Q: What is a bunion?
A: A bunion is a painful bony prominence behind the big toe. It is the result of a gradual change in position of the big toe and the bone behind it. Bunions become painful when they rub in shoes and when walking. Treatment of bunions include padding, wider shoes, or surgery to correct the deformity.
Think you may have a bunion? Schedule an appointment with us today for a consultation.
You can request an appointment at our website or by calling (724) 266-3180
Thank you community for making us the most rated podiatry clinic in Beaver County on Google!!!
We are happy to announce new additions to our list of accepted insurances. We now accept Medicare, Highmark, United Healthcare, Aetna, Coventry, UPMC, Humana, and Railroad Medicare health plans.
Call for an appointment today!
Now accepting new patients! We accept most major health plans including Medicare, United Healthcare, UPMC, Highmark
Come visit our booth this Sunday. We will be providing free foot screenings and evaluations.
I am pleased to announce that we now accept UPMC insurance
Take care of your feet through the ages! Keep an eye on your feet for changes, pain, irritation, and anything else. Again, be mindful of what you put on your feet.
To prevent ingrown toenails, cut nails straight across. Do not round the edges. If you have a painful ingrown nail, don't perform “DIY surgery” on it. Leave that to the professionals! Call us!
Plantar fasciitis is irritation or inflammation of the rough tissue connecting your heel bone to your toes. This pain can be the worst in the morning and the pain is either felt in your heel or in your arch. Is this a pain you experience? Give us a call today!
We might love the way heels elongate our legs and make us feel powerful, but when we wear them, we sacrifice our health. 52 of the bones in the human body are actually in our feet and ankles. High heels, which tip us forward, change the natural position of the foot in relation to the ankle!
It is important to examine your feet on a regular basis! Looking for discoloration, excessive calluses, and swelling can help keep problems in your foot from becoming severe! If you notice something that is irregular, give us a call today to schedule an appointment.
Majority of people will experience foot pain in their lives. This can range from an ingrown toenail all the way to a fracture. Luckily, our team is trained to treat and diagnose a number of ailments. Call us today to learn more about our services and if we can alleviate your pain today!
It is important to change out your sweaty socks and keep your feet dry. Fungus typically thrives in damp warm environments making your gym socks a perfect home for growth. We offer a number of treatments for toe fungus, call today to learn more.
You are at an increased risk for hammertoe if your second toe is longer than your big toe. Hammertoe is when there is an abnormal bend at the middle joint of your toe. For treatment options and more information on hammertoe, call us today!
Trimming your toenails every few weeks can help reduce ingrown nails. Regular trimming will also help keep the nail strong and healthy!
Everyone knows exercising is important, but not everyone adds foot exercises to their daily routine. Try this simple exercise to help keep the muscles and tendons strong!
Stand with your feet together
Step one leg back so your heel is raised and your toes are firmly on the ground
Hold for 30 seconds
Repeat with other foot
Calluses and corns can cause pain and inflammation. Milder cases require a change in footwear while more serious, like if you are diabetic, should be discussed with your doctor. Schedule an appointment to learn more about treatment for your calluses today!
Give us a call to find out if we can help eliminate your foot pain today. We offer a wide variety of services and treatment to help you feel your best!
Understanding what shoes are best for your foot can help prevent pain! While many shoes are fashionable, more often than not, women’s shoes can alter your posture and alignment! Call today to speak with our specialists and to learn more!
Heel spurs are just one of the reasons for heel pain. Heel spurs are tiny bone growths that can must be detected by an X-Ray. Our doctors will perform an exam to better understand your heel pain and make the proper diagnosis. Call today to relieve yourself of heel pain!
An injury to your foot should be treated like any other part of the body. Pain will worsen over time and potentially create long term problems if you avoid an appointment with your podiatrist!
Your feet are designed to support your weight and help you stand, walk, and run! Constant foot pain can make common activities more difficult. Schedule your next visit and start relieving your foot pain today!