If you have sensitive teeth, is there any one particular food that you've had to give up even though it's always been one of your favorites?
We're curious, what products do you use to keep your breath fresh? Tell us in the comments below!
Could a dietary change be the key to getting rid of gingivitis? Research suggests that it's worth considering. http://bit.ly/2y3TxeZ
It's back-to-school time! Schedule an appointment for a routine cleaning today before life gets too busy again. https://www.sjmcintyredds.com/
As if the host of health problems that can start with poor dental hygiene wasn't enough to get us all brushing our teeth regularly, good dental hygiene could also protect your brain. http://bit.ly/2R5Pw2k
While we know that none of our patients would ever dream of doing this, have you ever wondered what would happen if you simply stopped brushing your teeth? If you've got a few minutes to spare, this video has answers. http://bit.ly/30T9T6F