Shirley started her career as a teacher of young children. After earning her Masters, she became a Head Start Program Director. Later, after earning her doctorate, she became a teacher educator and professor. She has written 18 books, 15 for teachers, 2 for children, and 1 on leadership.
Dr. Raines became an administrator serving as department chair, dean, vice chancellor and university president. She was president of the University of Memphis for 12 years. Shirley may be the only preschool teacher in American who became a university president. For five summers, she taught at the Harvard Seminar for New Presidents and Chancellors.
Shirley speaks about early childhood education, particularly creativity, literacy, and children's literature. Conferences and organizations schedule her for keynote speeches, board training, and pre-conference training sessions.
From her "lived leadership experiences," Dr. Raines helps leaders become people-oriented and goal-motivated. Leadership teams dynamics, mentoring programs, and challenges for women leaders. Educators, foundations, community and corporate leaders schedule her.