Thank you to all who were able to be part of our Pajama Parade today! You made our teacher hearts happy! ❤️🥰❤️😍❤️
Scarlet, Ginger and Mabel sheltering in place ❤️
Incubation Station! Excited to continue this Small Friends spring tradition at an appropriate social distance 😷🐣. 21 days to go!
Hi Everyone! We’ve started a YouTube channel for currently enrolled families but we would love for anyone with a “small friend” to pop on over for a song or a story. All 4 of us will take a turn posting once a week, so check back frequently and plan to sing/dance/play along ❤️
Small Friends
HELLO TO ALL OF OUR SMALL FRIENDS FAMILIES! Your teachers “got together” this morning for some planning, and starting next week you can expect to get a video from each of us (4 days/week, one teacher each day). We’ll share a song or finger play, do a little yoga, teach an easy game, or whatever else we come up with between now and then. We love and miss you all!! Let us know if you have requests 🤗.