S & S Body Shop

(on fowler)
Auto Repair in Fort Myers, FL
Auto Repair
Real Estate Services


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM


3010 Fowler St
Fort Myers, FL


S & S Body Shop is a family owned automobile repair business that has been proudly serving Southwest Florida for over 40 years. We adhere to biblical principles both in our lives and in our work. All insurance claims are welcome and we guarantee all


S & S Body Shop Photo


Now it's easier to call S&S Body Shop and Automotive Repair.
S&S Body Shop and Automotive Repair updated their business hours.
As you know Covid-19 Virus is affecting the entire world and our immediate community at a very fast rate. Safety for our employees and our customers is our number one goal. We will remain open at the automotive shop and body shop as we are considered essential business. If you would like to have us pick up or deliver your vehicle please don’t hesitate to call either of our locations and we will make the arrangements to do so. We are consistently sanitizing vehicles and our offices also we ask that customers do not wait in our offices if you need a ride home or to work we will be glad to give you a ride. If you have any concerns or questions please call. Thank you for your continued support and stay healthy. Automotive Shop: 816-769-7041 Body Shop: 913-369-3193 SANDSAUTOANDBODY.COM S & S Body Shop and Auto Repair | Tonganoxie, KS
Tonganoxie is in need of votes! The first time in Tongie history our football team has went 10-0!!! KCTV5.COM Which Kansas City-area high school football team should win our Hy-Vee Team of the Week award?
We are thrilled to announce we have teamed up with The White Birch Agency, Realty Executives of KC to provide the first 150 snow cones from Traci's Shaved Ice before the Movie In The Park- Grease! What's your favorite snow cone flavor? SUN, SEP 1, 2019 Movie In The Park- Grease
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at S&S. We hope everyone has a great holiday. We will be closed Thursday the 26th and Friday the 27th and resume business on Monday the 30th.


Company name
S & S Body Shop
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for S & S Body Shop in Fort Myers FL?
    You can reach them at: 239-334-9190. It’s best to call S & S Body Shop during business hours.
  • What is the address for S & S Body Shop on fowler in Fort Myers?
    S & S Body Shop is located at this address: 3010 Fowler St Fort Myers, FL 33901.
  • What are S & S Body Shop(Fort Myers, FL) store hours?
    S & S Body Shop store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.