Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz is an international educator in the field of stem cell therapies. He founded the San Francisco Stem Cell Treatment Center in 2014 with the intention of developing one of the best integrative stem cell centers in the world.
Taking full appreciation of advances in regenerative medicine requires a strategy. One that delves into a comprehensive view of the principles behind how our cells heal, how our cells communicate with one another, and what health parameters matter the most.
Our integrative approach towards Regenerative Medicine has evolved over the past five years and we have developed strategies to optimize, localize, and activate stem cells. Our strategy is designed from the outset to provide better Regenerative healthcare while advancing overall knowledge. We ask how best to assess each patient, how best to treat and optimize each patient, how best to predict outcomes, and how best to prevent adverse outcomes. Our approach is interdisciplinary, and includes patients and their families as active participants.
San Francisco Stem Cell Treatment Center offers non-surgical options for individuals with pain and disability, as well as newer, emerging strategies for age-related conditions.
We bring the latest and most innovative stem cell therapies to you!