Small Lawn Care offers lawn services that are right for you. A locally owned and operated business, we care most about preserving the natural environment. We have a team of professionals and lawn specialist that has years of experience in lawn care and landscaping care. We can improve your property value and gave your home or business a new and refined look.
We offer high-quality services like lawn care maintenance, landscaping, trimming, weeding, cutting, pruning, blowing, edging, sod installation and much more! Our friendly staff will provide you a professional and reliable service that you deserve. Our prices beat the competition, and you'll be impressed with the quality of our service.
We use the latest fertilizer and pest control technology to ensure that we eliminate the nuisances you experience with invasive plants and pest. We only use products that are friendly not just to your plants, but also to the environment.
We at Small Lawn Care take the worry out of having a beautifully maintained lawn for you to enjoy.
Your garden is the face of your home or office. They are the focal point and having a garden can make your home or office look more attractive. Nothing is more satisfying than to watch birds or other wild animals flock to your blissful garden.
A garden is only beautiful when maintained well. The invasive plants and pest instantly turns your small paradise to a nightmare. Moreover, maintaining a garden is something that people don't usually have time for. Hiring a gardener for expert lawn care can solve that.
When you need someone to take care of your lawn, it's better to hire one than let your friend, relative or any of your family member do this for you.
Time is valuable to most that is why doing a simple chore such as moving a lawn can be very time-consuming. Letting a gardener this task is a way to escape from these chores and do a more valuable task than just moving a lawn.