Shepherd Lutheran School

(on wyoming)
Elementary Schools in Albuquerque, NM
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools & High Schools
Specialty Schools


8:00AM - 3:30PM
8:00AM - 3:30PM
8:00AM - 3:30PM
8:00AM - 3:30PM
8:00AM - 3:30PM
9:00AM - 12:00PM


3900 Wyoming NE
Albuquerque, NM


Christ centered affordable private K-8 education. Jesus Lives!


This week for Sunday School, we learn a few songs about how Jesus loves us! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School October 4, 2020
Our Gospel lesson for this week is from Matthew 20:1-16. Our theme for the week is “Not Our Thoughts.” Our Gospel lesson this week is Jesus’ parable of the workers in the vineyard. When you talk about God, do you ever think of him as fair? We call God “a just God.” He punishes sin but forgives those who repent. He is just. He holds to his standard and does not shift away from it. But does God’s justice mean that he is fair? With our sermon series, “Hard Conversations with Christ,” we often want to inject our thought processes and our human philosophies onto a God whom we cannot fully comprehend. We only know God by the ways he has revealed himself to us. Through nature, he reveals himself as a God of order, love, power, and wisdom. Through the Bible, he reveals himself as loving, kind, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love and mercy. He reveals himself as a God who punishes sin but forgives those who repent of their sin. That seems fair. If he is the one who set the rules, then he can enforce them the way he has set up – and he sticks to it. But our culture has different thoughts about fairness. And this parable brings out our sinful thought process. “If I’ve been a Christian for longer than that person over there, I should get more blessing. I should get more grace. I should get more from God than whatever they receive.” That’s an earthly thought. And that makes sense because of the way our culture rewards loyalty to a company. The longer you stay with a company the more you get paid. You typically have the better chance to move up in the ranks because they know your work ethic and reliability. But God, he’s not like the faulty American business model. He’s not looking for seniority in heaven. He’s not looking for reliable service to prove that you are worth a raise. He’s looking to give you grace. Period. He’s looking to give you love. Period. He’s looking to forgive your sins by what Christ has done to fulfill the law perfectly in your place. Period. There isn’t “extra forgiveness” for those who believe longer. There isn’t a second level of heaven for those who do the “great works and brunt of the work during the heat of the day.” There is simply heaven. There is simply forgiveness. It is simply grace. The same for each and every one of us. Through and through, grace for you. No, grace is not a human thought. Thankfully, it was God’s first thought for you and me. Praise be to our gracious God. Amen.
Our New Testament lesson for this week is from Romans 9:6b-16. Our theme for the week is “Not Our Thoughts.” Have you ever thought about how cool it must have been to be an Israelite back in the time of Joshua? God had chosen you and your people to take over a massive amount of lush and fertile land. God showed you his immense mercy and love by providing for you in battle, for you with food, for you with clothing that wouldn’t wear out. It seems almost unreal the amount of love that God showed to this people. Have you ever thought about how cool it must be to be an “Israelite” today? I put “Israelite” in quotes here because, you are one – by faith. It is your faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that makes you linked to those who received the promise of salvation first. It is your faith in the promised Messiah that links you to their faith. You are by faith an Israelite. Does that mean that we should be proud? No. Imagine you were not one of God’s chosen people – that you were not an Israelite from birth. You met someone who was an Israelite and they told you of this amazing gift that could be yours, but since you weren’t born into the right family you’re out of luck. Why did God choose us? I’m not entirely sure why he specifically chose me, but it wasn’t anything in me that made him love me. It wasn’t how hard I’ve worked to earn his love. It wasn’t my parent’s desire that made God love me. As Paul says, it was simply God’s mercy. His taking away of the punishment I deserve was all as a result of his great love. This grace he has given to me in Christ is special. So special that it saves, and not just me, but all who believe. No, grace is not a human thought. Thankfully, it was God’s first thought for you and me. Praise be to our gracious God. Amen.
Our theme for the 18th week after Pentecost is “Not Our Thoughts.” Our Old Testament lesson for this week is from Isaiah 55:6-9. Our theme gets its name specifically from our OT lesson for the week. The message that we are focusing on for this week is grace. Grace is not something that naturally comes to humans. Sure, we might have compassion on someone. Our hearts may go out to them but often times it might be as a result of not having anything wrong done to us. But the Lord? He’s different. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. When we are wronged, we want to get even. When we aren’t paid the same as someone who worked the same as us, we want to get even. In our Gospel lesson this week we will see how the human mind feels entitled to grace after we have received it long enough. We think we deserve more grace than others because we have believed longer than others. This describes almost perfectly the situation and mindset of those in Israel during Isaiah’s time. They hadn’t yet been carried off into exile, but they were about to experience a deep change in their thought processes. No longer would they feel like they were blessed, because they were persecuted. No longer would they feel like they were God’s chosen people, because they were exiled. No longer would they feel any entitlement as God’s special possession, because God made it clear that the world was free to serve, love, and trust in our gracious God. “Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” These are not our thoughts. When we are wronged, we want vengeance not to hand out mercy. But the Lord? For those who have wronged him (that’s every single person, whether Jew or Gentile), forsake the wicked ways and turn to the Lord who freely sent his Son to pardon us from our sins. He has sent us his Spirit to solidify these truths deep into the heart of the believer so that we might serve and love God with our whole lives. No, grace is not a human thought. Thankfully, it was God’s first thought for you and me. Praise be to our gracious God. Amen.
This week for Sunday School, we'll be talking about God's promises! Thank you again to Christ Our Redeemer for making these videos! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School September 27, 2020
Just a reminder: We have a worship service tonight at 6:00PM that is replacing our normal Monday night worship. This will be the "new normal" for us. God's blessings however you worship this weekend!
Today we dive into an overview of the 20th week after Pentecost: "The Lord Seeks Fruit" - A look at the New Testament lesson from 2 Corinthians 6. Paul wants his people to open their hearts to the work that the Lord calls us to do. YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Today we dive into an overview of the 20th week after Pentecost: "The Lord Seeks Fruit" - A look at the Old Testament lesson from Isaiah 5. The Lord laments the lack of fruit found in his beloved vineyard. YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Here is this week's Sunday School video! YOUTUBE.COM God keeps ALL His promises!!
Today we dive into an overview of the 19th week after Pentecost: "Take the Test" - A look at the Gospel lesson from Matthew 21. Jesus teaches us about having a proper attitude through the parable of the two sons. YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Today we dive into an overview of the 19th week after Pentecost: "Take the Test" - A look at the New Testament lesson from 2 Corinthians 13. Paul gives the Corinthian congregation a test to see if they are walking in the way of the Lord. YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Ever wondered how the Bible fits together for one purpose? A devotional series that weaves the upcoming week of worship. This week: Take the Test. A closer look at how God has given his people an opportunity to serve him in loving repentance. Today a specific look at the Old Testament lesson from Ezekiel 18. YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Today we dive into an overview of the 20th week after Pentecost: "The Lord Seeks Fruit" - A look at the Gospel lesson from Matthew 21. Jesus tells a parable to warn us against not producing fruit. YOUTUBE.COM - YouTube
A man of great faith and a gifted writer who has inspired many a pastor and teacher to remain faithful in their service. He was able to make hard concepts easy to understand through his simple way of communicating. What a blessing for us to have had such a faithful servant in our church body! WELS News Yesterday at 9:42 AM · Professor Daniel Deutschlander is where he always desired to be…with Jesus. Christ called him home earlier this morning. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, a public memorial service will take place at a later date. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them."
This week's Sunday School is on Genesis 18&21! YOUTUBE.COM God Makes Me Glad! Sunday School - YouTube
For our worship service this week, we follow the historic lectionary with lessons from Isaiah 25, Romans 11 and Matthew 22. The sermon is based on Matthew 9 where Jesus calls Matthew to be his disciple. God's blessings on your worship! We look forward to seeing you in person in two weeks. YOUTUBE.COM Oct 25 Online Worship - Pentecost 21 "Many Invited, Few Chosen"
For those who are looking for the post-service questions - here they are! Thanks for joining us for worship, God bless your week!
Our Sunday school lesson this week is from Genesis where we learn that God provided the sacrifice for Isaac and Abraham, just as he does for us! https://youtu.be/bFQyrX5dfYY YOUTUBE.COM God Provides The Sacrifice!
Our worship service starts in 15 minutes. Catch the link here. https://youtu.be/zbBD6fhqe6g
Happy Reformation Day! Bread for Beggars October 30 at 5:17 PM · In 1519, as the Lutheran Reformation was just beginning, Martin Luther created a seal or coat of arms for himself. It provides a beautiful summary of Luther’s faith in Jesus and the promises of God’s Word. Here is how Martin Luther himself explained the meaning of his seal: "Grace and peace from the Lord. As you desire to know whether my painted seal, which you sent to me, has hit the mark, I shall answer most amiably and tell you my original thoughts and reason about why my seal is a symbol of my theology. The first should be a black cross in a heart, which retains its natural color, so that I myself would be reminded that faith in the Crucified saves us. 'For one who believes from the heart will be justified' (Romans 10:10). Although it is indeed a black cross, which mortifies and which should also cause pain, it leaves the heart in its natural color. It does not corrupt nature, that is, it does not kill but keeps alive. 'The just shall live by faith' (Romans 1:17) but by faith in the Crucified. Such a heart should stand in the middle of a white rose, to show that faith gives joy, comfort, and peace. In other words, it places the believer into a white, joyous rose, for this faith does not give peace and joy like the world gives (John 14:27). That is why the rose should be white and not red, for white is the color of the spirits and the angels (cf. Matthew 28:3; John 20:12). Such a rose should stand in a sky-blue field, symbolizing that such joy in spirit and faith is a beginning of the heavenly future joy, which begins already, but is grasped in hope, not yet revealed. And around this field is a golden ring, symbolizing that such blessedness in Heaven lasts forever and has no end. Such blessedness is exquisite, beyond all joy and goods, just as gold is the most valuable, most precious and best metal. This is the summary of my theology. May Christ, our beloved Lord, be with your spirit until the life hereafter. Amen.” What a clear and simple summary of the Christian faith! This Reformation Day (October 31st), take time to thank God for using people like Martin Luther to teach us the truth about Jesus our Savior. Pastor Nathan Nass
As a reminder: There is no in-person worship tonight or tomorrow. We will worship online for Last Judgment Sunday. The service will start at 9:30AM. God's blessings on your worship this weekend!
Our theme for Last Judgment Sunday is “God Judges Justly.” It’s not much of a theme as it is a simple statement that should invoke both fear and gratitude for our Lord Most High. The gospel for Last Judgment Sunday is from Matthew 25. God’s Word says: 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” It is common to make this the key to the entire section and to read Jesus' challenge as directed to all humanity or to the disciples in terms of social action; that is, Jesus will judge everyone on the basis of helping the poor and the needy. Yet Jesus is not teaching a works righteousness form of salvation here. Six items are listed here. All speak of works of compassion and mercy to hurting people. Hunger and thirst are the most frequently noted in Scripture and the greatest need in the world today. Hospitality to strangers became a major sign of loving compassion for the early church and was a requirement for leadership (Rom 12:13; 1 Tim 3:2, 5:10; Titus 1:8; Heb 13:2; 1 Pet 4:9; cf. Judg 19:15; Job 31:32). Providing clothing for those who had none is noted in Deut 15:11; Ezek 18:7, and the wearing of sumptuous clothing was a major sign of depravity in Rev 17:4; 18:16. Visiting and caring for the sick was at the heart of Jesus' miraculous ministry, and no one exemplified this better. Then even more than now, caring for the sick was to take the risk of catching the disease oneself. There is no better proof of a compassionate ministry. Visiting those imprisoned is mentioned in Col 4:18; Heb 10:34; 13:3. Many believers were put in prison, and in the first century, prisons were terrible cesspools of filth and degradation. These six items represented a ministry of mercy to those in need, which will always be at the core of true kingdom living. (Zondervan commentary on Matthew) True kingdom living helps us see what the end of the world will hold. For us, who are sheep in Jesus’ sheep pen, the end of the age will be interesting. Interesting because for us it is nothing more than another day living in the grace God has won for us. The difference is, we get to see fully what God’s grace has won for us. An entire inheritance that will not spoil or fade. An entire inheritance that gives us a seat at the wedding supper of the Lamb. It’s an inheritance that God has been preparing for those who believe since creation. He has been waiting to spend an eternity with you. What a blessing God has in store for you! But for those who reject Jesus here on this earth, the goats, the end of the age will be interesting. They will be filled with shock and bewilderment. They had been thinking that their acts of “love” were enough to win over the God of the universe. And the problem is, they thought all along that their lives were everything God wanted. So how do we know the difference? True kingdom living! Jesus calls us to love our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. He calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves as well. These six items that Jesus lays out are a way for us to always know where we stand with the Lord. We aren’t doing works for ourselves, we aren’t trying to build a reputation for how well we act, we aren’t trying to make sure people know what we are doing. We are simply serving the Lord because it’s what he has called us to do. He has called us to true kingdom living until the day he calls us home. It is on that day where we can join the glorious hosts in heaven forever. “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the selfless service of those who risked their lives to protect our nation, preserve our freedoms, and restore peace in the face of brutal aggressors. Grant relief to those who continue to experience emotional or physical agony from their days of combat. Give us a sense of responsibility for their welfare. Comfort those who mourn for loved ones who died while performing their duty to our country. Be with those who currently serve. Keep them safe from all harm and give them the peace that only comes through the comfort won for us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is in his name that we come before you, the Lord of all. Amen. A special thank you to all our military servicemen and women in our midst at Shepherd and those around the globe who protect us and grant our nation peace and security.
This week's Sunday School goes over the story of Isaac's wife in Genesis 24! YOUTUBE.COM God Gives Success!
A prayer on Election Day: +++ Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – we thank you for the many blessings of living in this nation and pray for her on this Election Day. God the Father, as you guided world history in order to bring your Son into this world as our Savior and protected him throughout his earthly life, so we ask you to guide the future of our nation and protect your saints during their earthly pilgrimage in this land. Lord Jesus Christ, you humbly submitted to the governing authorities but also reminded Pontius Pilate that his authority was given to him from above. Give us your willingness to humbly submit to whichever candidate is elected because he will be your appointed representative over us. But also remind us that you are still the risen and ascended Lord and retain your power over all things as the King of Kings. Holy Spirit, through baptism you have made us citizens of heaven above. Use your Word to fix our thoughts on heavenly things, even as we await the results of an earthly election. Drive from our hearts all sinful thoughts, words, and deeds in the days ahead. Work in us your fruits of faith so that we display among our fellow citizens the faith, hope, and love which you have given to us. Almighty God, bless America, bring more and more of our countrymen to faith in Jesus as the Savior from sin, and bring us safely to your heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
If you didn't have a chance to catch our worship service, here is our Saints Triumphant celebration. Blessings on your Sunday YOUTUBE.COM Forever With the Lord -- Saints Triumphant
This week's Sunday School is based trusting God! We look at the story of Jacob deceiving Isaac in Genesis 25 & 27. YOUTUBE.COM Trust God! Sunday School
For those who didn't have a chance to catch our livestream, you can catch the replay here. Blessings on your worship as we celebrate the reign and rule of our blessed King! You can find the worship folder at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a99z7CINegiO24yhGaQ9VFVBqFyK2IrN/view?usp=sharing YOUTUBE.COM Hail, the Humble King
This week for Sunday School, we'll be going over Genesis 32, which teaches us to "Hold on to God for Good"! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School November 8, 2020
Our Sunday School for this week: God is Always with You YOUTUBE.COM God Is Always With You!
For those who missed the livestream, here is the link to our worship service! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcwpopsB7rY If you want an online bulletin, the link is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e8AcePGsdwrQlTdFYk9dHmAM6CK7oJyw/view?usp=sharing YOUTUBE.COM Stay on Your Toes!
In 20 minutes our Thanksgiving service will start. The link is provided here: https://youtu.be/PXyhoBSOPYs The video itself will be unplayable until 6:00PM Thank you for joining us for our devotion and we look forward to seeing you soon. Stay safe and have a blessed Thanksgiving! YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Our Sunday school for this week: God Works All Things for Your Good - a look at Genesis 42-45 YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School November 22, 2020
For those who missed our livestream, here is the link to this morning's worship service https://youtu.be/kbh4ZE9hn28 For those who would like to see the bulletin, the Google Drive link is here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TwWqnzfsQbG_OG0NzMGAb_qEN6Zv9o1F/view?usp=sharing Blessings on your week as we continue to cry out for the Lord, "Comfort, comfort my people"! YOUTUBE.COM What Shall We Cry Out?
The awesome thing about this being virtual is that we have an opportunity to reach ladies all over the world. Please “like” and “share” the event so we can spread the word! SUN, DEC 13 AT 6:00 PM MST Women's Advent by Candlelight - "An Evening with Isaiah"
SUN, DEC 13 AT 6:00 PM MST Women's Advent by Candlelight - "An Evening with Isaiah"
You can find out midweek devotion here! https://youtu.be/UIru1TxLO1g YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
At 6:00PM we will have a recorded online devotion. The devotion will be centered around the words from hymns 3 and 4 in our hymnal, "Lift Your Heads, You Mighty Gates." The service will be available at 6:00 from this link https://youtu.be/UIru1TxLO1g If you want to familiarize yourself with the hymn here are two links. One is to Handel's Messiah version (which is what I encourage you to listen to during the devotion) https://youtu.be/7wfgTI1lsMQ and the other is of the same setting but not in a Chorale manner https://youtu.be/Iy2JyS0F-F0. "See you" tonight! YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Our Sunday School lesson for this week: Jesus is Coming! - God's Promise https://youtu.be/Pg-RBlp21y4 YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School November 29, 2020
For those who would like to catch our bulletin for the worship service, you can find it at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RhQ2ctgELwClj5RdGcEruPPi60Mg0lhS/view?usp=sharing You can find the service streamed from the link here at 8:30AM: https://youtu.be/JVBiJ0pM33U God's blessings on your worship. DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Dec 13 worship service.docx
SUN, DEC 13 AT 6:00 PM MST Women's Advent by Candlelight - "An Evening with Isaiah"
Our mid-week Advent devotion can be seen here at this link. https://youtu.be/HDto2X6orfQ God bless! YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
In 10 minutes our midweek Advent service goes live. You can find the link here: https://youtu.be/HDto2X6orfQ YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
At 6:00PM we will have our second mid-week Advent devotion. In preparation, check out this great blurb about one of our hymnal's most decorated authors. "As a poet he undoubtedly holds the highest place among the hymn-writers of Germany. His hymns seem to be the spontaneous outpouring of a heart that overflows with love, trust, and praise; his language is simple and pure; if it has sometimes a touch of homeliness, it has no vulgarism, and at times it rises to a beauty and grace, which always give the impression of being unstudied, yet could hardly have been improved by art. His tenderness and fervor never degenerate into the sentimentality and petty conceits which were already becoming fashionable in his days; nor his penitence and sorrow into that morbid despondency which we find in Gryphius, and for which the disappointments of his own life might have furnished some excuse." I invite you to search for the hymns found at the bottom of this article. When you read the words he wrote and hear the hymns sung, you see why Luther held this man in such high regard. See the whole article about this great hymnwriter here: https://www.hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com/Hymns_and_Carols/Biographies/paul_gerhardt.htm HYMNSANDCAROLSOFCHRISTMAS.COM Paul Gerhardt
Our midweek Advent devotion is live! Check it out here: https://youtu.be/vF3GKRNkSuo YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
In 10 minutes our final midweek Advent devotion of 2020 will go live. You can find the YouTube link here! https://youtu.be/vF3GKRNkSuo YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
At 6:00PM our midweek devotion will go live. Here is the link to the YouTube video. https://youtu.be/vF3GKRNkSuo Blessings on your day! YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Due to a technical snag on YouTube, the video will be ready at 6:15PM! https://youtu.be/uvrGz-qC2iU YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
In 20 minutes our Advent by Candlelight event will go live. The link here will be ready for viewing at 6:00PM!! https://youtu.be/uvrGz-qC2iU YOUTUBE.COM www.youtube.com
Our Livestreamed service will start in an hour. The link for the livestream can be found here: https://youtu.be/EkxKFUEFsxE YOUTUBE.COM Christmas Eve Worship 2020
For those who won't be able to attend our Christmas Eve services tonight, the 6:30PM service will be livestreamed. You can find the bulletin here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SWuS1fAb4_Fh8scW0d3p1W7EceY_KgFe/view?usp=sharing A link to the livestream will be posted closer to the service. DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Christmas Eve.docx
VIMEO.COM 2020 WELS Christmas message from President Schroeder
Join us for worship this evening at 4:00 or 6:30PM to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Please remember to sign up for one of the services so that we can plan for overflow seating. Merry Christmas! Service signup: www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f48adaa2caaf49-shepherd
Katie and Pastor had their baby early Monday morning. Pastor will be around the office on Saturday and most of next week. The service for New Year's Eve will still happen at 6:00PM. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
For those who missed our livestream (or if you're looking for a worship service) here is a link to our 8:30 service this morning: https://youtu.be/_OX6EzFLEEY And our worship folder can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1okiDuggO-Gx03s3bCELc4-5bDK6Jo5Fw/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Dec 27.docx
Our Sunday School lesson for this week: Jesus is Coming! - God's Purpose YOUTUBE.COM Jesus Is Coming! God's Purpose - Sunday School
Our Livestreamed service will start in an hour. The link for the livestream can be found here: https://youtu.be/EkxKFUEFsxE YOUTUBE.COM Christmas Eve Worship 2020
For those who won't be able to attend our Christmas Eve services tonight, the 6:30PM service will be livestreamed. You can find the bulletin here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SWuS1fAb4_Fh8scW0d3p1W7EceY_KgFe/view?usp=sharing A link to the livestream will be posted closer to the service. DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Christmas Eve.docx
VIMEO.COM 2020 WELS Christmas message from President Schroeder
Our New Year's Eve service will be livestreamed at 6:00PM. For those who will be worshipping with us online, you can find our bulletin for the service here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeQh3eqYHJkmFVB8BaQPfLupmI4ACLm6/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM New Years Eve.docx
Katie and Pastor had their baby early Monday morning. Pastor will be around the office on Saturday and most of next week. The service for New Year's Eve will still happen at 6:00PM. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
For those who missed our livestream (or if you're looking for a worship service) here is a link to our 8:30 service this morning: https://youtu.be/_OX6EzFLEEY And our worship folder can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1okiDuggO-Gx03s3bCELc4-5bDK6Jo5Fw/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Dec 27.docx
Our Sunday School lesson for this week: Jesus is Coming! - God's Purpose YOUTUBE.COM Jesus Is Coming! God's Purpose - Sunday School
Our Livestreamed service will start in an hour. The link for the livestream can be found here: https://youtu.be/EkxKFUEFsxE YOUTUBE.COM Christmas Eve Worship 2020
For those who won't be able to attend our Christmas Eve services tonight, the 6:30PM service will be livestreamed. You can find the bulletin here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SWuS1fAb4_Fh8scW0d3p1W7EceY_KgFe/view?usp=sharing A link to the livestream will be posted closer to the service. DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Christmas Eve.docx
If you missed our worship service, you can find it here! https://youtu.be/RAVHRzKBCiM Here is the worship folder to go along with the service too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHsU6WEyFEPSBe2_NptETedSZ_u6GztD/view?usp=sharing God's blessings on your day! DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Jan 10 worship service.docx
Sunday school for this week: Jesus Is Coming! God's Present! YOUTUBE.COM 'Jesus Is Coming!' God's Present - Sunday School
Our New Year's Eve service will be livestreamed at 6:00PM. For those who will be worshipping with us online, you can find our bulletin for the service here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeQh3eqYHJkmFVB8BaQPfLupmI4ACLm6/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM New Years Eve.docx
Katie and Pastor had their baby early Monday morning. Pastor will be around the office on Saturday and most of next week. The service for New Year's Eve will still happen at 6:00PM. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
For those who missed our livestream (or if you're looking for a worship service) here is a link to our 8:30 service this morning: https://youtu.be/_OX6EzFLEEY And our worship folder can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1okiDuggO-Gx03s3bCELc4-5bDK6Jo5Fw/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Dec 27.docx
Our Sunday School lesson for this week: Jesus is Coming! - God's Purpose YOUTUBE.COM Jesus Is Coming! God's Purpose - Sunday School
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at Moses' birth! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 17, 2021
If you missed our worship service, you can find it here! https://youtu.be/RAVHRzKBCiM Here is the worship folder to go along with the service too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHsU6WEyFEPSBe2_NptETedSZ_u6GztD/view?usp=sharing God's blessings on your day! DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Jan 10 worship service.docx
Sunday school for this week: Jesus Is Coming! God's Present! YOUTUBE.COM 'Jesus Is Coming!' God's Present - Sunday School
Our New Year's Eve service will be livestreamed at 6:00PM. For those who will be worshipping with us online, you can find our bulletin for the service here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeQh3eqYHJkmFVB8BaQPfLupmI4ACLm6/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM New Years Eve.docx
Katie and Pastor had their baby early Monday morning. Pastor will be around the office on Saturday and most of next week. The service for New Year's Eve will still happen at 6:00PM. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
For those who missed our livestream (or if you're looking for a worship service) here is a link to our 8:30 service this morning: https://youtu.be/_OX6EzFLEEY And our worship folder can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1okiDuggO-Gx03s3bCELc4-5bDK6Jo5Fw/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Dec 27.docx
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at Moses' birth! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 17, 2021
If you missed our worship service, you can find it here! https://youtu.be/RAVHRzKBCiM Here is the worship folder to go along with the service too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHsU6WEyFEPSBe2_NptETedSZ_u6GztD/view?usp=sharing God's blessings on your day! DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Jan 10 worship service.docx
Sunday school for this week: Jesus Is Coming! God's Present! YOUTUBE.COM 'Jesus Is Coming!' God's Present - Sunday School
Our New Year's Eve service will be livestreamed at 6:00PM. For those who will be worshipping with us online, you can find our bulletin for the service here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeQh3eqYHJkmFVB8BaQPfLupmI4ACLm6/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM New Years Eve.docx
Katie and Pastor had their baby early Monday morning. Pastor will be around the office on Saturday and most of next week. The service for New Year's Eve will still happen at 6:00PM. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
For those who missed our livestream (or if you're looking for a worship service) here is a link to our 8:30 service this morning: https://youtu.be/_OX6EzFLEEY And our worship folder can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1okiDuggO-Gx03s3bCELc4-5bDK6Jo5Fw/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Dec 27.docx
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at the Lord's mighty acts in Egypt! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 24, 2021
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at Moses' birth! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 17, 2021
If you missed our worship service, you can find it here! https://youtu.be/RAVHRzKBCiM Here is the worship folder to go along with the service too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHsU6WEyFEPSBe2_NptETedSZ_u6GztD/view?usp=sharing God's blessings on your day! DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Jan 10 worship service.docx
Sunday school for this week: Jesus Is Coming! God's Present! YOUTUBE.COM 'Jesus Is Coming!' God's Present - Sunday School
Our New Year's Eve service will be livestreamed at 6:00PM. For those who will be worshipping with us online, you can find our bulletin for the service here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeQh3eqYHJkmFVB8BaQPfLupmI4ACLm6/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM New Years Eve.docx
Katie and Pastor had their baby early Monday morning. Pastor will be around the office on Saturday and most of next week. The service for New Year's Eve will still happen at 6:00PM. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
This morning, Lily and Noah had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded that it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at the Passover! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 31, 2021
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at the Lord's mighty acts in Egypt! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 24, 2021
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at Moses' birth! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 17, 2021
If you missed our worship service, you can find it here! https://youtu.be/RAVHRzKBCiM Here is the worship folder to go along with the service too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHsU6WEyFEPSBe2_NptETedSZ_u6GztD/view?usp=sharing God's blessings on your day! DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Jan 10 worship service.docx
Sunday school for this week: Jesus Is Coming! God's Present! YOUTUBE.COM 'Jesus Is Coming!' God's Present - Sunday School
This week for Sunday school, we learn about Moses and water from the rock! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 7, 2021
This morning, Lily and Noah had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded that it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at the Passover! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 31, 2021
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at the Lord's mighty acts in Egypt! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 24, 2021
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at Moses' birth! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 17, 2021
If you missed our worship service, you can find it here! https://youtu.be/RAVHRzKBCiM Here is the worship folder to go along with the service too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHsU6WEyFEPSBe2_NptETedSZ_u6GztD/view?usp=sharing God's blessings on your day! DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Jan 10 worship service.docx
This week for Sunday school, we learn about the golden calf and to worship God only! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 14, 2021
This morning, April and Jacob had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about Moses and water from the rock! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 7, 2021
This morning, Lily and Noah had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded that it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at the Passover! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 31, 2021
This week for Sunday school, we will be looking at the Lord's mighty acts in Egypt! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School January 24, 2021
This week's lesson is centered around the message "God lives with His people." What a great reminder it is to know that when we gather in His name, we gather around His promise: "I will dwell among you." YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 21, 2021
For those who weren't able to make it our Ash Wednesday service, we apologize for not being able to get our livestream up and running. If you would still like an opportunity to worship here is a link to the PowerPoint for the service, the bulletin, and the sermon. God's blessings! Sermon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uf0UPXpQL7SBBd5jgPPI6baUiGyxrxe9/view?usp=sharing PowerPoint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BMxWLsqO8vy7pEDJQuH9IBsMXcHPCZ7E/view?usp=sharing Bulletin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IRY32eb7TtuaeloaVWnzYHPaStmFd6Yc/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM ash bulletin.docx
Today at 6:00 PM (both in person and online) we will observe Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time for sinners to see their deep need for a Savior by remembering two things: sin and repentance. Sin is easily understood as "missing the mark." We have missed the mark of God's holy law and as a result deserve eternal death. Repentance is easily understood as "doing a 180." Being told about our sin, being told about what happens to those who fail God's law, we pray as the tax collector in our gospel lesson this evening will say, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Repentance isn't just seeing our sin and pleading for mercy, it's also living in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. In our Lenten journey this year, let us ask our God to move us, by his great mercy, to live in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. Come and join us for a message of peace won for us by Christ!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about the golden calf and to worship God only! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 14, 2021
This morning, April and Jacob had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about Moses and water from the rock! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 7, 2021
This week's lesson is centered around the message "God lives with His people." What a great reminder it is to know that when we gather in His name, we gather around His promise: "I will dwell among you." YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 21, 2021
For those who weren't able to make it our Ash Wednesday service, we apologize for not being able to get our livestream up and running. If you would still like an opportunity to worship here is a link to the PowerPoint for the service, the bulletin, and the sermon. God's blessings! Sermon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uf0UPXpQL7SBBd5jgPPI6baUiGyxrxe9/view?usp=sharing PowerPoint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BMxWLsqO8vy7pEDJQuH9IBsMXcHPCZ7E/view?usp=sharing Bulletin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IRY32eb7TtuaeloaVWnzYHPaStmFd6Yc/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM ash bulletin.docx
Today at 6:00 PM (both in person and online) we will observe Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time for sinners to see their deep need for a Savior by remembering two things: sin and repentance. Sin is easily understood as "missing the mark." We have missed the mark of God's holy law and as a result deserve eternal death. Repentance is easily understood as "doing a 180." Being told about our sin, being told about what happens to those who fail God's law, we pray as the tax collector in our gospel lesson this evening will say, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Repentance isn't just seeing our sin and pleading for mercy, it's also living in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. In our Lenten journey this year, let us ask our God to move us, by his great mercy, to live in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. Come and join us for a message of peace won for us by Christ!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about the golden calf and to worship God only! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 14, 2021
This morning, April and Jacob had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about Moses and water from the rock! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 7, 2021
https://youtu.be/Nsx824JhwJA Today we find the children of Israel near the border of Canaan, the land the Lord had long promised to give them. So close! Nothing could stop them now! ...Except a lack of trust in the Lord. Yes, even after all He had done for them, after all they had seen from Him. They trust what they see (Strong people! Strong cities!) over what the Lord promised them (I will GIVE you this land!). What we want to learn anew today is that God Is Worthy of Our Trust. Our verse for today reminds us that "BLESSED is the one who trusts in the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:7) Our song for today comes straight from the hymnal: "I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus" speaks of the peace and blessing of simple childlike faith in the Lord and in what He says. YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 28, 2021
This week's lesson is centered around the message "God lives with His people." What a great reminder it is to know that when we gather in His name, we gather around His promise: "I will dwell among you." YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 21, 2021
For those who weren't able to make it our Ash Wednesday service, we apologize for not being able to get our livestream up and running. If you would still like an opportunity to worship here is a link to the PowerPoint for the service, the bulletin, and the sermon. God's blessings! Sermon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uf0UPXpQL7SBBd5jgPPI6baUiGyxrxe9/view?usp=sharing PowerPoint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BMxWLsqO8vy7pEDJQuH9IBsMXcHPCZ7E/view?usp=sharing Bulletin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IRY32eb7TtuaeloaVWnzYHPaStmFd6Yc/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM ash bulletin.docx
Today at 6:00 PM (both in person and online) we will observe Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time for sinners to see their deep need for a Savior by remembering two things: sin and repentance. Sin is easily understood as "missing the mark." We have missed the mark of God's holy law and as a result deserve eternal death. Repentance is easily understood as "doing a 180." Being told about our sin, being told about what happens to those who fail God's law, we pray as the tax collector in our gospel lesson this evening will say, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Repentance isn't just seeing our sin and pleading for mercy, it's also living in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. In our Lenten journey this year, let us ask our God to move us, by his great mercy, to live in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. Come and join us for a message of peace won for us by Christ!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about the golden calf and to worship God only! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 14, 2021
This morning, April and Jacob had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
https://youtu.be/Nsx824JhwJA Today we find the children of Israel near the border of Canaan, the land the Lord had long promised to give them. So close! Nothing could stop them now! ...Except a lack of trust in the Lord. Yes, even after all He had done for them, after all they had seen from Him. They trust what they see (Strong people! Strong cities!) over what the Lord promised them (I will GIVE you this land!). What we want to learn anew today is that God Is Worthy of Our Trust. Our verse for today reminds us that "BLESSED is the one who trusts in the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:7) Our song for today comes straight from the hymnal: "I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus" speaks of the peace and blessing of simple childlike faith in the Lord and in what He says. YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 28, 2021
This week's lesson is centered around the message "God lives with His people." What a great reminder it is to know that when we gather in His name, we gather around His promise: "I will dwell among you." YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 21, 2021
For those who weren't able to make it our Ash Wednesday service, we apologize for not being able to get our livestream up and running. If you would still like an opportunity to worship here is a link to the PowerPoint for the service, the bulletin, and the sermon. God's blessings! Sermon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uf0UPXpQL7SBBd5jgPPI6baUiGyxrxe9/view?usp=sharing PowerPoint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BMxWLsqO8vy7pEDJQuH9IBsMXcHPCZ7E/view?usp=sharing Bulletin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IRY32eb7TtuaeloaVWnzYHPaStmFd6Yc/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM ash bulletin.docx
Today at 6:00 PM (both in person and online) we will observe Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time for sinners to see their deep need for a Savior by remembering two things: sin and repentance. Sin is easily understood as "missing the mark." We have missed the mark of God's holy law and as a result deserve eternal death. Repentance is easily understood as "doing a 180." Being told about our sin, being told about what happens to those who fail God's law, we pray as the tax collector in our gospel lesson this evening will say, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Repentance isn't just seeing our sin and pleading for mercy, it's also living in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. In our Lenten journey this year, let us ask our God to move us, by his great mercy, to live in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. Come and join us for a message of peace won for us by Christ!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about the golden calf and to worship God only! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 14, 2021
This morning, April and Jacob had the opportunity to be baptized! What a blessing to add more to the number of God’s family as we are reminded it is Jesus who has washed away our sins!
This week we learn about Rahab and God's surprising grace! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School March 7, 2021
https://youtu.be/Nsx824JhwJA Today we find the children of Israel near the border of Canaan, the land the Lord had long promised to give them. So close! Nothing could stop them now! ...Except a lack of trust in the Lord. Yes, even after all He had done for them, after all they had seen from Him. They trust what they see (Strong people! Strong cities!) over what the Lord promised them (I will GIVE you this land!). What we want to learn anew today is that God Is Worthy of Our Trust. Our verse for today reminds us that "BLESSED is the one who trusts in the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:7) Our song for today comes straight from the hymnal: "I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus" speaks of the peace and blessing of simple childlike faith in the Lord and in what He says. YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 28, 2021
This week's lesson is centered around the message "God lives with His people." What a great reminder it is to know that when we gather in His name, we gather around His promise: "I will dwell among you." YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 21, 2021
For those who weren't able to make it our Ash Wednesday service, we apologize for not being able to get our livestream up and running. If you would still like an opportunity to worship here is a link to the PowerPoint for the service, the bulletin, and the sermon. God's blessings! Sermon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uf0UPXpQL7SBBd5jgPPI6baUiGyxrxe9/view?usp=sharing PowerPoint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BMxWLsqO8vy7pEDJQuH9IBsMXcHPCZ7E/view?usp=sharing Bulletin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IRY32eb7TtuaeloaVWnzYHPaStmFd6Yc/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM ash bulletin.docx
Today at 6:00 PM (both in person and online) we will observe Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time for sinners to see their deep need for a Savior by remembering two things: sin and repentance. Sin is easily understood as "missing the mark." We have missed the mark of God's holy law and as a result deserve eternal death. Repentance is easily understood as "doing a 180." Being told about our sin, being told about what happens to those who fail God's law, we pray as the tax collector in our gospel lesson this evening will say, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Repentance isn't just seeing our sin and pleading for mercy, it's also living in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. In our Lenten journey this year, let us ask our God to move us, by his great mercy, to live in the forgiveness Christ has won for us. Come and join us for a message of peace won for us by Christ!
This week for Sunday school, we learn about the golden calf and to worship God only! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 14, 2021
Missed worship? Here is a link to the online worship for this morning. God bless! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqKacWDKozc YOUTUBE.COM Repent and Glorify
This we learn about how God gave a great victory to Israel when they conquered Jericho and how he gives us great victories everyday! YOUTUBE.COM God Gives Great Victories! Sunday School
This week we learn about Rahab and God's surprising grace! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School March 7, 2021
https://youtu.be/Nsx824JhwJA Today we find the children of Israel near the border of Canaan, the land the Lord had long promised to give them. So close! Nothing could stop them now! ...Except a lack of trust in the Lord. Yes, even after all He had done for them, after all they had seen from Him. They trust what they see (Strong people! Strong cities!) over what the Lord promised them (I will GIVE you this land!). What we want to learn anew today is that God Is Worthy of Our Trust. Our verse for today reminds us that "BLESSED is the one who trusts in the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:7) Our song for today comes straight from the hymnal: "I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus" speaks of the peace and blessing of simple childlike faith in the Lord and in what He says. YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 28, 2021
This week's lesson is centered around the message "God lives with His people." What a great reminder it is to know that when we gather in His name, we gather around His promise: "I will dwell among you." YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 21, 2021
For those who weren't able to make it our Ash Wednesday service, we apologize for not being able to get our livestream up and running. If you would still like an opportunity to worship here is a link to the PowerPoint for the service, the bulletin, and the sermon. God's blessings! Sermon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uf0UPXpQL7SBBd5jgPPI6baUiGyxrxe9/view?usp=sharing PowerPoint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BMxWLsqO8vy7pEDJQuH9IBsMXcHPCZ7E/view?usp=sharing Bulletin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IRY32eb7TtuaeloaVWnzYHPaStmFd6Yc/view?usp=sharing DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM ash bulletin.docx
Our midweek Lenten worship service can be found here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erv5L9AkU-Y YOUTUBE.COM The Hands of the Passion
Missed worship? Here is a link to the online worship for this morning. God bless! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqKacWDKozc YOUTUBE.COM Repent and Glorify
This we learn about how God gave a great victory to Israel when they conquered Jericho and how he gives us great victories everyday! YOUTUBE.COM God Gives Great Victories! Sunday School
This week we learn about Rahab and God's surprising grace! YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School March 7, 2021
https://youtu.be/Nsx824JhwJA Today we find the children of Israel near the border of Canaan, the land the Lord had long promised to give them. So close! Nothing could stop them now! ...Except a lack of trust in the Lord. Yes, even after all He had done for them, after all they had seen from Him. They trust what they see (Strong people! Strong cities!) over what the Lord promised them (I will GIVE you this land!). What we want to learn anew today is that God Is Worthy of Our Trust. Our verse for today reminds us that "BLESSED is the one who trusts in the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:7) Our song for today comes straight from the hymnal: "I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus" speaks of the peace and blessing of simple childlike faith in the Lord and in what He says. YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 28, 2021
This week's lesson is centered around the message "God lives with His people." What a great reminder it is to know that when we gather in His name, we gather around His promise: "I will dwell among you." YOUTUBE.COM COR Sunday School February 21, 2021


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Shepherd Lutheran School
Elementary Schools


  • What is the phone number for Shepherd Lutheran School in Albuquerque NM?
    You can reach them at: 505-292-6622. It’s best to call Shepherd Lutheran School during business hours.
  • What is the address for Shepherd Lutheran School on wyoming in Albuquerque?
    Shepherd Lutheran School is located at this address: 3900 Wyoming NE Albuquerque, NM 87111.
  • What are Shepherd Lutheran School(Albuquerque, NM) store hours?
    Shepherd Lutheran School store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 3:30PM, Sat: Closed, Sun: 9:00AM - 12:00PM.