Ask us how you can SAVE money by installing an energy efficient air conditioner today! Find out here about Energy Star products and which ones qualify for a tax credit:
Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency : ENERGY STAR
Ask us about the DesignStar energy savings calculator and learn how you can save both money and energy, while reducing your carbon footprint over the lifetime of your unit.
Ask about our programmable thermostats and adding a humidistat to your Air Conditioning Unit to maintain your well-being. This also helps to prevent your home from mold and mildew, which could cause health problems over time.
Thermostats from Rheem
Ask us about our Preventative Maintenance Agreements
The longer a filter is used and not cleaned or replaced the harder the AC will work on circulating the air. A good rule of thumb is to clean or change the filters every 3 months if you do not have special circumstances in your home such as pets. If you have pets like a dog or a cat, or you cook a lot or smoke inside your home you should consider cleaning or changing your filters every month to ensure the best possible air flow and freshness of your air inside your home.
Dirty AC Filters: Pollution Inside Your Home
Ask us how to protect your home from indoor air pollutants!
Take a Tour of the IAQ House
Get a quick glimpse of some of the most important ways to protect the air in your home. Tour the IAQ House. Room-by-room, you'll learn about and how to address key pollutants.
Take a Tour of the IAQ House | Indoor Air | US Environmental Protection Agency
According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 90% of homes have indoor air quality issues. The EPA ranks indoor air pollution as one of the top 5 health risks. 55 million allergy and asthma sufferers can benefit from clearer indoor air. Imagine what difference clean ducts could mean for your home.
Ask us how we can keep the air ducts in your home clean... And learn more here:
Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned? | Indoor Air | US Environmental Protection Agenc