#TechnologyTuesday #Innovation #AWS ##InternetofThings #BlockChain #MachineLearning #Serverless #Productivity #smallbusiness #startuplife #online #tech #mindset #onlinebusiness #thinkbig #data #startup
Want your website to do more for your clients? We can help you turn your website into a web application. Yep just like that! :)
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Are you fetching the Amazon Web Services resources you need to power your web apps? We bring intelligence to your applications.
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Where is your cloud strategy taking you? We can help!
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Secure Cloud Networks
Secure Cloud Networks | Cloud Technology Solutions And Services
Secure Cloud Networks updated their address.
Manage your complete infrastructure 🌃 with AWS Cloudformation. #AwsCodepipeline #AwsCodebuild #AwsCloudformation https://medium.com/swlh/aws-cloudformation-managed-complete-ecs-infrastructure-including-ci-cd-pipeline-from-github-to-ecs-b833bb44e01c
"AWS TaskDefinition Cloudformation ContainerDefinitions -> Image specifies the image URL of the ECR."
Linux kernel will no longer use terms 'blacklist' and 'slave' https://thenextweb.com/dd/2020/07/13/linux-kernel-will-no-longer-use-terms-blacklist-and-slave/ "A long list might create a few confusing cases in the future as the Linux team or Torvalds haven’t recommended one set over another." #Computers #LinuxKernel #Code
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