Sanitize 4 Serenity is a professional carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, mattress cleaning, mattress sanitizing and hardwood floor cleaning service company that targets allergens produced by house dust mites, bed bugs and other micro-organisms that live and thrive in the mattresses we sleep on. Within a home, dust mite allergens account for 80% of the allergenic matter found in house dust. DMA's originate in your mattresses! We use an environmentally friendly technique to sanitize mattresses, pillows, drapery, stuffed animals, carpet, and upholstered furniture. Mattress cleaning can protect you from a variety of medical conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and respiratory infections, as well as eczema, dermatitis, sinusitis and more! Residential homes as well as multi-bed facilities, such as day care centers, nursing homes, adoption/foster homes, shelters, clinics, as well as hotels all benefit from professional mattress cleaning/sanitizing. Call us today to schedule your appointment.