Sports City U Basketball

(on teays valley road)
Education in Hurricane, WV
Gyms and Fitness
Sports Facilities


9:00AM - 9:00PM
9:00AM - 9:00PM
9:00AM - 9:00PM
9:00AM - 9:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
12:00PM - 5:00PM


3542 Teays Valley Road
Hurricane, WV


Your One Stop Shop For All Basketball Needs


Sports City U Basketball Photo


How will you ever know what your potential is if you never push yourself to it? This next week, try to push yourself to new limits. Remember when I talked about raising the lid? Ask yourself how this next week you can raise the lid. Can you get up an hour earlier and read something that can develop your leadership skills? Can you stay 1 hour longer after a workout or practice to work on your form shot. Can you get an extra 100 made close shots around the basket to build your confidence? Can you take 30 minutes and watch film of players that have mastered the moves you are currently working on. When you start asking yourself questions, you are preparing for success. Then once you’ve executed the work to the question, you have mathematically given yourself a statistical chance. Repeat this day in and day out, and the statistical chance goes higher and higher. It Sounds simple when I break it down, but these last two words I leave you with are always the determinator for success in anything in life. Consistency and Discipline. These two will raise your game in any area of life.
After our Jumpertime 3 day camp in August we asked players, “what’s the biggest thing, that’s helped you improve your shot”. Here’s what they had to say: 👆
Believe. Achieve. Motivate. Do these 3 things today. Believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself you are motivated to do the work. Belief helps you achieve. Without believing you can’t do the other 2. When you believe, you can achieve. When you achieve, you stay motivated. Keep raising the bar! #BAM
It doesn’t matter with whom or within what context you are trying to connect. It’s always the same: you need to bring energy to do it effectively. And to make the most of connecting opportunities, you must channel that energy strategically. There are specific things you can do to help foster connection – everything from taking initiative to knowing your audience to acting selflessly. Learning and practicing these strategies will improve your connection with anyone—with your friends, with your team mates, with your coaches or your boss. If you want to connect with others, but are hoping you can do so without being intentional, forget about it. Connecting always requires energy.
With Fall here and October coming this weekend you know what’s right around the corner.. Basketball season. This October 23 we will be beginning our 29th year of serving the community with top notch instruction. Opportunity is right here, right now to help to become the best version of you. Currently we are doing our Jumpertime training program. The emphasis here is on development of your shot, footwork, changing speed,creating space and development of confidence to make it happen. We are scheduling sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday from 4-9, Friday from 1-4 and Saturday from 10-3. If your ready to get 500-600 game shots per hour this is the workout for you. Give us a call today 304-562-2424 or 304-412-3178 and let’s start dropping buckets tomorrow. Remember a shooters job is to make shots not just take shots.. hope to see ya soon..EveryDayForever™️
The word for the day is #Opportunity. There is opportunity every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute and every second. But opportunities aren’t easy. They require action. Excuses are much easier because we can play the blame game. Excuses fail to execute. The losing teams are the teams that blame and point. The winning teams are the the teams that plan and prepare. If you are looking for opportunities, that’s what you’ll find. If you’re looking for excuses, that’s what you’ll find. So my question to you is, what are you looking for?
Leaders begin to understand that they will go farther by focusing first on the advancement of others. They ask: what can I do for you? Instead of trying to impress others, they search for ways to show how they are impressed by others. Their goal is to convince people of two simple ideas: 1) I care about you and 2) I want to help you. One of the best ways to demonstrate that you are looking out for the interests of your teammates is to do something for them that they cannot do for themselves. Not only does this empower your people, it brings personal fulfillment to you. As John Bunyan said, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” We’re designed to make a difference in the lives of others, and our own life becomes more meaningful when we do. Ask your team mates today what you can do to help them. Ask your coach what you can do to team him or the team. This is a sign you are maturing as a Leader.
If I could come to your house and spend just one day with you, I would be able to tell whether or not you will be successful. You could pick the day. If I got up with you in the morning and went through the day with you, watching you for 24 hours, I could tell in what direction your life is headed. Here is why: I believe that the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well in your daily agenda, you will succeed. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. You see, success, doesn’t just suddenly occur one day in someone’s life. For that matter, neither does failure. Each is a process. Every day of your life is merely preparation for the next. What you become is the result of what you do today. In other words… You are preparing for something. The question is, What are you preparing for?
2 things you need to be willing to do if you want to achieve success. Go through the process. To achieve any goal we must be willing to go through the process, follow its requirements and its formula of what is expected of us; such as a good work ethic, a willingness to help others, and a great attitude. Pay the price. You can achieve anything and get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price for it. That is the only way to get what we want in the real world, we won't get anything by wishing for it or just wanting it, a price is demanded and a price must be paid.
Some people never update their version. Some people update their version of them selves once a year. Some people update their version of themselves every month. Some every week and some very few, every day. Who’s version is going to be the best? Every level requires a new version of yourself, but if you consistently can update yourself every day, and install new capabilities, you’ll be prepared for the next level. You’ll be able to keep climbing and soaring on the next level. You might even skip a level. Kobe Bryant’s version of him self in high school was updated and ready for the NBA. College wasn’t necessary. LeBron was the same way. The versions of themselves were so powerful they were updated to the NBA level when they were in High school. They updated themselves every single day, and reaped the reward of that.
With basketball season around the corner it’s time for you to polish your shooting, footwork, finishes, foul shooting technique, confidence and much more. We are scheduling our Jumpertime trainings on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Times vary each day. Get 500-700 shots in a game atmosphere so you can capture and keep the can’t miss feeling. These times will be sold out so get on the schedule now before it’s to late.. 304-562-2424 or 304-412-3178.. #Bam (Believe Achieve Motivated)
Here drink this. I wish it was that simple. Attaining success is not simply a matter of luck. It’s a matter of taking the time to learn a trade, applying your knowledge and sticking with it -- even in the face of adversity and potential failure along the way. While successful people come in all shapes and sizes and work in many different fields, they tend to share key character traits which help them get and stay ahead.
The truth about trends. They show up one day and then disappear. Don’t let a trend be a temporary distraction!
Small details make the biggest difference. In this case, it was the difference between making it and miss it. When you’re not sure what the problem is, you can’t fix the problem. You are going to repeat what you don’t fix. If your missing shots, it doesn’t matter how many you take a day, you will continue to miss. Don’t repeat “wrong”. Wrong + Wrong = Double Wrong. Get your shot down right, so you don’t have to go back and repair.
1. Concentrate on one main goal 2. Commit to continual improvement 3. Forget the past. 4. Focus on the future. Focus on these four principles. Henry Ford said, “There is no man living who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can do.” The greatest untapped resource for most leaders is their potential. Don’t let that be true for you. Concentrate on one main goal, commit to continual improvement, forget the past, and focus on the future. #potential #leadership #intentionalliving #growth #personaldevelopment #henryford #continualimprovement #futurefocused #opportunity
Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their capabilities. They vary in their desire to reach their potential. To reach your potential, you must first believe that you have it. If you don’t believe that you have potential, you will never try to reach it. And if you aren’t willing to work toward reaching your potential, you will never be successful.
Some players train hard only when they are watched but the great players train hard even when no ones watching. That’s the difference maker. The great aren’t looking for the short cuts. There are no elevators, just steps.
Master the basics. Then practice them every day without fail. Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.
Short. Simple. But True and Effective. When you want something bad enough, you find time to do it. You create time for the things that matter. If you don’t make time for something, you find an excuse. You get exactly what you’re looking for. Excuses are the death to all dreams. The question you should be asking yourself as a player is: Do I want to help my team win more games? If you truly do want to help your team, then help yourself by developing yourself as a player each day.
It’s the end of October which means one thing, basketball is right around the corner. Are you ready for this years season? The difference between winning and losing in every game that’s 10 point or under is always won or lost at the line. Be the player on the court that is the closer. Be the player everyone can count on. If you’re team is nearby our gym, be a leader and pull your team mates over here to practice you’re free throws weekly. There’s no excuse not to be a 99% free throw shooter! If I can do it, YOU can too!!!! #BAM
Attentive players Make A Difference! They are leaders of the team. That's the main reason why attention to detail is so important for players is because Detail-oriented players are more likely to catch and prevent mistakes, allowing you to avoid costly blunders in the long run. It can be the difference between winning and losing.
How to Constructively Face Fear 1) Discover the foundation of fear. Fear usually resides in feelings rather than facts. Drill down into your emotions to figure out the basis of your fears. 2) Admit your fears We never help people by trying to cover up our failures. Admit them and realize you’ll make them. Something about owning up to our failures helps us deal with the fear of making them. 3) Accept fear as the price of progress. We have the terrible idea that we can eventually rid ourselves of fear. However, if you want to grow, then you will encounter fears the rest of your life. The good news: each victory over fear adds to your confidence and helps you to overcome fear again in the future. Fear is the energy to do your worst in a new situation. I compare fear to gunning the engine when your car is in neutral. You’re making lots of noise, but there’s no accomplishment. Fear removes focus from a person’s life. Like worry, fear divides the mind and prevents concentrated thinking.
Last week was our 28th anniversary of being in business at sports city u. A lot of people see the “JMPR” shirts and hear about our new program jumpertime training that’s coming out soon, but only a few people know that jumpertime was invented way way WAY back! But now we have even BIGGER plans coming 🔥
The heart of leadership is serving others first, before yourself. Here’s the problem, most organizations operate from a hierarchical leadership structure. Leaders “move up” the ladder in an organization, and, once there, see themselves “above” their team. Despite its trending status – as well as its undeniable success – most people do not equate leadership to service. Rather than epitomizing humility, influence and meeting people where they are at, too many leaders think being a leader means power and authority. If your personal gain continually outweighs your desire to serve others, you are lacking the very heart of leadership – and that can be a problem – for you, your team, your family and, ultimately, your success.
: Stay Locked in with @Sudden_Change_ on every phone! 📲📐™️
There is nothing wrong with having a leadership position. That’s the starting place for most leadership. However, there is everything wrong with having a positional mind-set. If you have to tell people that you’re the leader, you’re not. If you continue to rely on your position to move people, you may never develop influence with them, and your success will always be limited. #Leadership #Level1 #Position
Hope everyone in the SCU nation is doing awesome. We are about to finalize on winter schedule after many changes. We will start on Monday November 30th. We will have 6 weeks of training and be starting our new league called Sudden Change. We have been working hard on developing new terminology and training methods to help make everyone better. We will also be having a one huge Christmas 🎄 Camp as well. Fingers crossed the new schedule will be up by Friday. There are limited numbers on classes and leagues so we encourage you to not wait long to get signed up. We truly miss everyone and can’t wait to see everyone again. Any questions leave me a message and I’ll get back with ya quick..#Bam 🧨
A leader is a finisher. I want to finish well, therefore I will. Be bigger on the inside than the outside — Character matters. Follow the Golden Rule — People matter. Value humility above all virtues — perspective matters. Travel the high road of life — Attitude matters. Nobody finishes well by accident.
When you believe in yourself, you invest in yourself. When you invest in yourself, you are equipping yourself. You have to equip to be able to give. You cannot give what you do not have. So by believing in yourself you are making the world a better place. When you believe in yourself, you add value to others around you. Believe. Achieve. Motivate. #BAM 🇺🇸
Toxic players are poison to teams ☠️ Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a team. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you… We are in charge of our attitudes.
The Winter schedule is here. Many new programs and league play applications this winter. Enrollment is limited for this first chance of learning our new systems. Open to everyone. With many leagues shutdown come learn and develop with us. Hope to see you soon..#Bam #MiddlePerfect#SuddenChange
Leadership is not an exclusive club reserved for those who were “born with it.” The traits comprising the raw materials of leadership can be acquired. Link them up with desire and nothing can keep you from becoming a leader. Some people have a more intuitive grasp of how to lead than others. These “natural-born leaders” will always emerge, but their influence hinges upon their ability to supplement inborn talent with learned skills. Ultimately, leadership is developed, not discovered.
Growth is essential to your satisfaction and your success, but it doesn’t just happen. It requires intentionality, focus and accountability. It also requires a plan.
You can see confidence in players eyes 👀 This is one of my favorite things to see as a coach, is when a players eyes start to lock in 🔥
Here is a story for motivation to keep growing ——- Sir Edmund Hillary was the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Prior to his success on Everest, Hillary had been part of another expedition in which the team not only had failed to reach the summit but also had lost one of its members.When the team arrived back home in London, there was a reception already planned with a huge photograph of Everest hanging behind the platform where Hillary was to address the crowd. Hillary turned to face the image of the mountain and exclaimed, “Mount Everest, you have defeated us. But I will return. And I will defeat you. Because you cannot get any bigger, and I can.”Life doesn’t get better by chance. Life gets better by change. #KeepGoing
Consistency develops routines and builds momentum. It forms habits that become almost second nature. During the journey of consistency you’re gonna see it all. The good. The bad. And the Ugly. Just stay focused on improving each and every day. #BAM
New winter schedule is out come join us as we take our training to a new level. Action begins December 8th. Call,DM me and let’s get rocking..#Bam #MiddlePerfect🎯
If you’re not measuring your results, you’re not growing. When you are serious about growing, you tell me a number. When you are in an activity, you tell me what you did. —- that’s the difference. We focused only on productivity, not activity.
Winning vs Losing. Have you ever heard of the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together?” What that means is People of similar character, background, or taste tend to congregate or associate with one another. How many times do you see a super positive person hanging with a negative person? It’s a rare. Winners surround themselves with winners. People who lose, surround themselves with people who lose. Winning in life is a choice. You make it daily by who you surround yourself with.
Let’s face it: Like it or not, results are all that matter. Successful people don’t value effort or work or time spent on an activity; they value the results. Unsuccessful individuals attach great importance to the time they spend at work and their attempts at getting results—even if nothing happens. Effort doesn't matter, results matter. You don't have to work the hardest, you just have to get the most done.
Talk about productivity vs activity. If you’re in this gym, you are apart of this growing community. We are all about results. Players that come out of this gym can leave with confidence knowing that they are statistically better. Stats don’t lie!!!
Due to the outbreak of Covid and the governors orders for league play we are pushing back our Sudden Change league for a few weeks. We will be having our small group instrumental classes. The new dates will be out by tomorrow. Our number one concern is your safety and we won’t do anything to compromise that. Sorry for the delay but once we get going again it’s going to be awesome..#Bam 🧨#MiddlePerfect🎯#SuddenChange🛸
Check out our schedule for the winter if you are shut down this is where you need to be to keep your game polished and be game ready. Message or call us today before it sells out..#Bam #MiddlePerfect🎯
Many people look at winning sports teams and attribute the teams success to how knowledgeable the coach is. But games aren’t won according to what the coach knows. Games are won according to what the coach’s players have learned. How can you measure that as a leader? By judging how independently your team members are able to function.
You control the game, when you’re in control. Control comes from confidence and confidence comes from knowing. The more in control we feel, the more confidence we have in our abilities and we trust our instincts & natural reactions. Read and reacting is the name of the game.
What are you grateful for today? I am thankful for the people who helped build me up through out my life. I want to reflect on those people, remember to show my thankfulness toward them. Show thanks to anyone who spoke a kind word to you or helped you in life. These people are game changers. Happy thanksgiving 🦃
People don’t pay for average. People don’t go looking for a mediocre restaurant and middling movie when they go out at night. Employers don’t award the contract to the salesman known as Mr. Average. Nobody says, “Let’s give the contract to the company that will do a merely adequate job.” — Finding my strength zone took some time and exploration. If you don’t already have a good handle on your strengths, then you may want to explore more. Figure out your strengths. It takes trial and error and most importantly reps, reps, reps. — #BeGreat
Just More Player Reps. #JMPR
Are you willing to do the boring work day in and day out? The phrase “be willing to” gets its meaning from the adjective “willing.” The adjective “willing” means to be ready, eager or prepared to do something. Note that being willing to do something is not the same as wanting to do it. Focusing on the small details isn’t fun, but it’s worth it, if you want to be a winner.
Where do you stand when it comes to priorities today? Ask yourself these three questions. 1. Have I already made the decision to determine and act on important priorities daily? 2. If so, when did I make that decision? 3. What exactly did I decide? Your Priorities Discipline Every Day Based on the decision you made concerning priorities, what is the one discipline you must practice today and every day in order to be successful?
Your Secret Weapon—Your Scorecard. —- If you’ve decided you want to lose weight, you’re going to track everything you put into your mouth. If you’ve decided to train for an athletic event, you’re going to track every step you take, every workout you do. Try this, Simply carry around a small notebook, something you’ll keep in your pocket or purse at all times, and a writing instrument. You’re going to write it all down. Every day. Without fail. No excuses, no exceptions. Doesn’t sound like much, I know—writing things down on a little piece of paper. But tracking my progress and missteps is the one of the reasons I’ve succeeded in areas of my life. The process forces you to be conscious of your decisions. But as Jim Rohn would say, “What’s simple to do is also simple not to do.”
If you were in this gym within the last 7 months, comment below. You apart of this club 🏆 SCU vs 🌎
Passion is fueled by purpose, but it is more than purpose; it’s the action you’re willing to take daily in order to bring that purpose to fruition. Passion always shows up.
It’s about time to ROCK IT with Coach Jim Clayton LIVE Sports City U Basketball ⚡️🏀 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM ⏰ Get on the #SCU Highway that drives players to their full potential base on Mastering Simple Movements! #SpacePaceAndRace 👽 #TeamMiddlePerfect 🎯 #SCUHighway 🚌
You hear me say this a lot. You can't know about things you have yet to discover. 🔥
What Happened Yesterday Doesn’t Matter Anymore. Your past doesn’t matter, your age doesn’t matter, you need to think big and not have a contraction mindset. Where you go tomorrow will be determined by your commitment and push today.
To want isn’t enough. You’re actions have to show it. Passion is fuel for the will. Passion turns your have-to’s into want-to’s. what we accomplish in life is based less on what we want and more on how much we want it. The secret to willpower is what someone once called wantpower. People who want something enough usually find the willpower to achieve it.
Who knows middle perfect? 👇⭕️
It’s about time to ROCK IT with Coach Jim Clayton LIVE Sports City U Basketball ⚡️🏀 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM ⏰ Get on the #SCU Highway that drives players to their full potential base on Mastering Simple Movements! #SpacePaceAndRace 👽 #TeamMiddlePerfect 🎯 #SCUHighway 🚌
It’s about time to ROCK IT with Coach Jim Clayton LIVE Sports City U Basketball ⚡️🏀 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM ⏰ Get on the #SCU Highway that drives players to their full potential base on Mastering Simple Movements! #SpacePaceAndRace 👽 #TeamMiddlePerfect 🎯 #SCUHighway 🚌
Determine to Pay the Price. Once you count the cost, then you have to decide whether you are really willing to do what it takes to follow through. Are you willing to commit to doing steps 1 & 2 daily?
Just focus on the next one. Don’t get hung up over the last shot, focus on the next one. When you’re in the gym getting reps, you don’t get upset over 1 missed shot out of the thousand, but in a game you some players get mentally shut down over 1 shot. Stay focused, and keep letting them fly! Get the next one! 🔥
Sudden change 🏀
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present 🎁
Sports City U will have it’s holiday camp Tuesday December 29th from 11:00-2:00 . Cost is $50 per player and you can register at or call our office at 304-562-2424 or 304-412-3178 to get signed up. Learn and demonstrate in our new Sudden Change format. Space it limited due to Covid restrictions. Call today..#Bam #MiddlePerfect#SuddenChange
The Power of Mastering the Basics 1. Expect mastery. You'll rarely exceed your own objectives, so expect a lot from yourself. 2. Think about the long-term. Many people want to rush through the basics to get to the more interesting information. 3. Avoid getting fancy. Always question the assumption that the solution to your current challenge is complicated.
With proper planning, you minimize costly mistakes and avoid panic when temporary disasters strike. There are small disasters such as car or home repairs, to large disasters such as the disability of a wage-earning family member. There are temporary disasters such as market declines and permanent disasters such as death of a loved one. Proper financial planning can help to reduce the effects of these disasters and speed recovery. These lessons that I communicate show up everywhere in life. Not just the basketball court.
Find reasons to believe in the people around you, and communicate your high expectations. Encourage them and let them know that you have faith that they will achieve what they set out to do. Inspire others by challenging them. Doing so will make them stronger and increase their faith in themselves. Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. ☑️
BREAKING NEWS: You are 100% in control of how much you excel not only in basketball, but in anything in life. This might be shocking, but if you truly want to achieve a goal, you need to consistently pursue and do something daily to get you closer to the goal. If you don’t have a game plan that is mapped out, then you have no indicators of where you are going. If you don’t have a plan on how to get better, you never will get better.
These 4 triangles are hidden, but will be revealed when sudden change begins 🏀 Who’s ready for sudden change?
Sports City U Christmas Camp Tuesday | 12-29 TIME | 11AM - 2PM Contests, Games & Prizes *Concession Sold or bring your own *Camp Fee: $50
Hope everyone had a great Christmas, just a quick reminder we will be starting our Christmas Camp tomorrow at 11:00-2 . Time to get out of the house and get moving. Camp is coed going to be fun and get introduced to Sudden Change. Masks need to be worn and all Covid 19 rules will be enforced. Hope to see ya fun fun..#Bam #MiddlePerfect🎯#SuddenChange🛸
Enjoy, many more coming in 2021 — super excited for this year 🔥
Both have to be working daily. It’s not enough to just have a vision. Vision is the first step. It prepares your mind and gives you a plan. It’s not enough to just have action. Without vision, your action is meaningless. The action is the execution of the vision. Believe it. Achieve it. And Motivate others to do the same. #BAM
Are you saying to yourself one day, or day one? The difference is action. One day is a guess. Day one is an action. What we do daily, is what determines our outcomes.
Being joyful is about inspiration, passion and motivation. It is about setting goals and taking time out to do the things you really enjoy doing. When you are joyful, your whole body benefits, especially your heart and your mind. ❤️ 🎄
Reps. Reps. Reps. Consistency builds momentum. Understanding the power of momentum is key... Maintaining a habit of consistent action each day will build the momentum you need to change your game. It is a million small actions compounded over time that have the greatest effect.
Rescheduling Announcement, due to the state of WV being totally red we are postponing our Sunday 2 player workouts until next Sunday. These workouts are for upper level players and will be placed together by our staff. This is not a beginning workout. We will be starting back with our winter schedule Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Saturday. Sorry for the delay but your safety is our top concern..##MiddlePerfect#Bam
Instant gratification. Success in a can. Just add water. Shake. Pour. Voila. Sit back and enjoy as the crowd erupts and wildly cheers… We KNOW it doesn’t work that way. Well at least most of us do. While it might be obvious, it’s still surprising how people still act like they want to wake up one morning and be successful. We just wish it just worked that way. —- this year in 2021 focus on putting in the work daily. Doing it daily for 1 hour is more powerful than doing it for 5 hours in 1 day.
I’m starting a new game with the SCU Nation. It’s called SCU Questions. This is going to give us more insight on how to lead the SCU Nation. #SCUquestions 💯
May you never rest until your good is better, and your better is best. Keep raising the bar. Just remember this about the bar. Tell this to yourself daily to remember it. “ I can’t raise the bar of others if I haven’t raised the bar for myself. “
Great Day at Sports City “You” The Pre 2021 🏀 Camp “Learn The Future 👽 To play in the Present 📰 * Committed to the Bounce * Committed to the Pass * Committed to the Shot #Space 🛸 #Pace 🐎 #Race 🏁 cc: @CoachMarkCisco cc: @Middle_Perfect cc: @Sudden_Change_
To verify something means to make sure it is true or accurate. The worst thing that can happen to a player is not knowing what the problem is with their shot and then later on figuring it out and having to go back to fix it or even worse, it’s too late. I feel as if every player should go through a verification course just so that they never have to go back. This course would have the main principles from foot work, body position, grip, form, preparation and the final shot. Every player should be a verified shooter. It would make every team a lot easier to coach ✅
Have you played the chuck and chase game before? 🏀 Here’s why it’s ineffective
If you’re looking for instant gratification, the product is finally here. Jim’s Jumpshot coffee is the first product that brings immediate and instant results. ☕️
You don’t teach what you don’t do. It’s a difficult truth all leaders either wrestle with or pretend to ignore. The power of modeling the way comes from the fact that people do what they see, not what they hear. And you will teach and hold people accountable for what you do. Conversely, you’ll undermine your own authority by letting some things slide in others because you’re not doing them yourself.
@taevion1k is a player you need to watch. He’s all about the details. He soaks up information like a sponge. 🧽 Success is the sum of details.
We all want the green light, but how do you get the green light? The green light is given to people that have no doubt. They are confident in their abilities. They trust their instincts. Red lights are given to people who play afraid. They are full of fear. Yellow lights are players that kinda trust their instincts and kinda don’t. Yellow light players surprise you sometimes because when they hit the gas, they play like green light players. Which light are you?
We thinking ahead to year 2099 🧠👀 #MiddlePerfect
These stats determine games. 🧠
Ever wonder how successful people reach such heights? Think of a wildly successful person you admire. How did they get there? The typical answers are hard work, innate gifts (personality, natural ability) and luck. These factors play a role, but one of the most important factor is left out: they leverage the power of compounding. For compounding to occur, only two things are required: Growth: Something must be growing by some percentage each year Time: The growth process happens over multiple years
If we don’t teach it.. there’s a reason. We only focus on what brings results. We focus on the key details. We’d rather master 1 move than know 50 moves. What billy doesn’t understand right now is that what’s cool to do, isn’t what makes players great. It’s the boring every day details that makes great players.
You can’t buy a jump shot. You can’t buy the grip. You can’t buy the foot work. If we could, we’d all have it. But skill is a rare item, and only few use their days to buy it. 🏀
is the one commodity each person gets in equal measure. As songwriter Chris Rice once wrote, “Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one’s rich, nobody’s poor – we get 24 hours each.” Yet so many of us don’t invest time wisely. We spend many of the hours we’re given each day on things that bring us no return. According to the website Digital Trends, Americans now spend an average of 4.7 hours a day looking at social media on their phones. Take a moment and re-read that, because it’s an amazing statistic. 4.7 hours. A day. Looking at the phone. To see what other people are doing with their time. Image that time focused on your craft daily 👀
I often have the privilege of watching students walk through the early stages of the mastery path: They’re trying to learn a new skill, they arrive at an understanding of it, and then they do a handful of practices based on the skill they want to learn. It’s in that final stage that something really interesting happens. The more they practice that skill, the faster they go, and the more accurate they get. That’s not too surprising, but they also start to hesitate less, they ask fewer questions, they second-guess themselves less frequently. They become more confident. Confidences comes from reps. If you lack reps, you lack confidence.
They tell you what they WOULD do. When people offer you advice, they base it on what they would do if faced with a similar dilemma. But what they would do is based on who they are, not who you are. Their intentions may be pure, but the reasoning is often mismatched.
Ending our winter schedule tomorrow on Tuesday’s and getting ready to ramp up our next one. Going to be awesome you can’t become great in a day but you can daily.. come see us and stay with us it will pay off..#Bam #MiddllePerfect🎯#SportsCity
As you plan your growth, it will benefit you greatly to be focused. Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, said, “The great mystery isn’t that people do things badly but that they occasionally do a few things well. The only thing that is universal is incompetence. Strength is always specific.” Focus your priorities in three main areas: requirement, return, and reward. You should use the same criteria for your personal growth. Focus on growing in your areas of greatest strength, not your weaknesses. And grow in areas that will add value to you personally and professionally.
You don’t need to worry about being the fastest person on the floor. Focus your attention on 3 feet. Master 3 feet. What you focus on grows. If you are committed to player development, how well can you focus your attention matters. Laser-sharp focus will make your efforts efficient, with just the right level of coordination between your goals and your actions. But a busy mind, that is distracted and pre-occupied, can lead to weak results. Paying attention to your attention is a powerful way to increase your success.
We are in the business of change 🔥 Pain accompanies change. One way or another it’s going to hurt to make adjustments in our lives. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we can choose the pain we endure. We have two options: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
Think about Baseball. A relief pitcher is brought in toward the end of the game to hold the team’s lead. Think about it in business, a person who brings something, especially a business deal, to a successful conclusion. Being a closer seals the deal. If you want to be the closer on your team, right here is where you should be.
If your a basketball nut, have a high energy level, tons of enthusiasm ,love the game, want to learn and love adding value to people and your looking for a job this is perfect for you. We are expanding our programs and would love to talk with you. These are part time positions that could lead to bigger and better things. Hours are in the evening during the week and afternoons on the weekends. If interested message us here at SCU . Perfect for anyone looking to get into coaching. Look forward to seeing who is interested in growing their games..#Bam (Believe Achieve Motivated)
It takes great leadership to build great teams. Leaders who are not afraid to course correct, make the difficult decisions and establish standards of performance that are constantly being met – and improving at all times. Whether in the workplace, professional sports, or your local community, team building requires a keen understanding of people, their strengths and what gets them excited to work with others. Team building requires the management of egos and their constant demands for attention and recognition – not always warranted. Team building is both an art and a science and the leader who can consistently build high performance teams is worth their weight in gold.
Find a success buddy and get a game plan. There are few things as powerful as two people locked arm and arm marching toward the same goal. To up your chances of success, get a success buddy, someone who’ll keep you accountable as you cement your new habit while you return the favor. Everyone should have a “peak performance partner” — Every Friday for 30 minutes on a call go over your wins, losses, fixes, ah-has, and solicit the needed feedback and hold each other accountable. Get a game plan and find a partner, and attack your goals 🔥
Have you hit middle perfect ?? 👇
It’s a fact that you become more like the people you spend time with. If you desire to increase your faith, spend time with others who exercise theirs. Learn from them. Find out how they think.
My little man Alfee made it home today from Ohio State Vet Hospital.. he still has some work to do but we will get it done and he be back to 💯 % before long. Huge thanks for all the prayers And words of encouragement. He will be happy to see everyone this week at SCU. ..#Bam 🧨
One of the primary reasons top leaders are able to make tough decisions is because they have learned to trust their intuitive instincts. Bill Gates says, "Often you have to rely on intuition." The facts are great, and we need them, but sometimes it boils down to what we feel in our gut. Facts are the "math" of decision-making while intuition is the "art." Traditional business teaching tends to focus on the facts and numbers, but what about this important element of intuition?
I’ve been thinking a lot about this quote, personally and professionally. I’ve had some bumps along the road and I felt very inspired to share this with you. If you want to be phenomenal at something, what are you doing to make it happen? Creating a solid foundation and working your way up? Good things, especially GREAT things, take time. There are no short cuts to excellence and those that make it fast and quick realize even faster that there needs to be substance behind the buzz. Hard work is hard work, there’s no getting around it.
The shooters job isn’t to do 2 jobs. The shooters job is to shoot and make it. The focus should be on the shot, not the miss. Defined positions is super important for teams. They have to know what their job is. Shooters shoot, rebounders rebound.
Better with every bite 😳 People who love fast food are very similar to people who want instant success. They want it now! The difference between the 1% and the 99% is the 1% is the patience aspect. Being patience is a skill. Being disciplined is a skill. When you have these two you will be unstoppable in anything you do. Skills rule the court. But you can’t order them, and it doesn’t come instant. You’ve heard the McDonald’s saying “ I’m lovin it “ —- Be patient, put in the work daily, and LOVE the process. Every day after practice, after work, after school, after anything, when someone asks you “how was today?” Just say, “ I’m Lovin it!! “ That will be a reminder to you to stay patient, consistent, and discipline for long term success. 💯
Take responsibility over each day and you’ll win every day. 💯
Ending our winter schedule tomorrow on Tuesday’s and getting ready to ramp up our next one. Going to be awesome you can’t become great in a day but you can daily.. come see us and stay with us it will pay off..#Bam #MiddllePerfect🎯#SportsCity
For the person trying to do everything alone, the game really is over. If you want to do something big, you must link up with others. One is too small a number to achieve greatness. That’s the Law of Significance
In order for something to be a passion, it must be important to you. Which also means it gets incorporated into who you are. It’s a part of your identity.
Every player on every team has a unique role that adds value to the team. But when Players play out of position, it will gradually destroy the team. Teams win championships not players. 🏆
We’ve been doing this for almost 30 years 👀 When players come in to our gym, there is only one goal to accomplish by the time they leave and that’s RESULTS. Even now on social media, I take it personal. If you don’t see something every day, that motivates you, inspires you, or directs you, I take it personal. This is just the culture of who we are. We don’t do things without purpose.
The big ❓ mark inside your head is a communication error. The best players, coaches, and teams create a culture of clear communication. Clear communication improves efficiency in all activities it and it reduces the frustration which arises from misunderstandings. It promotes clearer and more structured thinking. Clear communication involves putting oneself in another person's place; This leads to enhanced understanding of other people. 👍
We are getting ready to launch our online program!!! If you want to stay updated on the launch, Text me at 304-412-4263 💥
Benjamin Franklin said “ I haven’t failed, I’ve had 10,000 ideas that didn’t work. Thomas Edison said, “ of the 200 light bulbs that didn’t work, every failure told me something that I was able to incorporate into the next attempt “ Director Joan Littlewood said “ if we don’t get lost, we’ll never find a new route “ All of them understood that failures and false starts are a precondition of success. Failure is a major contributor to success.
There’s so much content in this small piece alone. (1.) We have more technology now that makes getting better easier. We didn’t have iPhones in 1990 that could give us drills or workout or shooting machines that rebounded for us. (2.) I can’t wait to tell you more about the 2099 project 🤭 (3.) Learning the future to play in the present keeps your creativity at an all time high. Lastly, one of my favorite sayings is “everything you want in life is uphill” 💯🔥
It’s common to be proud of our gifts like height, speed, smarts, and abilities. But those gifts were given to you. Be proud of your choices instead. What you choose to do daily with those gifts are what you should be most proud of. You had pick that decision!! You had to pick greatness!! Our gifts don’t make us great, our decisions do.
At Sports City U we have developed a two tier system. The Ground Game ( ball handling, rim finishes, pivots, footwork etc) taught by Coach Mark Cisco. He was the original instructor/coach when SCU started in 1992. The 2nd tier is the Air Game. That’s shooting from the outside. ( form shooting, foul shots, mid range 3 point shots, shooting of the dribble, ) and tons of reps. We have the areas only technology to help get this done ✅. This one/two punch is only available at Sports City U. Come join our team and let us help you become the player you want to be not the player you are. Call today 304-562-2424 or visit our website at
I don’t lead because of the perks. I lead because of what I can do for other people. And it’s that focus on other people that keeps me paying the price of leadership. You see, leadership costs something—it exacts a price from any woman or man who would stand up and say, “Follow me.” Leadership is being willing to go first. “Go First” leaders understand that leadership means… You Believe Everything Worthwhile is Uphill—nothing worth doing comes without a price. Leaders understand and embrace that truth before anyone else. You Climb the Hill First—setting the example for the people we lead is critical. We can’t stand at the beginning of a worthwhile initiative and tell people to go ahead of us—we have to go first and invite people to follow. You Never Stop Climbing—when you summit one hill, you automatically look for the next one to climb. Progress is never made on a plateau.
Each skill level requires new growth. Even when you grow into the expert level, you still are continuing to expand your knowledge and experience. Where you are on this chart is exactly what you need.
Due to the power outages and snow coming we are closed until Saturday. If your interested in possibly coming and shooting leave me a message otherwise everyone stay safe and warm..#Bam
Happy Gilmore vs Shooter McGavin —- Drive for show, Putt for the Dough
Technique. Concentration. And Execution. These are the 3 biggest things when it comes down to foul shooting. Think about this golf quote and how it relates to your shot. “There is only one way to swing a golf club; rather there are an infinite number of swing styles. But, we do believe there is one efficient way for every player to swing, and it is based on what the player can physically do.” Skills can be developed no matter what technique you have whether it’s good, bad or ugly. However, having a better technique can often make it easier to produce certain skills
Due to the power outages we are not having classes today we will use the off week next week to catch back up. I don’t have power and its bad where I live we will get through it stay positive and safe..#Bam 🧨🧨
Take control of your mental space and trust your preparation to take on whatever is thrown in your path. The only way to take on the unknown is to stay in a growth mode. Switch the mindset to “Everything on the way rather than in the way”. If you aren’t in a growth mindset, you probably have a fixed mindset, which is dangerous because it will ultimately stifle your ability to reach new achievements.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Bottom line, the words you speak become the house you live in. 💭
Tuesday’s class Road to the Rim with Coach Mark will be on regular schedule tomorrow at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00. Class is still open to new players. This will be our second session. Going to be an awesome night. See everyone tomorrow..#Bam (Believe Achieve Motivated)
Anne is currently scheduling for Jmpr time volume shooting on Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Saturday evening workouts. If you want a specific time text her at 304-412-4263 and she will take care of you.. thanks and look forward to seeing everyone this week..#Bam
A coach sees and believes in your potential. A coach will help you to ‘time shift’ your thinking so you can envision yourself in the future doing what you want to do and being who you want to be. With a professional coach you will have someone who is experienced and non-judgmental in your corner.
This pattern of focusing on the basics has been a hallmark of many successful coaches. (For example, basketball legends John Wooden and Phil Jackson were known for having a similar obsession with the fundamentals. Wooden even went so far as to teach his players how to put on their socks and tie their shoes.) Without the fundamentals, the details are useless. With the fundamentals, tiny gains can add up to something very significant. Nearly every area of life can be boiled down to some core task, some essential component, that must be mastered if you truly want to be good at it. Simple Ideas, Deeply Understood.
Some are doin’ it. Some have been doin’ it‼️ There was no such thing as basketball lessons back in the day. No one believed in my vision besides me. But that’s the only opinion you need to be successful. If you believe in you, you don’t need outside voices 💯
Accentuate means to make more noticeable or prominent. Make positivity shine inside and outside of you. As a player, you can impact your team with just your positive attitude. If you’re looking to add value to your team, be a voice of positive words, thoughts, and emotions.
🎮 This is the one game you want to play every day 🏀
Come to our gym and look at how many college players we’ve developed. We got all their names written on a board 🏆
The struggles, challenges, and obstacles that it takes to succeed in life is what makes success more valuable. Nothing great comes easy, and nothing easy can ever equate to greatness. —- The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
The reason that the scores in high school are averaging such low final scores is NOT because the defense. It’s because not all 5 players can score. What would your team look like if all 5 players could score? Your team would be very hard to compete against. Not many teams have 5 threats.
“ No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history. “ —- If your on the mission to achieving greatest just remember, greatness is not a destination. It is a continuous journey that never ends. If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission! You were destined for greatness. Believe in yourself and go for it !!! 🏀⚡️
Jim Clayton March 3, 2020 at 9:24 PM · There will always be someone out there who is better than you at any given moment. When you focus on what someone else can do or what they have, you lose sight of what’s important in your own development as a player. You have no idea what it took to get that other player or team to where they are now. Focus on your own journey and what YOU can do to get better. #BAMSON
Reps, Confidence and Rhythm. These are the 3 keys 🔑 for your in season growth. During the season is a critical time to make sure you’re getting enough skill training in. During the off season, you’ve had tons of reps but now that the season is in, most players are getting low amounts of shots up compared to their off season training. Getting more reps gives you more confidence. And getting in a consistent rhyme will keep you in a consistent flow. Every player should be coming into the gym at least once a week for 1 hour just to make adjustments and boost shooting confidence. These are 3 critical areas that will keep you consistently growing through the season. 🏀
We have been taught that mistakes mean we have done something wrong and we have failed in some way. Identifying actions and outcomes that make us feel like we didn't succeed can help us gain clarity on what we need to do next time. Mistakes let us know we have strayed from what we want to be, do, or have.
Self talk is powerful and during the season is when you need to focus on this the most. You don’t have your trainers, coaches, mentors there to help you when your in a game and need to make adjustments. Self-talk is something you do naturally throughout your waking hours. Become aware that positive self-talk is a powerful tool for increasing your self-confidence. People who can master positive self-talk are thought to be more confident and motivated. Program the voice inside your head to give positive thoughts, and always refer back to your foundation of training when you are in pressure situations.
Don’t mistake team practice for skill practice. They are two separate practices. If you’re not getting enough reps in practice, then find an hour a week to work on your shot. If you can’t stay longer after practice, and you’re in the local area, text me and we will get you locked in for an hour at sports city u. —- Mistaking team practice for skill practice will result in losing your touch and your feel. 🏀
The Big misconception is that once the season stops, there is no need to practice on your game. Shooting specifically. Come to the lab 1 day a week to get 600 reps up to keep your confidence up!! Great shooters are Allowed to miss and in this environment it’s okay to miss. 💯
A quick reminder our Tuesday Road to the rim class is on the off week tomorrow. Hope everyone is working hard enjoying this awesome weather and practicing. See ya next Tuesday..#Bam 🧨
This a major issue in youth basketball. The size of the court and the height of the rim need to be scaled down to their size. This is where all the bad habits begin and then in the future they have to unlearn the old way of shooting, and relearn the correct way of shooting.
Watch this video if your missing long or short. This detail is a key reason to these types of misses. Paying attention to the details is what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.
If you want to be a consistent player this season, then put consistent routines into your schedule. Find an hour each week to consistently work on your skill. You have to plan consistency. When you live with consistency, you learn that the rewards you seek in life don’t come after you take one step; they come when you’ve taken a journey to a place you’ve never been. You may never paint the Sistine Chapel or build an ark, but with the habit of consistency, you’ll be able to live like Coach John Wooden – making each day your masterpiece.
People sometimes ask me when I plan to retire. They seem to think that I “deserve” to take it easy and put my feet up at this stage in my life. Maybe they believe retirement is a prize you win at the end of a long and healthy career. My prize is finding more ways to impact others. Right now in my career most are ready to call it quits. But the truth is I’m more conscious of the opportunities around me more than ever! There’s a phenomenon I call “success momentum”—the ability to see an opportunity, seize it, capitalize on the success and then jump at the next chance. Here’s a good way to think about life: Picture yourself walking through a maze. You’ll test all sorts of doors, some of which might take you to new and interesting avenues, some of which might dead-end. If you just keep opening doors and moving forward, eventually you will arrive someplace worthwhile. Make the most out of every opportunity every day. 🏀
New schedule is out .3 on 3 is back along with skill training/ game strategies. Space is limited. New concepts along with NEW terminology being taught. Learn to play in a mistake free zone. It’s going to be awesome call today and sign up. Space is limited don’t miss out and share with your friends. This will be posted on our website this week. Look forward to seeing everyone..#Bam (Believe Achieve Motivated)
Risk is unpopular. Risk doesn’t get a lot of likes. More people will tell you to play it safe than to take a risk. Playing it safe means “stay with what your comfortable with”. When you take more risks you have more learning lessons. There is always a reward behind risk. The reward is what you learned from the risk. Players that “play it safe” never learn anything new because they are just playing inside their comfort zone. Take small risks, big risks, risk everything. 🔥
New schedule is out .3 on 3 is back along with skill training/ game strategies. Space is limited. New concepts along with NEW terminology being taught. Learn to play in a mistake free zone. It’s going to be awesome call today and sign up. Space is limited don’t miss out and share with your friends. This will be posted on our website this week. Look forward to seeing everyone..#Bam (Believe Achieve Motivated)
Best of luck to our Sports City U Alumni as they complete in the Sweet 16 NCAA championship..#Bam (Believe Achieve Motivated.Who will be next!
No one cares if you don’t succeed. Not really. Not like you do. There are people around you who love you and want the best for you. But they’re not willing to fight for your dreams like you are. Like you need to. They are there to support and love you. To encourage you. To help you dream. THE REAL WORK HAS TO BE DONE BY YOU. That’s important to realize, to understand, to embrace. You have to wake up each morning with the determination to make the most of the time that you have. SUCCESS ISN’T AN ACCIDENT. Success isn’t even about you being in the right place at the right time. It’s about a purposeful and deliberate series of daily motions that you execute. It’s what you allow into your life. The things you surround yourself with. What you do and where you go. Your results are not an accident. It’s on you to get what you want. And to get started right now. What’s holding you back? 🏀
Get into our gym for an hour a week and this is how big the rim will look. 😳 Getting more reps will keep your confidence high through out the season 👍
MON, APR 5 AT 5:00 PM EDT New spring training
Becoming coachable allows you to take an objective look at your strengths an weaknesses in all areas of your life. Having this skill will help you when listening to feedback from your coach, allowing you to enhance your training and improving your ability to change.


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Sports City U Basketball


  • What is the phone number for Sports City U Basketball in Hurricane WV?
    You can reach them at: 304-562-2424. It’s best to call Sports City U Basketball during business hours.
  • What is the address for Sports City U Basketball on teays valley road in Hurricane?
    Sports City U Basketball is located at this address: 3542 Teays Valley Road Hurricane, WV 25526.
  • What are Sports City U Basketball(Hurricane, WV) store hours?
    Sports City U Basketball store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 9:00AM - 9:00PM, Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat: 12:00PM - 5:00PM, Sun: Closed.