Sharon Landrum Realty Inc, is a full service property management company.
Sharon Landrum is a graduate of the University of Louisville with a Bachelors degree in finance, an Associates degree in Real Estate completing extensive post grad work in Land Planning and Urban Development. She began working in Corporate Management and Leasing during her college years while working with her Father in their family business (Real Estate Investment, Syndication, Property Management and General Contracting).
Sharon Landrum Realty began and was incorporated in 1985. Over the years Sharon has been involved in a variety of Real Estate related areas from Sales, Management, Development including Managing Residential Properties for herself and others ranging from single-family homes to apartment communities with an excess of 600 units. She also Manages and Owns Commercial Properties ranging from 6,000 sq ft. to 125,000 sq. ft. specializing in “strip ” neighborhood shopping centers.