerned and community involved repair shop. We are always ethical in our business practices and help our customers solve their Subaru mechanical problems honestly and fairly. Roos Only is not affiliated with Subaru of America. We are not an authorized Dealer, Sales, Parts or Repair shop affiliated with Subaru of America.


The fluids in your Subaru are essential to its smooth operation. Make sure your vehicle’s brake, power steering, transmission, and coolant fluids are clean, fresh and at the proper level for optimum performance. Call today and have one of our certified technicians check all of your Subaru’s fluids to help keep you on the road and help avoid expensive breakdowns.
Noticing any unusual noises? New, unusual, repetitive sounds coming from your Subaru can work as clear indicators something is not in place or operating smoothly. The risk of driving regardless is unsafe, as sounds can indicate a variety of repair needs such as new breaks or a component of various fluid leaks. For an automotive vehicle inspection see our Subaru repair team.
Is your cars steering wheel shaking back and forth? This could be a sign that it is time for a wheel alignment. It is essential for road safety that a driver has full, confident control of the vehicles operation. Schedule an appointment with one of our expert Subaru mechanics to ensure your wheels are sturdy and safe.
Are you experiencing an uneven ride in your Subaru or maybe feel that your vehicle is bouncing? This could be a problem with your vehicle's suspension and calls for an immediate inspection! A problem with the suspension means you now have less control as the driver and therefore this needs to be inspected by one of our Subaru specialists.
Smelling something abnormal from your Subaru? Burning oil or a problem with the cooling system is not something to ignore, especially during these summer months. Our team of mechanics can provide a professional auto diagnosis promptly and efficiently.
Do you have to turn your steering wheel more than normally to make turns? Tires can sometimes become misaligned and it can feel like you do not have as much control over the wheel as you need. Call one of our Subaru automotive repair specialists today so we can get to the root of the problem.
You need a reliable auto repair shop to maintain your Subaru. If you are in need of solidifying a personal Subaru specialist shop that dedicates itself to learning your vehicle and will always keep track of its history, look no further! Our team of auto experts have what it takes to find an efficient, accurate diagnosis, and then perform the expert repair service you can count on.
A properly functioning brake system is essential, yet they are commonly driven while compromised. Driving with faulty brakes is dangerous for all those in your Subaru and surrounding. If your brakes scrape or screech, please schedule a vehicle inspection. You should be in full-control of vehicle.
Squeaky brakes are potentially damaged brakes! Operating your Subaru without proper, fully-functioning brakes puts yourself and those around you at risk for danger every time you drive. Come in to see one of our brake specialists where we will identify the root cause(s) and strive to get you back on the road safely and in no time.
When your Subaru’s check engine light turns on, it could indicate an issue with your vehicle's diagnostics system. Our auto repair technicians are equipped to identify and provide check engine solutions no matter the severity.
The little things like a worn out spark plug can lead to costing big down the road. Stay on top of your Subaru's maintenance and schedule an appointment with one of our expert mechanics for a routine inspection where we identify the source or sources of the problem. Don't get caught spending more than you possibly needed with escalated repairs because you skipped out on a vehicle maintenance check.
At our shop, we strive to provide beyond the basic service you would receive at the majority of auto repair shops. While we provide all regular general auto repair standard maintenance services, we also go one step further. We provide full-vehicle inspections with any repair as we understand the time to take your Subaru to an auto repair shop is not always manageable. We will provide you a full rundown of what to be proactive about to prevent large repair needs down the line.
Oil and filter changes promote vehicle longevity. Proper oil levels can improve gas mileage and can remove engine wear. Our auto repair shop can provide prompt service, examine if lack of proper oil level has done any damage to your Subaru, and provide an analysis of repair needs.
Our team of auto repair experts are dedicated to providing the highest quality service utilizing up-to-date training techniques and equipment. The expectations we set for our team combined with years of experience makes for top of the line repair service for your Subaru.
Are you having issues starting your Subaru or accelerating it? If so, it might be time to replace your spark plugs. Your spark plugs create the ignition for the combustion needed to start your Subaru and therefore they are a critical component. Schedule to get your spark plugs replaced by an auto repair professional today.
Our auto repair shop is committed to providing exceptional service to your Subaru. Our team is required to present the highest standards of technical skill, customer service and facility appearance. Whether it is regular maintenance or complex electrical issues, our shop is reliable for great service and quality work.
If you are looking for routine maintenance or a more serious auto repair, you’ll find that our service is far from ordinary. Our technicians utilize the latest diagnostic equipment and highest quality parts and fluids to service your Subaru.
Clean air filters can increase engine performance, boost fuel mileage and reduce engine wear. For air filter replacements bring your Subaru to our auto repair shop and we will have your Subaru ready to go in no time.
Your Subaru's battery starts your car, powers on-board computers and supplies emergency power needs. A weakened battery causes stress on alternators and starters, especially during extreme temperatures. If you're in need of a new battery, bring your Subaru into our auto repair shop and have an expert technician help you!
Our technicians specialize in Subaru repairs they can handle the toughest of jobs, ranging from alternator replacement to complex electrical and engine work. See our website for a full list of our services or call our shop.
If you've been needing to get your Subaru maintained be it an oil change or an alignment, our shop is the one-stop place to bring your Subaru. Schedule an appointment through our website or call today!
When one of the red or yellow brake indicators on your dashboard lights up, it may mean you’re due for an inspection. For a full checkup of your vehicle, bring in your Subaru to our auto repair shop and one of our trained technicians will help you keep your vehicle in great condition!
Cabin air filters can minimize airborne contaminants in the passenger compartment and improve heating & cooling efficiency. If you are in need of new cabin air filters our auto repair shop can service your Subaru today!
If you are dealing with worn out spark plugs, those can lead to your engine having to work harder. It can also cause the combustion chamber to not burn fuel efficiently and this will ultimately make you spend more money on fuel. Bring your Subaru into our auto repair shop today for new spark plugs.
When was the last time you got your oil changed? Routine oil maintenance is essential for the longevity of your Subaru. Call someone from our friendly customer service team members to get you back on the road in no time!
If your vehicle has an exhaust leak, this could be potentially dangerous because fumes leaking may contain carbon monoxide. Bring in your Subaru for any exhaust leak repairs to our auto repair shop and have one of our technicians evaluate your vehicle.
Today it’s more than just a few bolts and basic mechanics to repair an engine. With technology constantly advancing, vehicles are constantly evolving and requiring technical teams to stay up-to-date with the latest equipment and training. Our auto repair team provides general auto repair for Subaru's.
As we move into the colder months, we must think about our vehicles and the challenges they will face. Make sure you are doing your part by winterizing your Subaru with the proper tire, fluid, and windshield maintenance. Call us today!
Your brakes are one of the most important safety components in your vehicle. So if you notice any of the common warning signs of brake issues, it’s time to get a professional to check your car. At our shop we have experienced technicians who can perform all brake services on your Subaru.
If you've had your Subaru for a couple of years, most likely you have experienced minor fluid leakage at times. This is just part of the normal wear and tear and is bound to happen. However, it is important to monitor all leaks for severity and stay ahead of your vehicle's fluid checks with professional auto repair service.
One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to help protect the life of your Subaru, especially its engine, is to change the oil and the oil filter regularly. At our auto shop we provide a range of preventative maintenance services including oil changes. Bring in your Subaru today!
In order to add longevity to your Subaru we recommend keeping up with its fluid needs. Never let your car's power steering fluid, coolant, or oil run dry! Regular maintenance sustains the lifetime value of your vehicle.
When you are on the road, the last thing you want to hear is a clunking coming from the engine. Any clunking from the engine should be inspected by a professional. When unburned fuel and air mixture is exposed to heat and pressure for a longer time than normal, detonation may occur. Schedule your Subaru maintenance with our experienced, trusted team today!
When your check engine light comes on it could indicate any number of issues. Sometimes you are able to self-diagnose the damage but rarely are you able to gauge the severity of it. That is why you need to get your Subaru inspected by a trusted technician to run a diagnostic to determine the root of the problem.
Is your Subaru running rough or have you been noticing uneven power when accelerating? If so, this is an indicator that your vehicle could need spark plug maintenance. Any time you notice a problem with the spark plugs, you need reliable auto care to prevent further damage. Misfiring spark plugs could put undue stress on your car's catalytic converter and develop into more costly repairs. Call us today!
A Subaru with alignment issues can lead to problems for tires including uneven wear and tear, which ultimately will shorten your tires’ lifespan and can even cause a dangerous blowout. To schedule an alignment check with our auto repair shop, call us today.
If your driving experience feels off-centered or "drifting" to the side when you intend to travel straight or your vehicle control does not seem seamless, you likely have an alignment problem. You will need professional assistance to fix the issue correctly. Bring your Subaru into our shop today for an inspection!
Oil service helps to keep cool and lubricate multiple parts of your engine while forming a seal between rings and cylinder walls. Be sure that you stay on top of your regularly scheduled maintenance services for your Subaru. Call our auto repair shop today and make an appointment.
Without the correct wheel alignment, your gas mileage, tire life, and overall performance of your Subaru will suffer and ultimately can end up costing more money than to maintain your vehicle's alignment. Don't delay service. See our team of specialists today!
The level of expertise our Subaru repair shop provides is unmatched. If you are in need of any general repair whether it be engine diagnostics and repair, wheel alignments, or brake replacement or fluids flushed, we got you covered! Bring in your vehicle today to get professional care.
A check engine light cannot be ignored. Although the most obvious indicator of an auto repair, it is also one of the most overlooked because of how long you may be able to drive while the check engine light is on. There is wide spread possibility of repairs the light can indicate, including in severity. Regardless of what type of damage is occurring, your Subaru is not at 100% and is therefore susceptible for creating larger damage. Be on the lookout for the check engine light and get your vehicle inspected by one of our technicians.
Not repairing your Subaru when the check engine light comes is problematic. The light can indicate a need for a minor repair that, if left unattended, can escalate in severity and cost to fix. Our team can perform engine diagnostics and determine the issue promptly.
Always be aware if your exhaust is giving off a discolored smoke. The color of this smoke can indicate what kind of damage your Subaru has. Black smoke can mean that fuel is burning not how it should, blue smoke can mean that oil is burning, and white smoke can be an indicator of coolant in the combustion chamber. Call our shop today so one of our auto repair experts can get to the root of the problem and get you back on the road with a safely operating Subaru!
Although often overlooked, our auto experts recommend staying on schedule with your routine oil and lube maintenance. The oil light indicator will come on when your Subaru has low oil pressure and needs maintenance. If this sign is ignored, it can lead to extensive damage to your vehicle's engine. Call us today if you are in need of a quick oil change!
When was the last time you brought your Subaru in for routine maintenance? Whether the check engine light is on or not should not be the only reason you take your vehicle to the auto repair shop. Start the year off right by calling our shop full of reliable auto experts today to have your vehicle running safely and without risk!
Are you noticing that your Subaru pulls more to one side when driving? This is most likely due to a problem with the alignment of the wheels. A subtle problem with the alignment can cause major issues the longer you drive on it. Therefore give our expert team of auto repair mechanics a call today to get you back on the road fast!
There are a couple of reasons why your Subaru may have a tough time accelerating and losing power. Some of these reasons include clogged filters, bad spark plugs, or a low compression for the engine. Call one of our reliable mechanics today to get to the root to the problem so we can get you back on the road in a jiffy!
Are your brakes shrieking or making any unusual noises? Anytime you hear noises coming from your braking system, it is a clear sign that your Subaru needs an inspection. Call our auto repair experts today so we can keep your vehicle safe and sound!
Is your temperature gauge in your Subaru higher than usual? Does it continue to rise even after adding coolant? This is a sign that your cooling system needs immediate attention. Call our team of auto experts today in order to get you back on the road.
Does your Subaru not ride as smoothly as it used to? If you notice that you are bouncing more than usual while driving, it is a sign your suspension is wearing out and your vehicle is need of repair. Maintaining control while you are driving is essential. See our team of auto experts for service.
Your Subaru need its battery to get you where you need to be. Therefore, be mindful of the control panel warning light going on, your vehicle's length of battery, and any difficulty in starting the ignition. These are a few of the top indicators that you need a new battery. Bring your vehicle in for an inspection if you are experience power difficulties.
Do you smell anything unusual coming from your Subaru? If there is a sweet smell and its odor is strongest inside the car, it could be a problem with the heater core. Our team of trusted mechanics will identify any abnormalities and fix them quickly. Call to make an appointment!
Many repairs that come into our auto repair shop are a result of neglecting regular essential services like coolant system checks, oil changes and other regular maintenance necessities. Make sure you are staying on top of these smaller repairs to avoid paying for larger repairs later on. Make an appointment today; we are dedicated to communicative, friendly customer service and specialize in Subaru Repairs!
Your Subaru need its battery to get you where you need to be. Therefore, be mindful of the control panel warning light going on, your vehicle's length of battery, and any difficulty in starting the ignition. These are a few of the top indicators that you need a new battery. Bring your vehicle in for an inspection if you are experience power difficulties.
There are a number of various signs that your suspension needs to be repaired. For example, if your Subaru is having difficulty steering, pulling to one side, or feeling every bump, it is most likely an issue with the suspension. Although identifying the symptoms for suspension repair may seem easy, fixing the issue should be left to the trusted professionals. If you are noticing an issue with your suspension give our team of trusted experts a call today so we can get you in as soon as possible!
Do you smell anything unusual coming from your Subaru? If there is a sweet smell and its odor is strongest inside the car, it could be a problem with the heater core. Our team of trusted mechanics will identify any abnormalities and fix them quickly. Call to make an appointment!
Many repairs that come into our auto repair shop are a result of neglecting regular essential services like coolant system checks, oil changes and other regular maintenance necessities. Make sure you are staying on top of these smaller repairs to avoid paying for larger repairs later on. Make an appointment today; we are dedicated to communicative, friendly customer service and specialize in Subaru Repairs!
Your Subaru need its battery to get you where you need to be. Therefore, be mindful of the control panel warning light going on, your vehicle's length of battery, and any difficulty in starting the ignition. These are a few of the top indicators that you need a new battery. Bring your vehicle in for an inspection if you are experience power difficulties.


Company name
Roos Only
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Roos Only in Englewood CO?
    You can reach them at: 303-934-3400. It’s best to call Roos Only during business hours.
  • What is the address for Roos Only on federal blvd in Englewood?
    Roos Only is located at this address: 3395 S Federal Blvd Englewood, CO 80110.
  • What are Roos Only(Englewood, CO) store hours?
    Roos Only store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 12:00PM, Sun: Closed.