Here's an article that highlights the issues employees are facing today surrounding COVID-19 and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Attorney Andrea Sconzo and one of her clients were questioned and asked to contribute to this Article.
Sickened by COVID-19, low-wage workers lose jobs. Others are denied paid leave.
On July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans With Disabilities Act into law. The law banned discrimination against “not just of those who are born with a disability, but of those who experience temporary disability, or who are recovering from alcohol abuse or illness” and requires reasonable accommodations in schools, on transportation and in other areas of public life.
The New York Times highlights various areas including disability culture and invisible disabilities that are vital to our growth as a society to truly becoming a nation that does not discriminate against the disabled.
If you have questions about this law on its 30th anniversary or about your rights as a disabled individual, Sconzo Law Office is one of the leaders in disability advocacy and would be glad to help.
Beyond the Law’s Promise: 30 Years Since the Passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act
The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought a whole new set of challenges for employees. With the number of cases in Florida exceeding 15,000 a day, the number of people affected will only increase. As an employee, there are laws that are in place to protect you should you get COVID-19 and you must know your rights:
1. You cannot be fired because you get COVID-19 and have to take leave;
2. If your employer has under 500 employees, you are entitled to 2 weeks paid leave; and
3. If you require leave longer than 2 weeks due to your illness, consider taking FMLA leave if you qualify. FMLA entitles you to 12 weeks of unpaid leave (as well as continued health insurance benefits) and your employer must offer you the same or equivalent position when you return.
If you have any questions, contact us.
Sconzo Law Office, P.A. updated their address.
Sconzo Law Office, P.A. updated their address.