Soteria Wellness, LLC

(on waterford lane)
Massage Therapy in Appleton, WI
Massage Therapy


10:00AM - 5:00PM
12:00PM - 7:00PM
12:00PM - 7:00PM
10:00AM - 5:00PM
12:00PM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 2:00PM


5517 W. Waterford Lane
Appleton, WI


Soteria Wellness offers a wide variety of massage and bodywork modalities for all ages including CranioSacral Therapy, MediCupping, Touch for Health Kinesiology, various essential oil application techniques and more! We have a full-spectrum infrared sauna available to melt away tight muscles and stress while supporting your body's detoxification processes. We also offer Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) coaching with a specialty in pain and chronic health challenges and Bio-Electromagnetic Energy Therapy.


Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo Soteria Wellness, LLC Photo


  • Massage (including prenatal/infant)
  • CranioSacral Therapy
  • MediCupping
  • Touch for Health
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
  • Wellness Consultations


Sending out our gratitude tonight to all the front line health care providers and staff in our area who are working long hours and dealing with constant changes, stress levels and challenges you have never dealt with before. We are proud and blessed to call some of you our clients, some our friends, some family, some caregivers for those we care deeply about. Whether we know you in person or from afar, we thank you for your continued service to our community.
"Metaphor (noun) - a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them." (Merriam-Webster) Whole body health often requires us to look beyond physical symptoms to other connections that may lie underneath, especially when our typical "fixes" don't appear to be working. Body metaphors are something to consider, especially when any obvious physical causes have been ruled out by your health care provider. Body-mind modalities such as Touch for Health and other specialized kinesiology, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) as well as CranioSacral Therapy and myofascial work are some tools you may wish to explore if this post resonates with you. So often the words we speak may offer cues to deeper causes. Perhaps someone comes in describing "stabbing back pain" then as we are working to gently unwind the fascial restriction in their lower back they start talking about the person that recently "stabbed them in the back." Other examples include ongoing hand/wrist pain in someone struggling to "just get a handle on life" during a challenging time or someone with chronic neck/shoulder issues who often feels like they are "carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders" or dealing with a coworker who is a "pain in the neck." Other body metaphors to consider: --digestive issues ("the thing that happened around the time that it started was just gut-wrenching") --foot pain (I just can't seem to get a foothold and move forward in life") --headaches/congestion ("I just can't get this situation out of my head") --sciatica ("Ugh! They are such a pain in the butt") We use so many body metaphors as common figures of speech. Can you think of other examples?
Parents, caregivers, health care providers, teachers, empaths and all you other sensitive souls, this one's for you. <3 Peace , Love and Smiles September 25, 2019 at 5:07 PM · ✌🏻💝😊
A reminder when times feel dark. Emerge Ministries September 19, 2018 at 7:52 AM ·
Giving does not have to be about money. Time, focused attention, a phone call, as well as helping meet practical needs are all blessings to both the giver and receiver! THRIVEGLOBAL.COM The Reverberating Effects of Giving Back to Others
Take advantage of our October Specials! We are excited to offer you this amazing special. These therapies can be so supportive during these challenging times on all levels. Click on the link to learn more about our Complementary Therapies and their benefits.
Castor oil packs can be so helpful! For a less messy approach to traditional packs I love the system mentioned in this blog. It makes it super easy to sleep with a pack on or even get up and move around if needed without removing the pack. Whether you are looking for something simple to help reduce pain, improve lymphatic flow or support your organs, this is a simple at home therapy to try! INSTITUTEFORRESTORATIVEHEALTH.COM Why You Should Use This Time-tested Therapy for Healing | Institute for Restorative Health Institute for Restorative Health October 8 at 5:49 PM · At the Institute for Restorative Health, we recommend therapies (at home and in the clinic) that give the most benefit for the time and resources invested. Castor oil packs provide a great return on the time invested while remaining quite cost effective! When it comes to finding relief from chronic pain, relentless constipation or IBS, blocked lymphatics, or the flames of inflammation, don’t overlook this powerful yet gentle and time-tested therapy for healing.
Institute for Restorative Health October 8 at 5:49 PM · At the Institute for Restorative Health, we recommend therapies (at home and in the clinic) that give the most benefit for the time and resources invested. Castor oil packs provide a great return on the time invested while remaining quite cost effective! When it comes to finding relief from chronic pain, relentless constipation or IBS, blocked lymphatics, or the flames of inflammation, don’t overlook this powerful yet gentle and time-tested therapy for healing.
With all that's going on. Take the time and FOCUS on you! #soteriawellnessllc #holistictherapy
We love veggies and roasted ones are perfect cozy fall and winter foods. Which are your favorites? MARTHASTEWART.COM How to Roast Any Vegetable
Does anyone else love Leba Naturals Elderberry Syrup as much as we do? Psst...we carry both the convenient ready to use bottles and DIY kits. If you can boil water and have a strainer, you can make your own! Our assistant will be back in next Monday October 26 to help you with any purchasing needs. Leba Naturals 22 hrs · There is a reason our ingredients are front and center: we want you to know what we put inside, so you feel confident that it’s good for you! You can pronounce these ingredients, sustainably gathered from certified organic sources. We select them carefully, because we are committed to giving you high quality products from real food. This bottle is packed with vitamins and antioxidants, supporting your body in a healthy and natural way. #elderberrysyrup #organic #realfood #naturalingredients #readthelabel #qualitymatters #supportsmallbusiness #womanownedbusiness
This is a fantastic article to pass along to anyone you know who has or who is recovering from Covid-19. It offers a gentle, gradual approach to getting back on your feet, regaining strength and hopefully minimizing any long term impact. Please share with those who could benefit! HOPKINSMEDICINE.ORG
Did you know we are offering $25 off on AmpCoil and other complementary therapy packages through the end of November? AMPCOIL.COM How Do You Feel? AmpCoil September 25 at 1:55 PM · Maddy suffered from the debilitating symptoms of long term chronic illness for years. Watch her story to recovery!
Did you know we are offering $25 off on infrared sauna and other complementary therapy packages through the end of November? SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM Soteria Wellness
#eatrealfood Paleoaholic - Eat Real Food October 20, 2014 at 2:30 PM · Don't count calories, count nutrients.
MEET OUR NEWEST ADDITION! We are so excited about the new possibilities this investment in our health and yours brings! Meet our new fully adjustable electric lift treatment table! With accessibility features for wheelchair transfers, zero gravity and inversion positioning options, breast recessed comfort and amazing pec stretch potential for opening the chest, shoulders and ribs--get ready for new levels of healing! #celebratehealth #bodyworkoptions #holistictherapies #ultimatecomfort
How do you help support happy hormones during these stressful times? CAPEGAZETTE.COM How hormones help balance effects of stress and social isolation
Make sure to take advantage of the benefits of the red light attachment when using the BEMER regularly with your packages or when renting! There are so many benefits and with the B.Light and with this unique delivery system, you are also receiving BEMER's patented waveform. Packages are $25 off through the end of November! YOUTUBE.COM 17 Proven Facts about Red Light Therapy
As we near the end of October, a month known for breast health, we would like to share this powerful resource for self lymphatic breast massage. Cypress, ginger and grapefruit essential oils diluted in an organic carrier oil lend support to the lymphatic system as well and could certainly be incorporated before or after your shower self massage. Did you know that not only lymphatic drainage, but all types of massage, AromaTouch Technique and especially MediCupping are powerful aids in supporting your lymphatic system? Besides it's use for deep myofascial relief, MediCupping incorporates specific lymphatic work using more rapid light repetitive suction and release along both superficial and deeper lymphatic pathways. Dawn also offers a lymphatic body cocoon option and breast specific work using special cups designed for comfort since taking her advanced training. Take care of yourself with the tips in this article and don't be afraid to reach out for help in taking things to the next level in enhancing optimal health. HOLISTICBREASTHEALTH.COM Lymphatic Massage for Good Breast Health - Holistic Breast Health
Hello Clients & Friends of Soteria! I wanted to reach out and thank all of you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers as I have been out of the office and, since Friday, recovering from surgery to repair an issue I exacerbated hiking at this beautiful spot the beginning of the month. I am so grateful for the gifted hands of surgeons and our medical workers in the area, especially in these urgent situations, and equally grateful for the natural supportive tools and therapies that are making my recovery beyond comfortable. I managed on only half doses of acetaminophen for the first two days after major surgery paired with my other "secret weapons" (you can read about many of them on our website!) and need to remind myself each day to continue to rest--that my body is still in the healing process. I'm hoping for the okay to get back to work (lighter work only initially) after my post op visit next week, so keep those prayers and warm thoughts coming. I miss seeing all of you and I miss the work I am so privileged to do! In health & hope, Dawn
We appreciate you and honor your dedicated service to us. Thank you!
Self care--you are worth it, but boy, is it ever hard to do sometimes! What does it look like for you during this fall of 2020? How are you finding ways to nurture yourself and find peace and joy, during this challenging time? What hinders you from doing more of this for yourself so you can continue to serve those who are important to you? Can you see a way that these blocks and setbacks could be overcome? Feel free to ponder these thoughts or share your answers and solutions in the comments if you'd like. <3 case you were wondering, you are AMAZING, all the way down to your cells and beyond! Jain 108 Academy November 7 at 12:08 AM · The most detailed model of a human cell to date, obtained using x-rays, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryoelectron microscopy data sets. . Source and Credit: Transformation of the Cellular Landscape through a Eukaryotic Cell, by Evan Ingersoll Ingersoll Gael McGill ~ Digizyme's Custom Maya Molecular Software Biología Al Instante
Guess who is beyond excited to get back to work tomorrow!!!
Celebrating with our amazing assistant Natalie as she launched her new website! Check it out and give her some love next time you see her!
There are only two weeks left for the special $25 discounts on infrared sauna and other complementary therapies packages! All therapy sessions must be reserved in advance. Our spacious full spectrum Sunlighten sauna provides the additional benefits of SO Sound Acoustic Resonance and Chromatherapy along with cozy, naturally antimicrobial bamboo carbon towels and wraps for your comfort and health.
Are you curious about how using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) may be of benefit to you or your loved ones during these stressful times? Perhaps you wonder if there is any REAL science on it; after all, it admittedly looks a little strange to an observer unfamiliar with the body-mind science EFT is based on. Check out this great article by Dawn's trainer and mentor, Dr. Craig Weiner to get the inside scoop, then send us a message if you'd like free limited viewing access to the excellent documentary, "The Science of Tapping" or to set up a short complementary interview to help determine if working with us with EFT would be a good fit for you. We LOVE seeing lives transformed through EFT! EFTTAPPINGTRAINING.COM What is EFT Tapping? Answers To All Your Questions. Science, History
Who likes Pumpkin Spice? Check out this diffuser combo with your favorite therapeutic grade essential oils and let us know what you think! #sundayfunday #fallisintheair #healthyaromatics
Back Roads Living November 9 at 6:35 PM · Visit our Photos Gallery for some great pictures>
We are excited to share some very special offers this holiday season. Give the gift of wellness to someone special in 2020. are special too! As an added bonus through the end of this month, our complementary therapy packages are also discounted $25 and you are welcome to utilize all offers November 27th (12-5), 28th (10-2) and 30th (10-5.) Stay tuned this next week as we highlight some of the unique treasures in our store. We recently restocked our Himalayan Salt collection which is currently overflowing into the classroom and they are absolutely stunning! To keep your shopping experience safe, only one person/family is permitted in the store at a time while following our other source control measures, and of course curbside pickup or mailing of gift cards is an easy option for our clients and friends who prefer to shop this way. Thank you for supporting your local small businesses! SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM Soteria Wellness
Starting Friday at noon! 25% off your second Himalayan Salt Lamp (of equal or lower value)! We have a wide variety of shapes and colors from pure white, to red and gray along with various shades of traditional pinks. Stock on hand is limited, each lamp is unique and one of a kind! Make sure to check out our other fantastic gift ideas too!
When we are in the middle of challenging times, cultivating gratitude may not come easily. Did you know that you can use your body to help rewire your brain to experience more gratitude and joy in life? The Cross Crawl technique taught in this post is one we use and teach frequently for ongoing self care in our Touch for Health and Balance & Harmonize sessions as a powerful way to enhance coordination, focus, alertness and communication pathways among different parts of the brain and body. NORTHEASTHEALING.COM Use Cross Crawl and Affirmations to Rewire Your Brain for Gratitude - Northeast Healing with Terri Kaus
Your body is listening--what messages are your words and thoughts telling it today? The connection between mind and body is so powerful!
There may be times and seasons when working harder and being busier is needed, but balancing it with rest, recovery and realignment with the things that matter most, to the truly important and not just the urgent, creates better health and greater peace. becoming minimalist November 21 at 2:30 PM ·
This treatment philosophy is a rare gem in today's world and is profoundly effective for encouraging true restoration. Discovering and addressing root causes and supporting the body's own healing capabilities vs. endlessly covering symptoms, whether by synthetic or natural means, is a powerful paradigm shift worth exploring. INSTITUTEFORRESTORATIVEHEALTH.COM 5 Challenges to Overcome When Struggling with Fibromyalgia | Institute for Restorative Health Institute for Restorative Health November 19 at 10:03 AM · Everyone agrees that inflammation is a major contributor for people struggling with fibromyalgia. But we can’t stop there. Simply blocking inflammation, or blocking the pain felt by inflammation, is not enough. Learn about the five main factors that can't be overlooked when addressing fibro symptoms. Conditions like fibromyalgia need practitioners to stay curious and dig deeper for what is truly happening with each patient.
Many people have enough “stuff” in their lives. Why not give someone a gift that keeps on giving? Give someone the gift of pain relief. Give someone the gift of improved mobility. Give someone the gift of energy. Give someone the gift of an elevated mood. Give someone the gift of clear focus. Give someone the gift of better sleep. Give someone the gift of optimal health. Give someone the gift of Soteria. These are the gifts that matter and truly make a difference. Someone who is in pain and overwhelmed by stress would trade the world to wake up every day with vibrant energy and vitality. If you can’t afford a gift, give someone your time: clean their house, cook them a healthy meal, run errands for them if they can't get out of their house right now, offer to babysit their kids if your families are already close. Those are the gifts that keep on giving. 💕 SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM Soteria Wellness
Stop in from 10-2 today or 10-5 Monday to enhance your health with November complementary therapy package specials combined with holiday gift card and store specials and help us celebrate Small Business Saturday! You may call us at 920-840-7863 Ext. 1 to order gift cards by mail or for curbside pickup of store items. #smallbusinesssaturday #soteriawellnessllc
While you are planning ahead for the holidays, don't forget some of the simple gifts that make great stocking stuffers or wellness options to help keep you and your family healthy and happy through these next weeks. Sole kits for creating Himalayan salt saturated water containing 84 trace minerals to start your day, organic DIY or premade Elderberry Syrup, essential oils and diffuser bracelets, words of inspiration, electrolytes and other treasures await. We are open until 5 today and 10-2 for Small Business Saturday! And of course the store is open our normal M, T, Th, F hours in December through the 22nd.
Sometimes the biggest gifts are the little things--the noticing, the caring, the sharing.
Who loves our vibration plate and has dreamed of getting their own? Now through the end of the month you will get $85 off your very own Vibrant Health Power 1000 vibration plate! Decrease pain, improve blood and lymph flow, de-stress, tone and strengthen, improve mood and energy and so much more! Includes your choice of books, "Whole Body Vibration" or "Whole Body Vibration for Seniors" and a poster of different suggested poses and stretches to optimize wellness. A short video on this plate: While there are many options available as vibration for wellness and fitness gains in popularity, it is crucial to invest in a safe quality plate designed to meet your whole health needs (some are better used for elite athletes vs. those looking for overall wellness benefits.) Proper vibration amplitude and frequency is critical to supporting detoxification, brain balancing, gentle muscle stimulation, building bone density, balancing biochemical and neurological interactions and creating harmonious energy flow through the body without jarring that may lead to injury.
Being present Listening Acknowledging Reflecting
Because words can have such a big impact, don't overlook these stocking stuffers to encourage someone you care about (only $3 each!) Our pediatric clients love these rocks as much as our grown ups! We even have one little one who would ask to hold the special "Thankful" rock during her BEMER sessions. 💜
Just in case you needed a reminder today... Ominous Positivity Memes December 3, 2019 at 8:20 AM ·
We are restocked! Call for pick up or stop in tomorrow from 10-6 or Friday 12-5. PS We have Leba Naturals DIY kits too if you prefer making your own. LEBANATURALS.COM Elderberry Syrup
I once heard Dr. Mercola refer to EFT as "therapy at the speed of light" because of its often quick results. My original interest in it about 12 years ago was for chronic pain and health challenges for myself and loved ones. Unfortunately for them and for me, I was really skeptical, set in my ways and didn't take the time to really study it out. Frankly, it just seemed a little too weird and just didn't fit my western-medicine trained paradigm. It also seemed too good to be true. After all, how could the same modality benefit such diverse issues from health, to relationships, emotional challenges to finances and personal development? I decided it wasn't for me. While in retrospect I really wish I had given it a chance back then and pursued its benefits, I am so glad I finally put aside my preconceived notions (thanks to a gentle nudge from my doctor) and finally took the hint that it was time a few years ago! It's super exciting to see the research coming to light on EFT for physical issues seeing not just short term but long lasting, life-changing benefits! The results in the first image were after only 4 hours and in the second image (see comment) after just 4 minutes! That is "the speed of light" considering how long many people suffer. I love all sorts of client success stories. As a licensed massage and bodywork therapist and certified accredited EFT practitioner with additional coursework in trauma and Matrix Reimprinting with EFT, some of my favorite feedback is from those who came to me dealing with physical pain or health issues. Their conditions may have stemmed from an accident, illness or even from fear of future pain. Here are a few recent client shares: “I incurred a neck injury from nursing and holding my rather heavy baby for long periods of time. Dawn taught me how to use EFT to deal with the pain it was causing me. During our first session, we were able to reduce my pain by focusing on it and tapping on it. My pain level went from a 10 to 3 in one session! I noticed a significant decrease in the discomfort after a couple of sessions. I also noticed that certain emotions seemed to be tied to some aspects of the pain. I am certain that using EFT to help address some of those emotions also contributed to a much quicker recovery.”--M "I highly recommend trying EFT not just for emotional benefit but also for physical pain issues. Dawn uses a technique called "chasing the pain" that helped ease my pain following a fall that resulted in four rib fractures. Since then, I've utilized this technique to deal with an issue with my husband, my own headaches, and even a severely stubbed (likely broken) toe."--A “After only two EFT sessions with Dawn, my 55-year long history of anxiousness, triggers, and trauma about dental work dissolved by the end of the second session. What, in the past would have provoked a severe reaction even with lots of relaxation and self-talk just to make it into the dental chair, became a non-issue. My dentist was so amazed at the difference, he stopped twice during my appointment to acknowledge how well it seemed I was doing. Instead of leaving the appointment experiencing the backlash of anxiousness and tension generated by the appointment, I walked out giggling inside celebrating my huge victory!”--D Clinical EFT is not a substitute for medical or other mental health care and I am not a doctor or licensed mental health care provider. The first question I ask people seeking EFT for physical issues is whether they have seen a doctor and what other practitioners/health care modalities they have tried. Most often there have been many, yet the pain persists. EFT is a powerful research-backed adjunct therapy that produces life-changing benefits for many, and when incorporated with our other services and a supportive health care team acts as an incredible amplifier on the road to optimal health! Call to schedule a free 10-15 minute phone consultation at 920-840-7863 Ext. 1 to see if EFT at Soteria Wellness is a good fit for you. We are currently offering all EFT work online. #EFT #bodymindconnection #painrelief #freedom #holistictherapies #thinkoutidethebox
We are available for in house or contactless gift card pick up/mailing and in person shopping or curbside pick up for special gifts from the store next week M/Th 10-5, T/Fr 12-5 (other times may be available by calling ahead.) Call 920-840-7863 Ext. 1 for contactless/curbside assistance. Thank you so much for your support this year!
While this article, written by Dawn's EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) trainer/mentors, is from earlier this year, so much of this applies now more than ever! Did you know that there is growing evidence that EFT Tapping not only helps to regulate your nervous system, it also helps to improve immune health? This simple self-help technique is another great way (along with what we choose to put into our bodies and minds during these challenging times), to help cultivate a strong and resilient bioterrain. If you are one of our coaching clients or have attended one of our free community workshops, why not pull out your handouts and notes and put what you have learned into practice again?
Such a great reminder!
Q: How should I select and plan for my MediCupping session? A: SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM MediCupping™ - What should I expect? — Soteria Wellness
Yes, we are open for in house shopping and curbside pick up (or gift cards by phone/mail) on Saturday from 10-2!!! Find us at 5517 W. Waterford Ln., Appleton. Gift cards $5 off $50+, $10 off $100+ (no limit--may be combined on one card or on multiples.) Himalayan salt lamps buy one, get second of equal or lower value 25% off! Give the gift of stress relief and healthy living. #massagetherapy #holistichealth #naturalhealing #painrelief #craniosacraltherapy #infraredsauna #soteriawellnessllc
Is it time to take the chill out of Saturday "chilling"? Since we are open for store drop ins and pick ups, our full spectrum infrared sauna is also open tomorrow from 10-2. Schedule online tonight to reserve your spot! #sunlightensauna #infraredsauna #detoxification #painrelief #relaxation #chromatherapy #acousticresonancetherapy #soteriawellnessllc #holistictherapies
If you've noticed an increase in your consumption of alcohol in 2020, you are not alone. Boredom, loneliness, frustration and more impacts each of us differently. This podcast offers some good questions to ask yourself and tips if you decide you would like to make any changes in your relationship to alcohol. We would add that learning/utilizing EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can be quite helpful for shifting habits as well! NPR.ORG Americans Are Drinking More During The Pandemic. Here's How To Cut Back : Life Kit
THE GIFT OF HEALTH: Relaxation, Therapeutic & Prenatal Massage, MediCupping, CranioSacral Therapy for all ages & other unique bodywork modalities; EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Coaching; essential oils, Himalayan salt lamps & other treasures in our store; Full-Spectrum Infrared Sauna, BEMER, Theragem, AmpCoil & Vibroacoustic Therapy sessions. We have your list covered! Yes, that is a deep red salt lamp, the picture does not do it justice! We also have some beautiful ones from white and gray veins as well as traditional shades of pink.
We know many of you are dealing with loss and grief and memories flood in unexpectedly this time of year. It's okay to be where you are. We will hold space for you. GARYROE.COM 9 Keys to Holiday Sanity While Grieving
Give the gift that does give back, when you invest in a small business, and the health and wellness of loved ones. We will be open this Saturday from 10-2 PM besides our normal hours this week. Stop by to shop or call for a gift card, or one of the amazing items in our store. Curbside pick up and gift card mailing are available. #shopsmallbusiness #holistichealth #soteriawellness
We will be closed Thursday December 24 through Sunday December 27 so our staff can celebrate Christmas with their families. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
Our clients LOVE using the BEMER after sessions, between massage and bodywork appointments for maintenance and utilizing our rental units at home! #pemf #microcirculation #recoverytime #relaxation #relief LIFE.BEMERGROUP.COM Jimmy Chin Shares The Impact of BEMER
Yes, we are open for in house shopping and curbside pick up (or gift cards by phone/mail) on Saturday from 10-2!!! Find us at 5517 W. Waterford Ln., Appleton. Gift cards $5 off $50+, $10 off $100+ (no limit--may be combined on one card or on multiples.) Himalayan salt lamps buy one, get second of equal or lower value 25% off! Give the gift of stress relief and healthy living. #massagetherapy #holistichealth #naturalhealing #painrelief #craniosacraltherapy #infraredsauna #soteriawellnessllc
Is it time to take the chill out of Saturday "chilling"? Since we are open for store drop ins and pick ups, our full spectrum infrared sauna is also open tomorrow from 10-2. Schedule online tonight to reserve your spot! #sunlightensauna #infraredsauna #detoxification #painrelief #relaxation #chromatherapy #acousticresonancetherapy #soteriawellnessllc #holistictherapies
If you've noticed an increase in your consumption of alcohol in 2020, you are not alone. Boredom, loneliness, frustration and more impacts each of us differently. This podcast offers some good questions to ask yourself and tips if you decide you would like to make any changes in your relationship to alcohol. We would add that learning/utilizing EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can be quite helpful for shifting habits as well! NPR.ORG Americans Are Drinking More During The Pandemic. Here's How To Cut Back : Life Kit
Ah fascia...It's about so much more than feeling "tight" and having "knots". The intricate fascial web impacts and is impacted by every system in your body! "If we truly want to let go of the pain and tension in our body, we must look beyond the fact that we should stretch more. We cannot overlook the factors affecting our health that we can’t see, whether with our eyes or under a microscope. The integrity of our fascia will reflect how balanced we are in every aspect of our lifestyle. How we treat our fellow brother/sister, what we say about ourselves, what food we eat, what we listen to/watch, and what we allow into our lives will play out in our fascia." INSTITUTEFORRESTORATIVEHEALTH.COM What Can Vibrant Fascia Do to Brighten Your Health? | Institute for Restorative Health
Humming is a wonderful way to not only stimulate your Vagus Nerve helping calm mind and body, it also has potential immune protective impact and more! Do you like to hum while doing other activities and going about your day? ”According to The Humming Effect by Jonathan and Andi Goldman, humming reduces stress, induces calmness, enhances sleep, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, produces neurochemicals such as oxytocin, increases lymphatic circulation and melatonin production, releases endorphins and creates new neural pathways in the brain. All of these help reduce stress and promote health and well-being.” BUTEYKOBREATHING.NZ Potential Immune Protective Effects of Nitric Oxide and Humming
A little wisdom as we prepare to welcome a new year. What we allow in matters. Power of Positivity December 26 at 9:58 AM ·
We have a 90 min Session available this Thursday at noon with Dawn. Schedule online or call 920-840-7863. #wellness #holistictherapies #soteriawellnessllc
When is the last time you had a good dose? Take time to get outside and breathe the cool fresh air, feel the wind nipping at your nose and leave footprints in the snow. Art by Heather Stillufsen
Wishing you abundant blessings in every realm in 2021! Do you have a word or focus for this year?
We will be closed Thursday December 31-Sunday January 3rd as we wrap up this year of challenges, blessings and growth here at Soteria Wellness. We are overwhelmed with gratitude to you, our clients and friends. We have had the opportunity to watch as miracles unfolded, pain was relieved, lives were transformed and peace was found. We are honored by the sacrifice we see with people traveling regularly from north of Green Bay to Wisconsin Rapids, Fond du lac, Reedsville and even out of state clients who prioritize stopping in when they are in the area. We have had the opportunity to serve infants just days old to clients in their eighties, Amish families, children, teenagers and young adults struggling with the changes this year brought, front line medical workers taking a well-deserved break, people struggling with postural issues and pain from changing work environments and less than ideal ergonomic arrangements and so many dealing with such stress and loss. In this year of discovering anew how crucial connection is, how important it is to care for both ourselves and for others, it has been our pleasure to be a part of your health care journeys. Thank you!
Ah fascia...It's about so much more than feeling "tight" and having "knots". The intricate fascial web impacts and is impacted by every system in your body! "If we truly want to let go of the pain and tension in our body, we must look beyond the fact that we should stretch more. We cannot overlook the factors affecting our health that we can’t see, whether with our eyes or under a microscope. The integrity of our fascia will reflect how balanced we are in every aspect of our lifestyle. How we treat our fellow brother/sister, what we say about ourselves, what food we eat, what we listen to/watch, and what we allow into our lives will play out in our fascia." INSTITUTEFORRESTORATIVEHEALTH.COM What Can Vibrant Fascia Do to Brighten Your Health? | Institute for Restorative Health
Humming is a wonderful way to not only stimulate your Vagus Nerve helping calm mind and body, it also has potential immune protective impact and more! Do you like to hum while doing other activities and going about your day? ”According to The Humming Effect by Jonathan and Andi Goldman, humming reduces stress, induces calmness, enhances sleep, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, produces neurochemicals such as oxytocin, increases lymphatic circulation and melatonin production, releases endorphins and creates new neural pathways in the brain. All of these help reduce stress and promote health and well-being.” BUTEYKOBREATHING.NZ Potential Immune Protective Effects of Nitric Oxide and Humming
We were so excited to see Kate from Leba Naturals (our local organic elderberry syrup provider) featured this week! We stock both the DIY kits and the ready to drink bottled syrup! WEAREGREENBAY.COM The benefits of elderberry with local business, Leba Naturals
Under stress and when dealing with trauma, comfort foods may offer a temporary bandage to our wounds at the expense of our physical health. For the long term, here are some suggestions for deeper level healing. Ideally, find supplements, especially multi-vitamins, from whole food sources that your body can recognize and absorb, rather than synthetic sources. Mark Hyman, MD October 22, 2020 at 1:00 PM · When we’re traumatized we head straight for the comfort foods. There’s a reason for it. It lowers the level of our stress hormones immediately, increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin, and increases endorphins. It’s momentary schedule. ⁣ ⁣ The problem is, that after a while, all of those effects get reversed. ⁣ ⁣ At a certain point, it becomes necessary to reverse the dietary choices to help ease trauma. Jim Gordon says, we need to practice more mindful eating: “Eating slowly and paying attention to how things taste, and focusing on your food choices.” ⁣ ⁣ We want to nourish the microbiome as it’s affected by the stress of trauma, which is why it’s important to include fermented foods and probiotics. ⁣ ⁣ Focusing on including seafood and supplementary omega-3s and fish oil because it’s important for brain healing and gut healing. ⁣ ⁣ Fiber feeds the microbiome which then stimulates the Vegas nerve that makes sure the brain functions properly. Fiber can be found in all vegetables.⁣ ⁣ Include anti-inflammatory spices like turmeric that helps to bring down inflammation in the body which is a response the body experiences when dealing with trauma. ⁣ ⁣ Also, a multi-vitamin is essential. Most recently, there was a study done in New Zealand after the earthquake. It was a randomized control trial using a multivitamin versus a placebo for people who had been through the earthquake was found to have helped reduce the symptoms of PTSD. They were less anxious and were able to focus better. ⁣ ⁣ To learn more about this, listen to my episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy with @drjamesgordon
Ah, the joy of working in this beautiful healing place! I get to celebrate new victories every day. Here are some of the day's highlights: watching a headache disappear with only a 30 min. CranioSacral Therapy session, deep relaxation for an already busy mama expecting twins, clients melting into the relief of the infrared sauna and moving forward on their detoxification efforts with the AmpCoil, witnessing the profound relief MediCupping and Symphony of the Cells can bring, creating a peaceful space for a teacher in transition (send those teachers some love for the incredible work they are doing through these challenging times!) and opening a message from an EFT client: "What a wonderful day! ...I know I will accomplish more in 2021 thanks to your guidance and encouragement." Yes, it was truly a WONDERFUL day! #soteriawellnessllc #holistictherapies #naturalhealthcare #emotionalfreedomtechniques #medicupping #craniosacraltherapy #prenatalmassage
Take time to heal, rest and restore. You are worth it! Schedule online or call 920-840-7863. #wellness #holistictherapies #soteriawellnessllc
When is the last time you had a good dose? Take time to get outside and breathe the cool fresh air, feel the wind nipping at your nose and leave footprints in the snow. Art by Heather Stillufsen
Wishing you abundant blessings in every realm in 2021! Do you have a word or focus for this year?
From our cozy infrared sauna with acoustic resonance therapy to relaxing AmpCoil journeys, Vibroacoustic Therapy, varied Massage & Bodywork modalities and Theragem light therapy sessions, we've got you covered! Take care of yourself and those you love in 2021!
"Studies on survivors of sexual abuse and those with post-traumatic stress disorder suggest they have elevated levels of stress hormones, as do students at exam time. In these groups of people and others experiencing loneliness, anger, trauma and relationship problems, infections last longer and wounds take longer to heal. However, having fun with friends and family seems to have the opposite effect on our immune systems. Social contact and laughter have a measurable effect for several hours. Relaxation through massage or listening to music also reduces stress hormones." PSYCHCENTRAL.COM How Does Mood Affect Immunity?
Yet another reason why minimizing/avoiding common processed inflammatory foods and choosing high quality whole foods to help balance your gut microbiome is an important consideration to your health. CTVNEWS.CA Severe cases of COVID-19 could be associated with poor gut health: scientific review
We were so excited to see Kate from Leba Naturals (our local organic elderberry syrup provider) featured this week! We stock both the DIY kits and the ready to drink bottled syrup! WEAREGREENBAY.COM The benefits of elderberry with local business, Leba Naturals
Ah, the joy of working in this beautiful healing place! I get to celebrate new victories every day. Here are some of the day's highlights: watching a headache disappear with only a 30 min. CranioSacral Therapy session, deep relaxation for an already busy mama expecting twins, clients melting into the relief of the infrared sauna and moving forward on their detoxification efforts with the AmpCoil, witnessing the profound relief MediCupping and Symphony of the Cells can bring, creating a peaceful space for a teacher in transition (send those teachers some love for the incredible work they are doing through these challenging times!) and opening a message from an EFT client: "What a wonderful day! ...I know I will accomplish more in 2021 thanks to your guidance and encouragement." Yes, it was truly a WONDERFUL day! #soteriawellnessllc #holistictherapies #naturalhealthcare #emotionalfreedomtechniques #medicupping #craniosacraltherapy #prenatalmassage
Ah...there are so many options for enhancing optimal health throughout the lifespan! Have you explored our website yet? Hint--some new offerings will be coming in February. :-)
Are you on a quest to shift away from processed foods to more healthful options? Reading labels is a great place to start! Keep it simple by basing your meals and snacks on a rainbow of plants (vegetables and fruit) as the core. Eating whole foods doesn't have to be complicated to be delicious! 100 Days of Real Food January 14 at 8:00 AM · This is a great habit to start when you first start to cut out processed food. Take a look at some of these ingredients of so-called "healthy" products from this list and find out healthier swaps:
From our cozy infrared sauna with acoustic resonance therapy to relaxing AmpCoil journeys, Vibroacoustic Therapy, varied Massage & Bodywork modalities and Theragem light therapy sessions, we've got you covered! Take care of yourself and those you love in 2021!
"Studies on survivors of sexual abuse and those with post-traumatic stress disorder suggest they have elevated levels of stress hormones, as do students at exam time. In these groups of people and others experiencing loneliness, anger, trauma and relationship problems, infections last longer and wounds take longer to heal. However, having fun with friends and family seems to have the opposite effect on our immune systems. Social contact and laughter have a measurable effect for several hours. Relaxation through massage or listening to music also reduces stress hormones." PSYCHCENTRAL.COM How Does Mood Affect Immunity?
Yet another reason why minimizing/avoiding common processed inflammatory foods and choosing high quality whole foods to help balance your gut microbiome is an important consideration to your health. CTVNEWS.CA Severe cases of COVID-19 could be associated with poor gut health: scientific review
Check out this research based infographic on your amazing heart (including the huge impact our emotions have on our heart AND how our heart's influence extends well beyond ourselves!) What we are thinking and feeling matters, not only to our own health and well-being but to those around us. Make 2021 the year to move out of stuck old emotional and thinking patterns and heal on a deeper level! "Your heart emits an electromagnetic field that changes according to your emotions. Others can pick up the quality of your emotions through the electromagnetic energy radiating from your heart." #healyourheart #holistictherapies #soteriawellnessllc #eft #touchforhealth #balanceandharmonize #theragem HEARTMATH.ORG Mysteries of the Heart - HeartMath Institute
Ah...there are so many options for enhancing optimal health throughout the lifespan! Have you explored our website yet? Hint--some new offerings will be coming in February. :-)
Are you on a quest to shift away from processed foods to more healthful options? Reading labels is a great place to start! Keep it simple by basing your meals and snacks on a rainbow of plants (vegetables and fruit) as the core. Eating whole foods doesn't have to be complicated to be delicious! 100 Days of Real Food January 14 at 8:00 AM · This is a great habit to start when you first start to cut out processed food. Take a look at some of these ingredients of so-called "healthy" products from this list and find out healthier swaps:
From our cozy infrared sauna with acoustic resonance therapy to relaxing AmpCoil journeys, Vibroacoustic Therapy, varied Massage & Bodywork modalities and Theragem light therapy sessions, we've got you covered! Take care of yourself and those you love in 2021!
"Studies on survivors of sexual abuse and those with post-traumatic stress disorder suggest they have elevated levels of stress hormones, as do students at exam time. In these groups of people and others experiencing loneliness, anger, trauma and relationship problems, infections last longer and wounds take longer to heal. However, having fun with friends and family seems to have the opposite effect on our immune systems. Social contact and laughter have a measurable effect for several hours. Relaxation through massage or listening to music also reduces stress hormones." PSYCHCENTRAL.COM How Does Mood Affect Immunity?
HELP WANTED: WELLNESS ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST (PART TIME) Do you have a passion for natural health and helping others? Soteria Wellness Holistic Therapies is seeking a part-time Wellness Assistant/Receptionist. Join our team dedicated to excellence in “Enhancing Optimal Health throughout the Lifespan” through massage, bodywork and a variety of complementary therapies. Tasks include reception/front desk work, supporting licensed massage/bodywork therapists and assisting clients with therapies while maintaining basic safety and cleanliness of the facility. Requirements are: • High school graduate or equivalent (additional training in related skills/field preferred.) • At least one year of prior relevant experience such as: customer service, front desk/reception, retail, healthcare or spa. • Experience with, knowledge of, or strong interest and willingness to learn about the holistic health care services and products we offer. • An upbeat, positive, friendly attitude with clients, coworkers, and our renters. • Impeccable integrity, dependability, and absolute respect for client confidentiality. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills (phone, written and face-to-face.) • Proficient computer skills (Windows/Office.) • Comfortable working closely with people—you will be trained to assist clients with our complementary therapies. • Detail oriented, able to prioritize, problem solve, and multi-task when needed. • Ability to work both independently and cooperatively with other staff and the Wellness Partners who rent space in our facility and need to be able to flow with pacing changes throughout the day. • A growth mindset: open to feedback (both giving and receiving), flexible, adaptable, open to new ideas and willing to grow both personally and professionally. • Ability to maintain a safe and clean facility including adhering to COVID-19 measures, performing basic cleaning tasks (including vacuuming, mopping, linen laundry), and clearing a path/spreading salt for clients in inclement weather before the snow removal crew arrives. • First Aid/CPR certification (required and reimbursed within 3 months of employment.) • Artificial fragrance-free personal care for the health of our staff and clients. Benefits Include: • Starting pay at or above industry standards based on training and experience in related fields of work. • Paid holidays (at 20+ hours/week) and performance-based raises. • On the job training. • Potential for increased hours as we grow. • Satisfaction of working in and helping create a peaceful, uplifting healing environment. • Monthly massage or bodywork discount or free 30-minute session for our regularly scheduled employees (dependent on hours.) • Use of complementary therapies before/after hours. • Enhancing your personal knowledge base in natural health and wellness. If this special person sounds like you, learn more about us at To apply, please submit an email noting two things you found especially interesting or learned on our website. Attach a cover letter explaining why you would be a great fit at Soteria and your current resumé with references privately to Dawn Olsen at
Gift certificates are on sale now through February 12th! <3 <3 Save $5 on $50+ Save $10 on $100+ Save $15 on $150+ And so on... Pssst...Gift cards can be for a particular service you know your special someone enjoys or for a dollar amount good towards all products and services at Soteria! Check out the options here:
Are you ready to get on top of your stress? We have had several requests recently for another EFT workshop and we have on on our February calendar! If you have been curious about what EFT is, how to use it, or knowing when working with a certified practitioner is better than working on your own (they are BOTH very valuable!), please register via Eventbrite: MON, FEB 22 AT 6:30 PM CST Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
MON, FEB 22 AT 6:30 PM CST Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
Check out this research based infographic on your amazing heart (including the huge impact our emotions have on our heart AND how our heart's influence extends well beyond ourselves!) What we are thinking and feeling matters, not only to our own health and well-being but to those around us. Make 2021 the year to move out of stuck old emotional and thinking patterns and heal on a deeper level! "Your heart emits an electromagnetic field that changes according to your emotions. Others can pick up the quality of your emotions through the electromagnetic energy radiating from your heart." #healyourheart #holistictherapies #soteriawellnessllc #eft #touchforhealth #balanceandharmonize #theragem HEARTMATH.ORG Mysteries of the Heart - HeartMath Institute
Ah...there are so many options for enhancing optimal health throughout the lifespan! Have you explored our website yet? Hint--some new offerings will be coming in February. :-)
HELP WANTED: WELLNESS ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST (PART TIME) Do you have a passion for natural health and helping others? Soteria Wellness Holistic Therapies is seeking a part-time Wellness Assistant/Receptionist. Join our team dedicated to excellence in “Enhancing Optimal Health throughout the Lifespan” through massage, bodywork and a variety of complementary therapies. Tasks include reception/front desk work, supporting licensed massage/bodywork therapists and assisting clients with therapies while maintaining basic safety and cleanliness of the facility. Requirements are: • High school graduate or equivalent (additional training in related skills/field preferred.) • At least one year of prior relevant experience such as: customer service, front desk/reception, retail, healthcare or spa. • Experience with, knowledge of, or strong interest and willingness to learn about the holistic health care services and products we offer. • An upbeat, positive, friendly attitude with clients, coworkers, and our renters. • Impeccable integrity, dependability, and absolute respect for client confidentiality. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills (phone, written and face-to-face.) • Proficient computer skills (Windows/Office.) • Comfortable working closely with people—you will be trained to assist clients with our complementary therapies. • Detail oriented, able to prioritize, problem solve, and multi-task when needed. • Ability to work both independently and cooperatively with other staff and the Wellness Partners who rent space in our facility and need to be able to flow with pacing changes throughout the day. • A growth mindset: open to feedback (both giving and receiving), flexible, adaptable, open to new ideas and willing to grow both personally and professionally. • Ability to maintain a safe and clean facility including adhering to COVID-19 measures, performing basic cleaning tasks (including vacuuming, mopping, linen laundry), and clearing a path/spreading salt for clients in inclement weather before the snow removal crew arrives. • First Aid/CPR certification (required and reimbursed within 3 months of employment.) • Artificial fragrance-free personal care for the health of our staff and clients. Benefits Include: • Starting pay at or above industry standards based on training and experience in related fields of work. • Paid holidays (at 20+ hours/week) and performance-based raises. • On the job training. • Potential for increased hours as we grow. • Satisfaction of working in and helping create a peaceful, uplifting healing environment. • Monthly massage or bodywork discount or free 30-minute session for our regularly scheduled employees (dependent on hours.) • Use of complementary therapies before/after hours. • Enhancing your personal knowledge base in natural health and wellness. If this special person sounds like you, learn more about us at To apply, please submit an email noting two things you found especially interesting or learned on our website. Attach a cover letter explaining why you would be a great fit at Soteria and your current resumé with references privately to Dawn Olsen at
What a great reminder! Finding Joy February 4 at 8:26 PM ·
What's so great about Elderberry? Check this out! Another great thing about Leba Natural's pre-made organic Elderberry syrup is that we have a few left with a rapidly approaching sell by date! You can claim one at 25% off while supplies last! Leba Naturals January 9 at 8:32 PM · Elderberry has SO many incredible benefits! This super food supports a variety of body systems, all packed into a tiny little berry. We add local raw honey, rosehips, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, and clove for even more tasty benefits!
Gift certificates are on sale now through February 12th! <3 <3 Save $5 on $50+ Save $10 on $100+ Save $15 on $150+ And so on... Pssst...Gift cards can be for a particular service you know your special someone enjoys or for a dollar amount good towards all products and services at Soteria! Check out the options here:
Are you ready to get on top of your stress? We have had several requests recently for another EFT workshop and we have on on our February calendar! If you have been curious about what EFT is, how to use it, or knowing when working with a certified practitioner is better than working on your own (they are BOTH very valuable!), please register via Eventbrite: MON, FEB 22 AT 6:30 PM CST Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
MON, FEB 22 AT 6:30 PM CST Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
We have an opening this Thursday with Dawn at noon. Call 920-840-7863 or schedule online. Put yourself first this winter season.
Happy Valentine's Day! Remember, our minds are powerful and love and kindness is good for our health! <3 From Dr. Peta Stapleton: Harvard University Study They say that kindness is good for you. In a simple experiment, 132 students at Harvard University watched a 50-minute video that showed Mother Theresa carrying out acts of kindness. Saliva swaps were taken from them before they started watching the video and again immediately afterwards. Levels of salivary immunoglobulin A (sigA) were then measured in the swabs. It’s an important component of the immune system, the first point of defence when a virus, bacteria or other pathogen gets into your mouth, perhaps through contaminated food. By the time the film was finished the levels of sigA had risen in the students and were still high an hour later. The researchers suggested this was because the students, ‘continued to dwell on the loving relationships that characterised the film’. In this case, feeling a connection with Mother Theresa and her loving actions led to the effect. It was through aligning with the spirit of kindness and a person showing that spirit. And let’s put this into a greater context. It was thinking and feeling that raised immune function. The students weren’t out on the street doing kindnesses. We sometimes underestimate the effects our own minds can have on our health. We take for granted that stressful thinking can take its toll on our health, but we rarely imagine that kind thinking can have the opposite effects. Read the Study - (This study highlighted in our live webinar with Dr David Hamilton in February).
Who's joining us on Monday the 22nd for our next online community EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) workshop? Registration: Details from the study in "Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine":
What a great reminder! Finding Joy February 4 at 8:26 PM ·
What's so great about Elderberry? Check this out! Another great thing about Leba Natural's pre-made organic Elderberry syrup is that we have a few left with a rapidly approaching sell by date! You can claim one at 25% off while supplies last! Leba Naturals January 9 at 8:32 PM · Elderberry has SO many incredible benefits! This super food supports a variety of body systems, all packed into a tiny little berry. We add local raw honey, rosehips, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, and clove for even more tasty benefits!
Gift certificates are on sale now through February 12th! <3 <3 Save $5 on $50+ Save $10 on $100+ Save $15 on $150+ And so on... Pssst...Gift cards can be for a particular service you know your special someone enjoys or for a dollar amount good towards all products and services at Soteria! Check out the options here:
Finding Joy February 17 at 7:04 AM ·
Enjoy some fantastic tips for raising healthy eaters from our friends at The Wellness Way! THEWELLNESSWAY.COM Raising Healthy Eaters: How Do I Get My Child to Eat Healthy?
Call 920-840-7863 Ext. 1 or schedule online: . Take time for you this winter season!
Happy Valentine's Day! Remember, our minds are powerful and love and kindness is good for our health! <3 From Dr. Peta Stapleton: Harvard University Study They say that kindness is good for you. In a simple experiment, 132 students at Harvard University watched a 50-minute video that showed Mother Theresa carrying out acts of kindness. Saliva swaps were taken from them before they started watching the video and again immediately afterwards. Levels of salivary immunoglobulin A (sigA) were then measured in the swabs. It’s an important component of the immune system, the first point of defence when a virus, bacteria or other pathogen gets into your mouth, perhaps through contaminated food. By the time the film was finished the levels of sigA had risen in the students and were still high an hour later. The researchers suggested this was because the students, ‘continued to dwell on the loving relationships that characterised the film’. In this case, feeling a connection with Mother Theresa and her loving actions led to the effect. It was through aligning with the spirit of kindness and a person showing that spirit. And let’s put this into a greater context. It was thinking and feeling that raised immune function. The students weren’t out on the street doing kindnesses. We sometimes underestimate the effects our own minds can have on our health. We take for granted that stressful thinking can take its toll on our health, but we rarely imagine that kind thinking can have the opposite effects. Read the Study - (This study highlighted in our live webinar with Dr David Hamilton in February).
Who's joining us on Monday the 22nd for our next online community EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) workshop? Registration: Details from the study in "Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine":
What a great reminder! Finding Joy February 4 at 8:26 PM ·
While the most foolproof way to eat clean is making your own meals from foods in as close to their natural state that you can find, that may not always be an option or fit your family's lifestyle. Here are some great lists to get clear on what some of the commonly found ingredient names on the label actually mean. 100DAYSOFREALFOOD.COM Ingredient Label Cheat Sheet
THURSDAY THERAPIES--LOVE YOUR LYMPH We've recently had a few clients ask how what we do here helps support healthy immunity. Here's the short answer! SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM Love Your Lymph This Winter: How do Massage & Bodywork Support a Healthy Immune System? — Soteria Wellness
Mr. Bones (aka Zeke to those who know him well) made a new friend the other day! We love how curious kids are and eager to learn about their incredible bodies.
How do you cultivate gratitude and joy in your life?
Just a friendly reminder: You are so much more than how productive you are!
We serve so many amazing overcomers! Healing Light February 21 at 4:44 PM · Brene Brown
There are so many powerful ways that we can enhance optimal health throughout the lifespan! What are some of your favorites? Discover
While the most foolproof way to eat clean is making your own meals from foods in as close to their natural state that you can find, that may not always be an option or fit your family's lifestyle. Here are some great lists to get clear on what some of the commonly found ingredient names on the label actually mean. 100DAYSOFREALFOOD.COM Ingredient Label Cheat Sheet
LOVE YOUR LYMPH We've recently had a few clients ask how what we do here helps support healthy immunity. Here's the short answer! SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM Love Your Lymph This Winter: How do Massage & Bodywork Support a Healthy Immune System? — Soteria Wellness
Mr. Bones (aka Zeke to those who know him well) made a new friend the other day! We love how curious kids are and eager to learn about their incredible bodies.
How do you cultivate gratitude and joy in your life?
Just a friendly reminder: You are so much more than how productive you are!
We are so much more than just numbers on a scale. Healthy can look different on each of us and there are many factors that play into those "numbers." Know that at Soteria Wellness, we welcome beautiful you, and look forward to helping you relax, restore and step into new levels of health. "Our bodies do so much for us. It fights for us, protects us, & can do just about anything as long as the mind & it agree. It’s so beautiful, & we judge it’s capability by its appearance." Alexa Danielle Kolbe March 3, 2020 at 5:22 PM · “You’ve gained weight” said the doctor at my annual checkup. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I haven’t weighed myself in over a year, but I can tell you things don’t fit the same. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve definitely noticed it. I see it in pictures. I see it in videos. I can feel how my clothes fit differently. Everything still fits, but it fits differently. 1 Stretch mark has appeared on my abdomen. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I go over in my head all the comments I believe people think of me. “Wow, she’s packed it on.” “She’s really let herself go.” “Look (friend) she’s gained weight!” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I mean, the list goes on in my head. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I believe people think I’m lazy or eat too much. I cry sometimes to my husband thinking over and over in my head these thoughts. Even though they’re not true, I still believe it. Wow, the mind is super controlling. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We bring ourselves down & judge every inch. We praise other people for having positive body image, but we can’t praise ourselves for just taking a small step. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We are all for others, so why can’t we be for ourselves? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Childbirth, death, gut issues, moving, heartbreak, abuse, diseases, finances, relationship with food, etc. all affect us in some sort of way, & the stress of it all affects the reaction of each body differently. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Our bodies do so much for us. It fights for us, protects us, & can do just about anything as long as the mind & it agree. It’s so beautiful, & we judge it’s capability by its appearance. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I believe this weight gain has been a fighter response for my body. Deaths, moving, career change, & healing my relationship with food from restriction has all been what my body has gone through this past year. With all this people would say “you’re so strong” but my mind thinks all people are saying is “you’ve gained weight.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve learned most people don’t “let themselves go.” Most people are just going through something that we have no idea about. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We need to give each other grace. Darling, you need to give yourself grace. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Gaining weight could be a reflection from the weight life brings. A good book isn’t defined by its cover, but the life it gives when it’s read.
Being able to pause, breathe and just be is so profoundly healing. There is such power in grounded compassionate presence, focused skills and healthy touch. #soteriawellnessholistictherapies #massageandbodywork #craniosacraltherapy #peacefulbodypeacefulmind SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM Soteria Wellness
#choosekindness Finding Joy March 7 at 10:11 AM ·
This struggle is so real. Some of us have walked this path ourselves and found peace and victory over these health challenges, We remember well how long and hard the days (and sometimes hours and even minutes) were. This is part of why we do what we do. If you are walking through this dark valley now, we will continue to stand beside you, utilizing our listening ears, caring hearts, skills, tools and resources to help make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. Power of Positivity March 5 at 9:58 AM ·
Our thoughts matter, always. They are important messengers to our body. #rewireyourbrain #holistictherapies #EFT #transformingmymind
There are so many powerful ways that we can enhance optimal health throughout the lifespan! What are some of your favorites? Discover
Finding Joy Yesterday at 7:02 AM ·
This past year has been one of so much change, hurt, loss and stress for many of us. Yet, in the darkest of nights, hope can rise up out of the ground and bloom again. Let's take this next season to grow through what we have gone through and turn our faces to the light of a new day. #cultivatehope #newdaydawning #soteriawellnessholistictherapies #spring #alternativewellness
How we think and talk about ourselves matters greatly. Choose your words wisely. Finding Joy March 11 at 3:32 PM ·
Dr. Caroline Leaf's work (mentioned in this article) has been a game-changing limbic system balancer for so many people. You can change the wiring in your brain and create new neural pathways! MINDBODYGREEN.COM Millennials Are More Prone To Anxiety: A Neuroscientist Explains Why
We are so much more than just numbers on a scale. Healthy can look different on each of us and there are many factors that play into those "numbers." Know that at Soteria Wellness, we welcome beautiful you, and look forward to helping you relax, restore and step into new levels of health. "Our bodies do so much for us. It fights for us, protects us, & can do just about anything as long as the mind & it agree. It’s so beautiful, & we judge it’s capability by its appearance." Alexa Danielle Kolbe March 3, 2020 at 5:22 PM · “You’ve gained weight” said the doctor at my annual checkup. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I haven’t weighed myself in over a year, but I can tell you things don’t fit the same. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve definitely noticed it. I see it in pictures. I see it in videos. I can feel how my clothes fit differently. Everything still fits, but it fits differently. 1 Stretch mark has appeared on my abdomen. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I go over in my head all the comments I believe people think of me. “Wow, she’s packed it on.” “She’s really let herself go.” “Look (friend) she’s gained weight!” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I mean, the list goes on in my head. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I believe people think I’m lazy or eat too much. I cry sometimes to my husband thinking over and over in my head these thoughts. Even though they’re not true, I still believe it. Wow, the mind is super controlling. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We bring ourselves down & judge every inch. We praise other people for having positive body image, but we can’t praise ourselves for just taking a small step. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We are all for others, so why can’t we be for ourselves? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Childbirth, death, gut issues, moving, heartbreak, abuse, diseases, finances, relationship with food, etc. all affect us in some sort of way, & the stress of it all affects the reaction of each body differently. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Our bodies do so much for us. It fights for us, protects us, & can do just about anything as long as the mind & it agree. It’s so beautiful, & we judge it’s capability by its appearance. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I believe this weight gain has been a fighter response for my body. Deaths, moving, career change, & healing my relationship with food from restriction has all been what my body has gone through this past year. With all this people would say “you’re so strong” but my mind thinks all people are saying is “you’ve gained weight.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve learned most people don’t “let themselves go.” Most people are just going through something that we have no idea about. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We need to give each other grace. Darling, you need to give yourself grace. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Gaining weight could be a reflection from the weight life brings. A good book isn’t defined by its cover, but the life it gives when it’s read.
Being able to pause, breathe and just be is so profoundly healing. There is such power in grounded compassionate presence, focused skills and healthy touch. #soteriawellnessholistictherapies #massageandbodywork #craniosacraltherapy #peacefulbodypeacefulmind SOTERIAWELLNESSLLC.COM Soteria Wellness
Perspective MADINAMERICA.COM Childhood Trauma Is Not a Mental Illness
What is your plan to spring into better health? We are seeing an uptick in clients discovering the benefits of our infrared sauna and other complementary therapies (and seeing some especially powerful shifts with the Theragem lately!) Make time for you and those you love to level up this spring by scheduling online today!
What seeds are you planting in your garden as we step into spring? #eatrealfood #naturesfarmacy #soteriawellnessholistictherapies The Wellness Way - Appleton March 12 at 3:27 PM · Your body is a garden - are you nurturing it or slowing killing it? 🌱🧩
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Finding Joy March 15 at 7:02 AM ·
This past year has been one of so much change, hurt, loss and stress for many of us. Yet, in the darkest of nights, hope can rise up out of the ground and bloom again. Let's take this next season to grow through what we have gone through and turn our faces to the light of a new day. #cultivatehope #newdaydawning #soteriawellnessholistictherapies #spring #alternativewellness
Do you resonate with this post? Everything we offer here at Soteria was selected because of its connection to calming and unwinding your overstimulated nervous system! #bestillandknow #parasympatheticmode #soteriawellnessholistictherapies #efttapping #massageandbodywork #innervoicemusic #essentialoils #theragem #ampcoiljourney #infraredsauna #acousticresonancetherapy #medicupping #touchforhealth #craniosacraltherapy #balanceandharmonize Matt Kahn March 8 at 4:35 PM ·
Massage at Soteria Wellness Holistic Therapies --following the body's unique path each session to a healthier, happier life!
Stay present, focus on the good and have a wonderful weekend! Victoria Erickson, Writer March 24 at 9:56 AM ·
There are some great natural self-care tips here that our clients dealing with POTS (and other forms of Dysautonomia) may find helpful in this article from our friends at the Institute for Restorative Health. "Being a form of dysautonomia, its symptoms can vary person-to-person. As with most chronic conditions, POTS is the result of multiple out of balance systems. Most notably: Autonomic Nervous System Central Nervous System Gastrointestinal System Mitochondrial-Energy System Neurohormonal System Immune System Common POTS Symptoms: Dizziness Fatigue Heart palpitations Trouble concentrating Nausea Exercise intolerance Heat or cold intolerance For many, it goes beyond a medical textbook definition. POTS induces the “fight or flight” nervous system to ramp up when there is neither reason to fight nor flee. " INSTITUTEFORRESTORATIVEHEALTH.COM How to Stand Up to POTS | Institute for Restorative Health
Perspective MADINAMERICA.COM Childhood Trauma Is Not a Mental Illness
What is your plan to spring into better health? We are seeing an uptick in clients discovering the benefits of our infrared sauna and other complementary therapies (and seeing some especially powerful shifts with the Theragem lately!) Make time for you and those you love to level up this spring by scheduling online today!


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Soteria Wellness, LLC
Massage Therapy


  • What is the phone number for Soteria Wellness, LLC in Appleton WI?
    You can reach them at: 920-840-7863. It’s best to call Soteria Wellness, LLC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Soteria Wellness, LLC on waterford lane in Appleton?
    Soteria Wellness, LLC is located at this address: 5517 W. Waterford Lane Appleton, WI 54913.
  • What are Soteria Wellness, LLC(Appleton, WI) store hours?
    Soteria Wellness, LLC store hours are as follows: Mon: 10:00AM - 5:00PM, Tue-Wed: 12:00PM - 7:00PM, Thu: 10:00AM - 5:00PM, Fri: 12:00PM - 7:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 2:00PM, Sun: Closed.