Our commitment to restoring your health makes us...Strong on Health!
Strong Chiropractic has been proudly serving the Fox Valley area since 1976. Whether patients have been in an accident, work injury, experiencing back pain, neck pain, or have a spinal condition, Strong Chiropractic is here to treat your needs.
Strong Chiropractic has 3 convenient clinics and 4 doctors on staff, we are able to offer the most complete, specialized care for all of your Chiropractic needs. Strong Chiropractic strives to provide the most state-of-the-art therapies and a number of services to address your needs.
In addition, one of the techniques Strong Chiropractors practice a unique approach to Chiropractic called NUCCA, which is a gentle technique of adjusting. The treatment, designed to restore balance to the spine, which does not employ "cracking." Strong Chiropractors can help you find relief and comfort, and enjoyment to your everyday lifestyle.
If this is your first time seeing a chiropractor and would like to learn more about chiropractic, please feel free to click the "email us" link to ask any questions. You are more than welcome to call us and speak to us directly. We also welcome referrals, so feel free to use the "send to friend" link to share our health information with your friends and loved ones.
*If you want to receive our free health and wellness articles, you can subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, even if you are not a patient. Once you subscribe, you can explore our member wellness section and take advantage of our animated exercise videos, wellness articles, and other resources.
Our mission at Strong Chiropractic is to be known worldwide for our excellence as the leader and standard of health. As "Strong On Health" our purpose is to serve the community using chiropractic, education, nutrition, and our individualized and integrated health care approach.
Providing a professional, friendly, and welcoming environment, we enhance the lives of all community members by focusing on preventive health care without financial, political, or legislative barriers.