Keep your trees looking their best with the help of Stumpy's Tree Service. Let us trim, prune, and thin your trees today. We offer spike-less tree trimming. We also offer custom solutions. Your trees don't take care of themselves. They may grow tall on their own, but often they grow out of control and need a little help to look their best. Nobody likes seeing branches getting tangled to give an uneven look on what could be a beautiful tree. That's when the professionals at Stumpy's Tree Service come in to give your trees the care they deserve. Healthy trees mean a healthy property. Make sure your trees stay pruned and trimmed throughout the warm weather months with the help of the region's #1 tree service company. Bid farewell to those trees that make your property look old and worn. When trees get damaged in a storm, grow out of control, or near the end of their lives, they lose their looks along with their quality and health. When that happens to any of your trees, don't try to handle things yourself. Instead, call in the pros at Stumpy's Tree Service.