Stuart M Address P.A.

(on federal hwy)
Lawyers and Law Firms in Stuart, FL
Lawyers and Law Firms


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


611 SW Federal Hwy.
Stuart, FL


Stuart M Address P.A. Photo Stuart M Address P.A. Photo Stuart M Address P.A. Photo Stuart M Address P.A. Photo Stuart M Address P.A. Photo


  • Civil Rights
  • Defamation
  • Discrimination
  • Employment
  • Unpaid Wages And Overtime
  • Landlord And Tenants
  • Collections
  • Sexual Harrassment


ASK A LAWYER - in 1 hour at 10:05 Why Do Democratic Civilizations Crumble & What Does This Mean for the United States? Your questions and other legal topics.
Today at 10:05. Listen in on FB Live or online or radio.
ASK A LAWYER Today at 10:05 am Civil Rights, New Rules for Small Claims Court, What to Expect from Your Lawyer (and WHAT NOT), and YOUR CALLS! 772-340-1590
CHANGE TO ASK A LAWYER - Today, we try something new so that hopefully those of you who watch via Facebook LIVE will now be able to hear my interaction with Gregg in the studio as well as callers to the show. Instead of Facebook LIVE, we will begin a test today with ZOOM. Instead of tuning in on a Facebook LIVE, please use ZOOM. Instructions are below. Good luck and, hopefully, see y’all on ZOOM. Topic: ASK A LAWYER Time: Sep 18, 2020 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 764 995 4950 Passcode: wpsl
Tune in at 10:05am. 9/11 Litigation What Is The Status Of The Florida “Schools” Lawsuit The Statute of Frauds - conclusion AND MORE
15 minutes until we discuss President Trump’s recent conspiracy tweets!
An ad which ran 9 years ago today. Stuart Address October 16, 2011 at 6:11 PM · Stuart, FL · From SMA PA: This is a copy of the ad which our firm ran in The Stuart News today, Sunday, 10/16/11, regarding employment litigation generally and Seacoast National Bank in particular. The ad is in today's paper on the back page of the Martin County section. It will be in on other days as well. An online ad in TC Palm will be starting soon.
Today, ASK A LAWYER, at 10:05 am JOIN US CALL IN LIVE at 772-340-1590 Today: Listening to your Attorney What Should You Expect from Your Attorney Small Claims & County Court Cases - What’s Changed?
Spooky Halloween Laws on ASK A LAWYER today at 10:05 am.
DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA A commentary in several parts Part 1 While in college at Rutgers University, I had the privilege of serving as a teaching assistant to an extraordinary Professor who taught us Democracy In America, by Alexis de tocqueville; a French philosopher and sociologist who wrote in 1835 about the peculiar American experiment in democracy. Below are a few of his observations and my commentary applied to today’s political climate in our democracy. —————————————— **** “Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.” - Question: Is the refusal of President Trump to concede the election to President-Elect Trump tearing at the fabric of the moral authority which the United States has presented to the World? If our history of peaceful transition of power is abandoned, can we challenge the legitimacy of elections in other nations run by despots? **** “Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom.” - Question: Is President Trump’s celebration of ignoring our social and national norms and customs diminishing our freedom if the public at-large fails to act to protect those freedoms which we profess to cherish? **** “The greatest changes occur in their country without their cooperation. They are not even aware of precisely what has taken place. They are so divorced from their own interests that even when their own security and that of their children is finally compromised, they do not seek to avert the danger themselves but cross their arms and wait for the nation as a whole to come to their aid.” - Question: Does American society realize the changes occurring in our democratic processes and institutions which threaten our security and the essence of the democracy originally fought for in 1776? Are we so unthinking of our own true interests as a nation that we are willing to fight over what we personally want for our “side” at this one moment in time? **** “When a nation has reached this point, it must either change its laws and mores or perish, for the well of public virtue has run dry: in such a place one no longer finds citizens but only subjects.” - Question: Will we insist on a peaceful transition of power, as we always have even when we have not preferred the outcome, or will we instead stand idly by as our laws and mores are diminished until they are gone and we find, to our surprise, that we no longer live in a democracy but are controlled by one “leader”? **** “everybody feels the evil, but no one has courage or energy enough to seek the cure”. - Question: Will the public speak against evil, or are we in the process of becoming so afraid of one man or one group,with power that we are unable to speak at all? These observations of de Tocqueville in 1835 are in stark presence now, today, in the conundrum which we all face. If we abandon our democratic processes and institutions, can we next be heard to complain when we are in the minority rather than the majority? For anyone still reading, thank you. While you may disagree with my political bent, I hope that you recognize that the shoe may be in the other foot one day and that it is in our mutual National best interests to band together to insist that democracy be insisted upon. As Patrick Henry once proclaimed, “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”
Congratulations to our new President-Elect and Vice-President Elect. As a discrimination and civil rights attorney, I was proud when our Nation elected its first African American President. I remain proud as we have now elected our first African-American bi-racial Vice-President. We have more in common than that which separates us. I hope that the Biden-Harris administration will work to bring us together, bit by bit. Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A.
ASK A LAWYER returns today at 10:05 am. Today’s discussion: TURKEY LITIGATION Listen to 10 Thanksgiving related cases from several states and two countries. It’s CRAZY. You won’t fall asleep after this turkey extravaganza! P.S. Your host is off the market!!!
Are you or is someone you know afraid to return to work due to COVID-19 concerns? Mr. Address’ article on this topic appears in the December 2020 edition of the Martin County Bar’s Sidebar.
Sexual harassment is about much more than offensive touching. Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. December 3, 2017 at 5:43 PM · Sexual harassment in the workplace; what is it? Is it merely touching, groping, or advances as depicted in these photographs? Watch for our next post in a few minutes. Sexual harassment is a much broader form of intimidation of women (or men; yes men).
Reposted from 2017. The cases still keep coming. Why don’t people learn? Thoughts? Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. December 3, 2017 at 10:55 PM · Sexual harassment; what is it?? It is so much more than one might assume. Yet, in 2017, the 21st Century, it is a more pervasive problem in the workplace than imagined. While typically the victim of sexual harassment is a woman; it can be a man as well. Sexual harassment is caused by POWER. A supervisor or a boss, in the position of POWER, may harass a member of their own or another gender. At SMA PA, we have handled any number of varied claims of sexual harassment. Touching and pinching. Leering and invitations to date. Jokes and innuendo. Actual SEX. Motor boating a woman’s breasts. Paddling a woman’s buttocks sufficient to leave purple bruises. Text messages of the boss’ genitals. Etc. Etc. Etc. Events of the recent weeks have resulted in a spotlight on sexual harassment. However, in truth, with the passage of time and loss of media interest, harassers will continue to harass and victimize. Victims who complain are protected from retaliation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Florida Civil Rights Act. It is best to memorialize any verbal complaint in writing; avoid he said/she said situations. Call a lawyer — quickly. We care and are available to help.
The FMLA from two years ago, and today we had an FMLA consultation. Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. December 1, 2018 at 10:31 AM · We are pleased to see our article on the Family & Medical Leave Act in the current Sidebar edition of the Martin County Bar Association magazine. Read it; IT’s IMPORTANT! Call our office with any problems in the job.
Today’s show at 10:05. Non-compete agreements, HIPPA violations, employee vs. independent contractor, and who knows what else. Call in at 772-340-1590. Ask a question or say Happy Hanukkah.
The importance of paralegals. The source of power. The Florida Bar December 19, 2014 at 9:08 AM · #FridayFunny #HappyHolidaysParalegals
ASK A LAWYER, today at 10:05 am Only 2 more shows left in 2020! Call us at 772-340-1590 to ASK A LAWYER, TELL A LAWYER, ARGUE WITH A LAWYER, or even to MAKE LAWYER JOKES!
100 years late ... but gratifying. MLB has now recognized the Negro Leagues as on par with MLB of the era. All Negro League players who eventually played in major-league baseball will now have their Negro League statistics added to their major league baseball statistics. Willie Mays will have hits and some home runs added, Satchel Paige will have wins and a much lower ERA included, and many many others will now receive the recognition for which they have been long overdue. Major league baseball zealously guards revision of its official statistics. However, now, 100 years later, MLB is recognizing the statistics those Negro League players who eventually played in the major leagues. The discrimination of the era is not undone by this action, and can never be undone. However, the action of major-league baseball today helps to heal wounds caused by the discrimination and announces quite clearly that it was wrong. This helps everyone to heal and helps demonstrate that #BlackLivesMatter. NYDAILYNEWS.COM Negro Leagues finally recognized by MLB with major league status, calling it a ‘longtime oversight’
Ho, Ho, Ho, and a Merry and Jolly and Coronavirus-free Christmas to everyone from our Firm, and this Jew. Please excuse me If my Ho, Ho, Ho sounds a little more like Oy, Oy, Oy, and given my age a little “Vey” following the Oys. Indeed, decades ago, I did dress up once as Santa (didn’t require any padding), but was told my Ho, Ho, Ho was a bit “off”. Ask me sometime about my first experience in 1992, when I was a wee lad of 32, of trying to put up a Christmas tree for a girlfriend. It’s a knee-jerker, I promise. P.P.P.P.S. May the President not seek to cancel Christmas by executive order or a veto. Ho, Ho, Oy!
A reprint on accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act. Coming in the February edition an article written by me in whether employers may require a COVID vaccination to return or continue to work. I’ll also be discussing this topic this Friday, 1/8, on my radio show, ASK A LAWYER, on WPSL 1590 & WSTU 1450, live streaming on Facebook Live (my personal FB page). Call with questions. Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. is with Stuart Address. January 2, 2019 at 8:13 PM · This month’s Sidebar with my portion of the Employment & Labor Law Committee article on accommodations under the ADA, FMLA, and other statutes.
Reposting from 2020, again now into 2021. We are here for you, have been here for you for 14 years as SMA PA, and 36 years oversll - almost a full career. More important even than my “aggressive advocacy” is that I TRULY, SINCERELY CARE ABOUT MY CLIENTS. I want for them what is right, fair, and equitable. I hope to be the instrument through which proper justice can be delivered as much as possible. And, in the end, it matters to me. I care about success, for my own ego - but more for the ability of my clients to find themselves emotionally & monetarily able to move forward from whatever problem brought them to me. This is MY TRUTH. This has been my truth since I represented my very first client during my first year of law school, in 1983, as part of a law clinic - 38 very long years ago. I remember my client, an elderly and emotionally disabled Mrs. Reavis, and the social security disability appellate hearing before an administrative law judge. I still have the “cassette tape” of the hearing. I remember my clients, and sometimes become friends socially with them after our legal representation has concluded. A couple of them have ended up being there for me later on when I needed a ride to be saved from a tropical storm which turned me car into a sinking boat, and when I needed a ride home from a stay in the hospital. I’m glad they cared enough about me to want to help years later. Thank you, # Kathy and # Jamie! Here’s to a safe, healthy, happy, and prosperous 2021! Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. January 1, 2020 at 3:15 PM · Happy 2020. Should you require legal services this year, we are ready to fight aggressively for you! We shall always battle for your best interests, while simultaneously seeking to provide you with reasoned practical advice (which sometimes differs from our legal advice)..
Happy New Year’s to all. A recycled post in the COVID-19 era. Be safe. Be healthy. Call us with any questions or concerns about your legal rights.
Sexual Harassment - still a serious problem as we enter 2021. Call Us with questions. Let us help!
ASK A LAWYER, since February 2018. Listen, call, discuss. Returning a Friday, January 8th LIVE!!
Sexual harassment can cost millions. Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. January 10, 2018 at 10:26 PM · Stuart M. Address, Esq. is extensively quoted in two articles relating to sexual harassment in doctors offices, surgery centers, and hospitals. The articles appear in the January 2018 edition of Same Day Surgery. Below is the title page of the magazine and selected pages containing sections wherein Mr. Address is quoted. Mr. Address’ being quoted in Same Day Surgery is timely given the current social climate nationwide, and the upcoming radio show, Ask A Lawyer, beginning on Friday, February 2nd, at 10am on WPSL, 1590AM, “The voice of the Treasure Coast”.
IMPEACHMENT & the 25TH AMENDMENT: Overreaction or Necessity? ASK A LAWYER, tomorrow at 10:05am. Call in and let’s discuss. POLITELY, PLEASE!
A new ASK A LAWYER today. Last minute executive orders of President Trump and new executive orders of President Biden. Also, the anatomy of a case — which falls apart. Lessons learned.
A messy conference table after a deposition. My dining room table at home looked like this on Tuesday afternoon as I concluded a 10 hour remote deposition in a gender & wage discrimination case which included a retaliation claim. Due to the pandemic, my client and I were in our separate homes, while the deposing counsel, the court reporter, and the videographer were also in separate locations. It was not the best way to conduct a deposition, but it worked. Soon, perhaps, we can return to meeting our clients, and others IN PERSON, and arguing motions in a courtroom rather than by telephone or video. I, for one, prefer the personal touch.
It’s cute, it’s funny, it’s true. We have your. Est interests at heart - always.
Inauguration Day and MLK Day were consecutive 8 years ago. Today, I feel equally inspired and hopeful with the inauguration yesterday of Kamala D. Harris as the Nation’s 1st woman, 1st, African American, and 1st of Asian descent Vice-President. The dream lives and no bullies will ever deny it’s growing reality. Stuart Address January 21, 2013 at 8:38 AM · Port Saint Lucie, FL · Inauguration Day & Martin Luther King, J.R. Day: A great day for an inauguration of a re-elected 1st African American President. Today, Aaron and I will discuss the significance of both events and of them occurring this year on the same date. A little politics, some American history, a bit if social studies, and a dab of civil rights. Teachers are wonderful but we parents have a solemn duty to teach our children so that each generation, regardless of political persuasion, religion, or color is more tolerant and even color-blind than the last. I'm proud we have an African American President, especially this one. One day perhaps we will soon have a woman as President, a Hispanic as President, and on and on. This is how I want my son to grow up. My two cents for posterity on today's Inauguration, where we have been, and hopefully where we are going.
One week from now, we will reach the 3rd anniversary of ASK A LAWYER! No surprise parties, please. My heart is fragile. If an attack is thus caused, I shall sue and y’all will need to ASK A LAWYER! Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. is feeling baritone at Wstu Radio. January 26, 2018 at 8:47 AM · Stuart, FL · At WPSL’s sister station, WSTU, to record three commercials for my upcoming radio show, ASK A LAWYER, at 10am on Fridays beginning February 2nd.
Very scarey memory from 9 years ago at SMA PA. Stuart Address February 2, 2012 at 7:35 AM · Port Saint Lucie, FL · Note From SMA, PA: Horrible experience yesterday. Paralegal got a call from a prospective client who at close of call indicated that her father had committed suicide and she might as well do so as well. Based on my paralegal's assessment of a serious concern about the potential client's immediate safety, we took appropriate action. We certainly hope that the potential client who we declined is ok and receiving proper care now. Of course, we had to diary our file extensively in the event our actions were ever called into question. This is the first time in 26 years of practice anything like this has ever occurred in my practice or any practice in which I have been associated.
Our 3rd year anniversary. Call us on Fridays between 10:05 and 11:00am at 772-340-1590. Also FACEBOOK LIVE on my personal page! Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. February 2, 2018 at 6:06 AM · ASK A LAWYER, today at 10am on WPSL 1590AM, for streaming. Call in with your questions. Let’s NOT “kill all the lawyers”. WPSL.COM WPSL AM 1590 The Talk Of The Treasure Coast
Today at 10:05. Can your employer require the COVID vaccine as a condition of employment?
Too funny. At the Law Office of Stuart M. Address, P.A., we’ve been referred to as a Grizzly Bear, a rabid dog - but never a pussycat! We promise never to appear at a hearing on your behalf, if other than as human, then as anything other than an animal to be feared. YOUTUBE.COM TX: Attorney can't remove cat filter in zoom court hearing
ASK A LAWYER Year 4 Begins - CALL IN AT 772-340-1590 TODAY: Police Shootings Of African American Males In Our Own Backyard
Happy Valentine’s Day. Chocolate, gift of love or death. Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity and International Foundation February 14, 2014 at 1:21 PM · Happy Valentine's Day #PAD nation!
JOIN US TODAY AT 10:05 for Part II of our discussion of police shooting cases and the doctrine of qualified immunity. Why is it so difficult to sue the police for shooting civilians? CALL IN WITH ANY QUESTIONS at 772-340-1590.
Thoughts of likely Covid-19 employment litigation one year ago today. Stuart Address was live. March 13, 2020 at 9:55 AM · ASK A LAWYER 3/13/20 Simulcast on WPSL 1590 & WSTU 1450 CALL US AT 772-340-1590 Today’s Topic: CORONAVIRUS LAWSUITS
One year ago today. Our courts fully closed to civil jury trials for 7 months. Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. March 21, 2020 at 9:42 PM · Status of the Courts in the 11th Circuit and the US District Courts within Florida as a result of the Coronavirus, and a comment regarding Florida state courts.
Wow, it’s been a year now. The world has changed. Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. March 19, 2020 at 6:33 PM · Effective Friday, March 20, 2020, the Law Offices of Stuart M. Address, P.A. will be closed on FRIDAYS for the time being due to the nationwide impact of COVID-19, the Corona Virus. We will still be checking our voicemails and emails, and may respond to you on Friday or Monday, as we are able. We hope to return to our regular schedule soon. We hope that everyone remains safe during this unique crisis which has challenged not only our country but our world. This is truly one interconnected planet and an important lesson to learn. We ask that everyone follow CDC, WHO, and local health department recommendations as much as possible. Together, we will make it through this crisis.
ASK A LAWYER at 10:05 today. Call me at 772-340-1590. ASK A LAWYER, there must be something on your mind! In general, today we will be finishing our discussion of Senate Profiles in Courage, Profiles in Cowardice, and the impact of political parties on our Nation. Join us, listen, and CALL IN!
Today at 10:05 on ASK A LAWYER, call in to ask a question of me, your host, for an hour of discussion on your interests and other legal/political-legal questions of the day. Today, our primary topic, other than any of your questions, will be non-compete agreements and what to do when you are faced with having to consider signing them.


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Stuart M Address P.A.
Lawyers and Law Firms


  • What is the phone number for Stuart M Address P.A. in Stuart FL?
    You can reach them at: 772-781-8003. It’s best to call Stuart M Address P.A. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Stuart M Address P.A. on federal hwy in Stuart?
    Stuart M Address P.A. is located at this address: 611 SW Federal Hwy. Stuart, FL 34994.
  • What are Stuart M Address P.A.(Stuart, FL) store hours?
    Stuart M Address P.A. store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.