S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy

(on fawcett ave)
Business Consulting and Services in Tacoma, WA
Business Consulting and Services


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


721 Fawcett Ave #304
Tacoma, WA


We’ll get you noticed by Google, so you can dominate in your local area!


S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy Photo


  • Google My Business Management & Powerlisting
  • Website Development
  • Paid Ads (Google & Bing)
  • Text Message & Email Marketing
  • SEO
  • Social Media Management
  • Customer Review Reputation Management
  • T.V. Style YouTube Commercials


Dom Samson September 23 at 5:06 PM ·
GET Google My Business HELP FASTER: Like anything else in the digital or technology space, there are times when you will run into glitches with Google My Business. When I run into an issue within the GMB platform, I usually reach out directly to GMB Support via Facebook Message, Twitter (@GoogleMyBiz), or Email Support Form. At times these direct lines to GMB can take up to a few days for responses, so another option you have is to jump into the local search community to review others’ previous problems and solutions, or post your own question to the community to see if anyone’s able to offer advice. OR JUST REACH OUT TO ME FOR A FASTER SOLUTION! SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
CHECK FOR GOOGLE MY BUSINESS UPDATES on a REGULAR BASIS: Check for updates regularly Take the time, preferably on a weekly basis, to check your listings for updates in the GMB dashboard. These updates could be based on user-suggested changes or Google’s crawl of your site. Often times, these updates can be a change to the business hours or website URL. If this task is left to Google’s automation, you may find incorrect, inconsistent, or outdated information on your listings. This leads to frustration and poor user experience but can be avoided with a regular maintenance task. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
GET VIDEO REVIEWS FROM CUSTOMERS: It's important that you get real reviews from real customers. (VIDEO BRING MORE POWERFUL). If you simply create profiles to give yourself fake reviews, Google will flag your listing and even remove it. Google tracks reviews using the IP, device and location of users who add them. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
MAKE SURE you YOUR WEBSITE IS THE SOURCE OF TRUTH: One of the top foundational ranking factors for Google listings is that there is synergy between the name, address, and phone number (NAP) and the corresponding GMB listing. If necessary, create a web governance checklist so that when people make changes to a name, address, phone number, or hours on the website, they also make them on the Google listing or notify someone of the changes. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
USE GMB AS THE CENTRAL MARKETING PLATFORM FOR YOUR BUSINESS: Work with internal stakeholders: If you are in charge of creating and maintaining your business listings, reach out to the key people at the different locations or within your organization. Let them know the importance of having accurate data in your listings. Request that they let you know when a provider leaves or if information changes for their location. Let them know who to contact if they receive comments or questions based on inaccurate information. They are the ones who hear the patient feedback most: “Google says you open at 8:00 a.m.” or “I couldn’t find the building,” etc. Encourage them to pass that feedback onto you so you can resolve the misinformation online. Or, consider creating an internal ticket system to request changes to establish an efficient flow of information. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
USE DIFFERENT TYPES OF KEYWORDS: Just because you’re a plastic surgeon does not mean you HAVE TO USE THE WORD, “plastic surgery” in your descriptions over and over. If you REPEAT CERTAIN KEYWORDS too many times, it can actually harm your local SEO. Instead, try to use a variety of keywords in your descriptions. A good local search optimization tip is to USE a DIVERSE RANGE of KEYWORDS. Try writing “cosmetic surgery” or names of specific procedures instead. Including both general and specific keywords will optimize your online presence even more. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S KEEPING YOU FROM RANKING IN SEARCH ENGINES "NEAR YOU"? Ever seen a "Google My Business" Analyzed and strategized Get a FREE GMB Analysis & Report when you follow our GMB PROFILE. It's simple! Just watch the video... FOLLOW... CLAIM your FREE GMB Analysis... See IN REAL TIME what your GMB profile needs to be In the 3 Pack!
FILL OUT AS MUCH INFORMATION AS YOU CAN: On your GMB profile, there will be information that you are REQUIRED to fill out and information that is optional. Fill out as much as you can. CUSTOMERS LOVE SEEING more INFORMATION on businesses before reaching out. Make sure to include your business hours, holiday hours, and anything that would be helpful for your clients. GOOGLE REWARDS BUSINESSES that provide accurate and helpful information, so this is an easy way to boost your LOCAL SEO SCORE. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
https://www.evensi.us/the-ins-outs-of-google-my-business-success-with-marketing/345826114 EVENSI.US Boost Your Awareness With Google My Business - 2019-11-19 November 2019
MARKETINGKIT.WITHGOOGLE.COM This ★★★★★ review is from Amari C
BUSINESS AND WEBSITE REVIEWS MATTER: Reviews are important as they DEPICT USER'S EXPERIENCES WITH THE BRAND and the business and you need to ENSURE that you have POSITIVE REVIEWS about your business. As people look for PERSONALIZED INFORMATION while buying products or services, GOOGLE TAKES REVIEWS MORE SERIOUSLY and you need to ENCOURAGE your USERS to write reviews. IT WILL DRIVE USERS TO ACT and that too in a positive manner. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
INCREASE YOUR WEBSITE SPEED: As is true for any aspect of SEO, site speed MAKES a DIFFERENCE to your potential customers, AND TO GOOGLE. Even if people do find you in local listings, they won’t WAIT AROUND IF YOUR SITE LOADS SLOWLY. They’ll just go to another site that works better. There are a LOT OF FACTORS under your control when it comes to site speed. Avoid pages that need to load a LOT OF EXTRA CONTENT that uses up resources like oversized images. Make sure that your server response time is good, and have your developer optimize the CSS and Javascript for your site. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
MAKE USE OF LOCAL SCHEMA MARKUP: It’s important for your WEBSITE TO INCLUDE INFORMATION that can be accessed and DISPLAYED by the SEARCH ENGINES. Schema markup is an EASY TOOL to make this happen. Markup scripts are implemented BEHIND THE SCENES, and can SHOW IMPORTANT INFORMATION to potential customers like your hours of operation and accepted payment types. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
MAKE USE OF GOOGLE POSTS: Google Posts is a relatively NEW feature, CONNECTED to the Google My Business page, which allows you to create content that SHOWS UP DIRECTLY IN LOCAL SEARCH RESULTS. It’s a great way to reach local customers and LET THEM KNOW that you know what you’re doing. When you post, keep the content ENGAGING with videos and images, and link to your site to DRIVE MORE TRAFFIC. There are some great advantages to being able to rank in another way on Google, giving you more opportunities to reach customers. Think of them as articles that increase SEO VALUE. SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
LEVERAGE GOOGLE MY BUSINESS CATEGORIES: On your GMB page, Google will ask for your PRIMARY CATEGORY as well as any ADDITIONAL categories. As of 2020, there are MORE THAN 3,000 categories available, and Google allows up to 10 for each business listing. But please, DON'T USE ALL 10! Feel free to use as many as are TRULY RELEVANT to what your business offers, but for accuracy, be as CONCISE AS POSSIBLE. https://posts.gle/JAsPz
AVOID IRRELEVANT PHOTOS: This point is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT if Google AUTO-GENERATED your business listing before you claimed it yourself. GOOGLE WILL PULL IMAGES that they assume are RELATED to YOUR BUSINESS, and often times they are not ideal. Add a lot of new, UPDATED photos to make sure that YOUR PHOTOS are the ones that are SHOWN FIRST to consumers, NOT GOOGLE'S. Also, you may have some good quality photos from a few years ago with items or services that you DON'T OFFER ANYMORE. Even if these are awesome photos, you want to AVOID UPLOADING them so that you don’t DISAPPOINT CUSTOMERS who may come looking for what was in that image. The SAME goes for uploading photos of an OLD LOCATION if you recently moved your business. https://posts.gle/8YL6j
CLAIM YOUR GOOGLE MY BUSINESS PAGE: If YOU HAVEN'T already claimed your GMB, this is the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT step. Once you have, be sure to add: - a SHORT DESCRIPTION (50-character max) that includes your city, business NAME, and business TYPE, and - a longer description (250-character max) that DESCRIBES YOUR BUSINESS and what you provide. This description should also include your business NAME, CITY, and type. https://posts.gle/vsKxM
CREATE HIGH QUALITY, ENGAGING IMAGES TO MAKE YOURSELF POP: https://posts.gle/onnV1 This SOUNDS OBVIOUS, but it is actually something that a LOT OF BUSINESSES DON'T DO. Yes, you want to make sure that you’re ADDING IMAGES to your GMB quickly so that you can draw in customers, but if those images aren’t HIGH QUALITY or ENGAGING, it won’t help you in the long run. It’s ideal to get a PROFESSIONAL CAMERA and/or PHOTOGRAPHER to really make your business pop. One of the best things you can do is to hire a GOOGLE TRUSTED Photographer, who will come to your business and create a thorough VIRTUALLY EXPERIENCE of your location. If it’s absolutely not possible for you to hire a photographer, the latest SMARTPHONES all have GREAT CAMERA QUALITY, so use what you can. It is VITAL to make sure that the photos are interesting and engaging by using different angles, good lighting, and well-thought-out shots. You also want to make sure that your images are uploaded in the correct format (JPG or PNG), size (between 10KB and 5MG), and resolution(720 X 720 pixels minimum).
FILL IN ALL OF THE AVAILABLE GMB FEATURES FOR YOUR BUSINESS WITH UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION: There’s a GOOD CHANCE that your Google My Business listing is the FIRST THING that PEOPLE WILL SEE when searching for YOUR BUSINESS or SIMILAR SERVICES, so it’s VITAL to MAKE IT COUNT. Have you ever looked up the phone number of a restaurant to place an order, only to find the number listed has been DISCONNECTED? Or searched for the address of business, but you find TWO LISTINGS for the same business with different addresses and you’re not sure which one is correct? If you answered yes to either of these, you probably REMEMBER just HOW FRUSTRATED you felt, and maybe even CHOSE to NOT GIVE that location YOUR BUSINESS after that experience. https://posts.gle/tUKT6
ASK FOR REVIEWS: Reviews are one of THE IMPORTANT RANKING FACTORS to consider when using GMB. Ask for reviews from your customers and try and ENCOURAGE AND PROMOTE POSITIVE ONES by doing PERFECT WORK, reviews are a perfect indicator of HOW MUCH TRUST to place in a business and when a customer can see MULTIPLE POSITIVE reviews they can rest assured they are going to receive the best service. Incurring NEGATIVE REVIEWS and NOT KEEPING UP to date on how your business is presented over search listings can be a MAJOR PROBLEM, especially if you SPEND A LOT on marketing.
WHAT IS THE DIGITAL PIVOT? Digital Pivot is a term defining a change of direction, communication style, and strategy for DIGITAL MARKETING all together. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS? The COST of PAYING someone to research your industry, BUILD a STRATEGY for you, and APPLY it to your business has always been OUT OF REACH for most small business owners. It basically means that you NEED to ADAPT. As a small business owner you need to learn to operate DIGITAL TOOLS and SOFTWARES... Or hire freelancers for projects and an assistant that understands how a CRM works! Get access to REAL TIME Tutorials & Q&A Sessions on HOW TO OPERATE a CRM ( Customer Relationship Manager), and other tools and softwares to HELP YOUR BUSINESS run more efficiently Join the D.I.R.T. (Digital In Real Time) Facebook Group to join the movement and help other small business owners build, learn, and thrive together! https://posts.gle/Gd5Wr
GMB Posts: Here you have the OPPORTUNITY to SHARE and UPDATE INFORMATION about new product or service information, special OFFERS, incentives, service COUPONS, or special events happening at your business. Each GMB Post stores it's OWN LINK for your GMB business website Google so kindly give you with your ALREADY FREE business listing. https://posts.gle/eaWDi SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
ABILITY TO MEET DEADLINES: Most organizations suffer from FAILURE TO DELIVER certain business TASKS IN TIME. "OUTSOURCING" eradicates this since the external agency WILL NOT afford straying, considering the REQUIREMENT TO ALIGN with the in-house team’s time limitations. If you choose the BEST digital marketing agency, you are ASSURED of MEETING DEADLINES for content creation and marketing EVERY TIME. https://posts.gle/cjZMs SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CONTRACT: By HIRING a marketing company, you SIGN A CONTRACT, which protects you as well as your marketer. A marketing CONTRACT ALLOWS YOU TO KNOW exactly what you will get, for a specific PERIOD OF TIME, and the COST never waivers. Speaking of return on investment (ROI), if you have always advertised using traditional methods, such as newspaper ads, it is time to MOVE YOUR ADVERTISING ONLINE. The majority of the population has REPLACED reading a newspaper or listening to the radio with DIGITAL MEDIA. In order to MAXIMIZE YOUR MARKETING DOLLARS, you must be where the people are - WHICH IS ONLINE! https://posts.gle/9ZqB8 SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
GET THE BEST ROI WITH A PROFESSIONAL COMPANY: A digital marketer will MAKE SURE that your money is INVESTED THE BEST WAY, using the MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES. If you or an employee is running the marketing, it gets tough to KEEP TRACK of what you have marketed and HOW MUCH you have SPENT. In addition, the UNFAMILIARITY of the marketing game will take so much of YOUR TIME that it will NOT BE WORTH THE COST SAVINGS. https://posts.gle/PFQpq SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google
DIGITAL MARKETING IS COMPLICATED: Where Do You Start? Facebook marketing, search engine marketing, PPC or video marketing? HOW ARE YOUR AD-WRITING SKILLS? Do you have knowledge of design software, like Photoshop? Can you afford expensive PHOTO EDITING SOFTWARE? How about your WEBSITE? Do you know how to update it with new content that coincides with your marketing efforts? A digital marketing company has multiple people who have the SKILLSETS NECESSARY to do all these MARKETING ACTIVITIES. https://posts.gle/sFCY5 SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on Google


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S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy
Business Consulting and Services


  • What is the phone number for S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy in Tacoma WA?
    You can reach them at: 253-215-2699. It’s best to call S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy during business hours.
  • What is the address for S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy on fawcett ave in Tacoma?
    S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy is located at this address: 721 Fawcett Ave #304 Tacoma, WA 98402.
  • What are S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy(Tacoma, WA) store hours?
    S.M.A.R.T Digital Marketing & Strategy store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.