We are very excited here to help you find the right holistic health solutions and individual wellness programs you desire. At Stone Medical Group we specialize in massage therapy and alternative holisitic health therapies created to provide you with a uniquely tailored approach evolved to help you reach your specific wellness goals all in the comfort of your own home. Our team of personable professional therapists always provide superior service and pay individual attention to your specific wellness goals. Our main concerns are to help you recognize the cause of your problems and help you take action to prevent, decrease or eliminate potential impacts to your health. Each therapist is different from one another and create their own customized approach, tailored to individual needs, allowing us to create achievable goals that are based on your lifestyle and physical ability. At Stone Medical Group, we use state-of-the-art treatments to identify your issues easily and effectively. Our holistic health specialists are committed to help you make the changes you seek in your life and well-being. By appointment only.