Have you hammered out your holiday custody schedule yet? https://bit.ly/3kZSkvA
Have you hammered out your holiday custody schedule yet? | Sallee Law, LLC
Just because I work hard doesn’t mean I don’t get to see my kids, right?
Busy Parents Deserve Custody, Too
Busy parent? Negotiate for the right schedule for you https://bit.ly/3l465uf
Busy parent? Negotiate for the right schedule for you | Sallee Law, LLC
How does divorce affect children?
4 Ways Parents Can Help Kids Adjust To Divorce
Help your children adjust to divorce with these 4 tips https://bit.ly/2BHnXJx
Help your children adjust to divorce with these 4 tips | Sallee Law, LLC
As the use of methamphetamine declines elsewhere, Indiana continues to see an increase in distribution.
How Can Users Change Their Habits?
What holiday custody schedule is right for a family? It depends on the family.
Custody Scheduling Strategies For The Holidays
Defining intoxication from controlled substances is rarely straightforward.
What Are Some Possible Defenses For A Drug DUI?
Possible defenses for a drug DUI charge https://bit.ly/3pZPt8z
Possible defenses for a drug DUI charge | Sallee Law, LLC