My desire to share my natural gift of energestic healing with all those I come in contact with has led me to create SoLaSoFia--a REiKi practice that combines the therputic healing of energy therapy, essential oil aromatherapy and sound therapy. My journey began as a little girl when I noticed that I was always drawn to people in pain (emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc). I found that those that I would interact with responded with positive healing outcomes. at first I thought this gift something everyone had...then, as I grew older I realized it was a unique gift. Later in life I discovered the power of oils after I felt their healing power in treating my back pain as a result of a herniated disc. More recently I have dicovered the healing power of sound and frequency and its powerful effects on the cellular and DNA level. With the Support and encouragement from those who have experienced my gift, SoLaSoFia is here now to offer the Healing Energy of REiKi along with the healing properties of therapeutic Essential Oils and sound therapy.