Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

(on canada)
Elder Care in Green Valley, AZ
Elder Care
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation


Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours


150 N La Canada Dr.
Green Valley, AZ


Since opening our doors in 1975, Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has provided residents with consistent, dedicated and reliable care. We provide a pleasant home-like environment where nursing care and supportive services are delivered by a professional, caring and friendly staff.


Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Photo Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Photo Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Photo Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Photo Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Photo


Starting October with music by one of our residents
Patient Testimonial " After being admitted into two different SNFs in Tucson for almost 100 days, I had minimal success. When I came to Santa Rita my success level was beyond my expectations. In 9 weeks I was able to stand, get out of bed and eventually walk and do car transfers. I was unable to do any of this at the previous SNF Centers in Tucson. I can unconditionally recommend the physical therapy program at Santa Rita, especially Jim and Joanne who I found to be knowledgeable and able to communicate that knowledge to their patients. The physical therapy I had at Santa Rita is 4xs better then the 2 facilities I had in Tucson. Jim is straight forward, he will tell you how it is and does not make false promises. Respect that. - Dennis
Visitation- Just a reminder that when you are visiting your loved one that is at Santa Rita, you do need to follow mask wearing, social distancing and hand hygiene. If you are not willing to following these basic measures to keep your loved ones safe, you will be asked to leave. Thank you
Happy 68Th Wedding Anniversary to the Ferners!
Santa Rita would like to thank Pima County for the unbelievable support during Covid-19. #MaskUpPimaCounty
Enjoying this weather doing some Gardening
NAILS , Arts and crafts
Busy day decorating Spooky cookies
Hallowee Spooky Cart
Best wishes! La Posada Green Valley, AZ 22 hrs · Last week, La Posada wished one of its hard-working nurses a fond farewell and well-earned happy retirement! Debi Shippy retired after eight years of service with La Posada. Debi began working at La Posada in May 2012 as a nursing case manager. Debi realized not only her sympathetic ear would come in handy at La Posada resident Wellness Clinics, but her previous nursing experiences were handy when problem-solving medical issues in a large retirement community like La Posada. In May 2018, Debi became La Posada’s Director of Campus Care Management. Debi Shippy is an RN with 47 years of nursing experience. Before arriving as a senior living nurse, Debi worked as a nurse in newborn, general practice, psychiatric, locked psychiatric, and skilled geriatric nursing. Debi’s soft-spoken ability comes in very handy when trying to convince a resident to leave independent living and move to assisted living. Caring to her means listening, supporting, helping, and being there when someone is facing an everyday challenge or life change. Caring is about mentoring one's mind, body, and soul. Debi, we wish you the best in your new adventures, and we will miss your wit and wisdom. A reminder, if you choose to live near your aunt in Illinois, remember you are shoveling snow up there, not sunshine. 🙂 #careers #nursing #greenvalley #sahuarita
We are currently hiring for PRN CNAs for our skilled nursing facility Must have current certification, CPR/First Aide and Fingerprint Clearance Card This rate of pay is for PRN CNAs Please submit resume to Do not send via messenger SANTA RITA NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER Certified Nursing Assistant -PRN
Patrick Sullivan . Army - Thank you for your service
Robert Duerden . Marine Corps - Thank you for your service
Manuel Gallegos Navy - Thank you for your service
Phil Shoemaker . National Guard - Thank you for your Service
Governor Doug Ducey November 16 at 2:41 PM · For your family. For the vulnerable people in our lives. For our health care workers. It’s never been more important: ✔️ Mask up ✔️ Stay home when sick ✔️ Avoid large gatherings and move them outside whenever possible Find more guidance at:
Pima County November 25 at 1:37 PM · We weren't kidding when we said COVID-19 cases are increasing at an alarming rate. Just look at the graph below. Do your part to slow the spread. We've done it before, we can do it again. #WearAMask #StayHomeForThanksgiving #SocialDistance #WashYourHands #StayHomeWhenSick
Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 150 N La Canada Dr Green Valley, AZ 85614 To Our Families: We know you are concerned about the spread of COVID-19 and how it may impact your loved ones. Ensuring our residents are in a safe and healthy environment is our first priority. Per guidance issued on November 18, 2020 from the federal government agency that oversees nursing homes, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), we are encouraging families to carefully consider family/group gatherings over the holidays. CMS recommends that residents do not leave the building, including during the holidays. Leaving the Center could increase your loved one’s risk for exposure to COVID-19. We, at Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, understand this is a challenging time, and we want to make every effort to help you to connect with your loved one in safe but meaningful way, especially during the holidays. We will continue to offer Video Chats and Window Visits. If You Still Decide to Take a Resident Home for the Holidays Should you and your loved one ultimately decide to leave Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center despite these government recommendations, please be advised that the federal government has also directed us to take extra precautions upon your loved one’s return in an effort to keep all of our residents and staff members safe. If you believe your loved one may have been exposed to COVID-19 while visiting with you for the holidays, please notify us immediately. Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center will implement the following actions when a resident returns to the Center 1. Screen and increase monitoring for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses. 2. Test the resident for COVID-19 if: a. signs and symptoms are present, b. there was potential for exposure while outside of the Center, or c. the resident left the facility for an extended period of time. 3. Place the resident on transmission-based precautions (e.g., keep them isolated to their room) if: a. the resident is symptomatic, b. left the Center, or c. they may have been exposed while outside of the Center Please bear in mind that recommendations for infection control precautions such as those listed above may continue to change and it is important that we follow local, state, and federal guidance. Due to the need to place a resident returning from a family gathering into an isolation room, they most likely will not be able to return to their regular room until they have been on our quarantine unit for 14 days. Ways You Can Help Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 Meanwhile, we hope that we can count on you to help us curb the spread of COVID-19, so we can better protect your loved ones and allow for more in-person visitations. Below are some suggestions on how to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread. 1. Reduce the number of people gathering. Large gatherings offer more opportunity for the virus to spread from person to person, especially when a person infected has no symptoms yet can still spread the virus to others unknowingly. 2. Ask anyone who has had contact with someone who has been ill to not join the holiday celebration in person. If they have been exposed to someone who is/was ill, they may be spreading the virus without knowing they have it. Offer alternative means to stay in touch over the holidays, such as FaceTime, virtual parties, and virtual holiday meals. 3. Remain at least six (6) feet apart both indoors and outdoors. This reduces the amount of virus that you and/or loved ones may come in contact with. 4. Wear face coverings both indoors and outdoors. Face coverings help protect both you and your loved ones. 5. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap is not available. 6. Avoid touching your face or others’ faces. The virus may be on your hands and touching the face may bring the virus into the body. 7. Clean frequently touched objects and surfaces, such as doorknobs or countertops, often. The virus may be able to live for extended periods on certain surfaces. Cleaning of surfaces is important to reduce the risk of spread. 8. Avoid communal service utensils, passing food/drinks, potluck, or buffet style food service. This offers lots of opportunities for the virus to be passed from person to person. Instead, stick with individually prepared plates by a single server. 9. Whenever possible, if you are having a gathering, do so outside. When that is not an option, conduct the gathering in a well-ventilated area. This can be done by opening windows and doors, if possible. 10. Resist the urge to shake hands or hug others. Instead, verbally greet others. Talk to children about not hugging or touching prior to the gathering. 11. Check the local and state conditions and requirements for precautions and restrictions in place. This includes positivity rates and quarantine requirements, before crossing state lines. As we navigate these challenging times, we express our sincere gratitude for your support in helping to protect our residents. This year’s holiday celebrations will undoubtedly be different than we have ever seen before, but together we can find safe ways for our residents to enjoy the holidays with their family and friends. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Fabiola Encinas as (520) 352-3032 For additional information on COVID-19, please visit Thank you for your commitment and dedication to our residents. Sincerely, Amy Malkin Chief Operating Officer CDC.GOV
We are experiencing a temporary outage of phone and internet. Lines are expected to be restored at 7:48pm per Cox.
Working on Christmas shopping by shopping online today
Tucson Medical Center December 9 at 6:33 PM · To our community, We are writing this letter from the front lines of TMC HealthCare. We are not strangers. We are your neighbors, your friends and your families. Our children are in the same classes, even though they’re online right now. We patronize your businesses and stand in line together at the grocery store. We’ve been here for you when you need us the most for more than 75 years. Now, we need you. We work day in and day out caring for our community, then we go home to care for our own families, scared we might bring the virus home and worried about what the future will bring. We’ve held the hands of patients because their families can’t. We’ve watched as cases soar, as schools close and as the hospital nears or reaches capacity almost daily. Yet, we keep going. We know you are tired. We see you. Now, we need you to see us. We are tired, too. We are tired of seeing young people, our elders and everyone in between on ventilators. We are tired of watching people we know get sick from this virus. Our co-workers are getting sick and we are short-staffed. It is becoming more difficult to transfer patients who have critical needs to hospitals that have ICU capacity for greater levels of care. We have activated our surge plans to expand our capacity for COVID patients and we are working to recruit travel labor so we can staff those beds. We are doing everything we can to keep our community safe. Now it’s your turn. Our future - your future - is in your hands. We know we’ve asked a lot. You’ve worn masks. You’ve sheltered in place. Our community has done so much, but now is not the time to give up. We are spending our holidays caring for sick patients. We are asking you, our beloved community, to think about your loved ones and make a few more sacrifices. Please heed the advice of public health experts by washing your hands, wearing your mask in public and staying home with your families. Please stop socializing in person with multiple households for a while. The next couple of weeks will be critical in slowing the spread, and our hospitals need to catch up. We need your help in order to do that. We need our community to rally behind us. We need support and encouragement. We need each other. We are in this together, and we will get through this together. Yours, Judy Rich, RN, Mimi Coomler, RN Joy Upshaw, RN TMC Nurse Leaders
Sahuarita Parks and Recreation 7 hrs · Congratulations to the winners from the Town of Sahuarita 2020 Holiday Lights Parade! Most Creative - Hey Productions Brightest Twinkle - Santa Rita Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Best Holiday Spirit - The Light of the World Church
Santa Rita is at the Sahuarita Light Parade Come and say Hi
Dr. Hector getting his COVID-19 Vaccine to stop the spread! #GetVaccinated
We have a winner thank you for all of your votes
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic- We have received a tentative date from CVS Pharmacy of January 4th from 11am to 5pm. CVS will come to our campus to administer the vaccine More information was sent out today with today's update letter.
Help us pick the best looking Door. Door with most 👍 wins a Pizza party winner will be announced on Monday
COVID-19 Vaccine clinic for Santa Rita is January 4th from 11am to 5pm. We are very excited to finally get the opportunity to vaccinate our residents and employees from this nightmare of a virus. CDC.GOV COVID-19 and Your Health
Pioneer Health Employment December 30, 2020 at 3:21 PM · Prescott Nursing and Rehab leading the way in getting vaccinated #getvaccinated
ABC15.COM Vaccinations begin at Arizona's long-term care facilities
#GetVaccinated To stay healthy and be able to spend time with their family CDC.GOV COVID-19 and Your Health
Pioneer Health Employment December 30, 2020 at 3:21 PM · Prescott Nursing and Rehab leading the way in getting vaccinated #getvaccinated
ABC15.COM Vaccinations begin at Arizona's long-term care facilities
#GetVaccinated To stay healthy and be able to spend time with their family CDC.GOV COVID-19 and Your Health
Pioneer Health Employment December 30, 2020 at 3:21 PM · Prescott Nursing and Rehab leading the way in getting vaccinated #getvaccinated
ABC15.COM Vaccinations begin at Arizona's long-term care facilities
#GetVaccinated To stay healthy and be able to spend time with their family CDC.GOV COVID-19 and Your Health
#GetVaccinated To stay healthy and be able to spend time with their family CDC.GOV COVID-19 and Your Health
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
#GetVaccinated To stay healthy and be able to spend time with their family
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
#GetVaccinated To stay healthy and be able to spend time with their family
Happy National Pizza Day Santa Rita's Main dish today
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
#ValentinesDay2021 Hope everyone has a great valentines day with your loved ones
Happy National Pizza Day Santa Rita's Main dish today
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
Pioneer Health Employment February 22 at 1:50 PM · Today we celebrate one of our treasured team members. Esther Guzman has been working at Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for the past 42 years. Esther currently works on our Saguaro Long Term Care unit as a CNA. Esther is adored by her residents and respected by her team members. We appreciate all that Esther brings to Santa Rita!
#ValentinesDay2021 Hope everyone has a great valentines day with your loved ones
Happy National Pizza Day Santa Rita's Main dish today
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
Big Day today Dinning Rooms started to re-open #santaritastrong
Pioneer Health Employment February 22 at 1:50 PM · Today we celebrate one of our treasured team members. Esther Guzman has been working at Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for the past 42 years. Esther currently works on our Saguaro Long Term Care unit as a CNA. Esther is adored by her residents and respected by her team members. We appreciate all that Esther brings to Santa Rita!
#ValentinesDay2021 Hope everyone has a great valentines day with your loved ones
Happy National Pizza Day Santa Rita's Main dish today
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
#ValentinesDay2021 Hope everyone has a great valentines day with your loved ones
Happy National Pizza Day Santa Rita's Main dish today
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
Big Day today Dinning Rooms started to re-open #santaritastrong
Pioneer Health Employment February 22 at 1:50 PM · Today we celebrate one of our treasured team members. Esther Guzman has been working at Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for the past 42 years. Esther currently works on our Saguaro Long Term Care unit as a CNA. Esther is adored by her residents and respected by her team members. We appreciate all that Esther brings to Santa Rita!
#ValentinesDay2021 Hope everyone has a great valentines day with your loved ones
Happy National Pizza Day Santa Rita's Main dish today
Santa Rita's Covid-19 Vaccine clinic today good day to start a new month #getvaccinated
A picture from our garden beautiful Iris boolmed today
Happy St Patrick Day
Big Day today Dinning Rooms started to re-open #santaritastrong
Pioneer Health Employment February 22 at 1:50 PM · Today we celebrate one of our treasured team members. Esther Guzman has been working at Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for the past 42 years. Esther currently works on our Saguaro Long Term Care unit as a CNA. Esther is adored by her residents and respected by her team members. We appreciate all that Esther brings to Santa Rita!
#ValentinesDay2021 Hope everyone has a great valentines day with your loved ones
A picture from our garden beautiful Iris boolmed today
Happy St Patrick Day
Big Day today Dinning Rooms started to re-open #santaritastrong
Pioneer Health Employment February 22 at 1:50 PM · Today we celebrate one of our treasured team members. Esther Guzman has been working at Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for the past 42 years. Esther currently works on our Saguaro Long Term Care unit as a CNA. Esther is adored by her residents and respected by her team members. We appreciate all that Esther brings to Santa Rita!
#ValentinesDay2021 Hope everyone has a great valentines day with your loved ones


Company name
Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Elder Care


  • What is the phone number for Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Green Valley AZ?
    You can reach them at: 520-325-3005. It’s best to call Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center during business hours.
  • What is the address for Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center on canada in Green Valley?
    Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is located at this address: 150 N La Canada Dr. Green Valley, AZ 85614.
  • What are Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center(Green Valley, AZ) store hours?
    Santa Rita Nursing and Rehabilitation Center store hours are as follows: Mon-Sun: 24 hours.