Worried that your child's diet isn't healthy enough? There are a few simple ways to incorporate nutritious foods into their lunches! Your child's overall wellbeing and dental health are bound to improve! http://bit.ly/2YYcIn3
A change in the coloring of your gums is something to be worried about. Although it's caused by smoking, there are other possibilities too. http://bit.ly/2s2klNe
Smoking, Teeth, & Gums: 8 Hazards + Best Quitting Strategies - Ask the Dentist
Suzanne Haeri, DDS wishes you a happy Rosh Hashanah!
An underbite is when the lower jaw extends farther than normal, making the bottom teeth stick out past the top teeth. http://bit.ly/34bD5aF
Underbite: Causes, How to Fix, Symptoms, in Children - Ask the Dentist
Clear aligners and traditional braces are both great for straightening your teeth, but learn how the two compare. https://goo.gl/N2uiTo
Clear aligners versus traditional braces: 4 benefits for adult orthodontic patients
If you have braces, you're already on your way to a healthy smile, but be sure you are taking proper care of them. https://goo.gl/eAoRdN
Caring for Braces: You're On Your Way to a Healthy Smile | Colgate®
Happy Columbus Day!
Happy Columbus Day!
Maybe you bit down on hard candy and heard a snap or got hit in the face during a sports game. If the pain quickly diminishes, returning only when you eat or perform similar activities, you might have a hairline tooth fracture. http://bit.ly/2EpHUCg
About Hairline Tooth Fractures (cracks) - from 123Dentist
When you take care of your mouth, you're taking care of the rest of your body too! Healthier teeth lead to a strong heart and lungs! http://bit.ly/2r2UaFL
How Dental Care Affects the Whole Body | Dr. Dental
The dentist can only do so much. You are the one responsible for brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Here are some helpful tips to keep your teeth in perfect condition. http://bit.ly/2sDyxvU
At-Home Dental Care Tips | Dr. Dental
Just because baby teeth aren't permanent doesn't mean you can neglect them. Your child's teeth still need the appropriate amount of care and oral hygiene. http://bit.ly/2PxdmVC
How to Prevent the 5 Most Common Childhood Dental Problems | Dr. Dental
Neglecting your teeth leads to gum disease. You'll have pain, swelling, and bleeding when brushing or flossing. Early intervention is the key to stopping gum disease in its tracks. http://bit.ly/2S0qxQf
Gum Disease / Gingivitis: How to avoid it or treat it - from 123Dentist
Your mouth produces saliva to help you eat, drink, and even talk! When you don't produce enough of it, you experience a condition known as Dry Mouth. Talk to a dental professional about the appropriate treatment. http://bit.ly/2Eqeh3z
Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): At All Stages of Life - from 123Dentist
Your jaw is controlled by the temporomandibular joint. When you overuse it, usually by grinding or clenching your teeth, a temporomandibular joint disorder develops. http://bit.ly/2PMpVv2
TMJ and Jaw Pain - Why Does My Jaw Hurt? - from 123Dentist
You should never neglect any part of your health! When you have a cleaner mouth, you're less likely to suffer other systemic conditions. http://bit.ly/2PUHCZz
How Your Oral Health Can Impact Your Overall Health - from 123Dentist
It's normal for your teeth to ache when you bite into an ice cream cone. It's only when this starts happening all the time that it indicates a problem. Learn about teeth sensitivity and a few possible causes. http://bit.ly/34t7ErX
Sensitive Teeth: Common Causes and Solutions - from 123Dentist
Sleep apnea develops when the airways are partially or completely blocked. You'll experience things like snoring, headaches, fatigue, and dry mouth. http://bit.ly/2M0bAtW
Sleep Apnea: Top Ten Signs and Symptoms for Sleep Apnea
Pregnant women often experience higher rates of gingivitis and gum disease. New research discusses the link between them. http://bit.ly/2syrtRc
Periodontal Literature: Gauging the Impact of Perio Conditions on Pregnancy - Today's RDH
Children need dental care just like adults! There is a common misconception that kids are the hardest patients, but this doesn't need to be the case. Here are a few tips for keeping children comfortable. http://bit.ly/34kDl6M
10 Expert Tips for Treating Pediatric Dental Patients - Today's RDH
Taking poor care of your teeth correlates to the rest of your body. That's why a link between oral care, tooth loss, and heart disease exists. You are at a higher risk for this condition when you don't treat your mouth right. http://bit.ly/2PqWYG5
Research Shows Tooth Loss May Lead to Cardiovascular Disease - Today's RDH
Children are more likely to get cavities and tooth decay because of the softer nature of baby teeth. A great way to combat this is through Dental Sealants. http://bit.ly/36CMpFF
When patients with diabetes maintain proper oral hygiene, they notice lesser negative symptoms. Research explains this through a direct connection between the two. http://bit.ly/34toKWu
Research Reveals Good Dental Hygiene Can Improve Type 2 Diabetes - Today's RDH
Suzanne Haeri, DDS wishes you a happy and safe Diwali!
Are you undergoing a procedure that requires some form of anesthesia? Learn about the different types and what you can expect. http://bit.ly/2VLz9dw
What you should know about anesthesia - Harvard Health
Your temporomandibular joint is what lets you open and close your mouth, speak, chew, and swallow! If you have a temporomandibular joint disorder, it becomes incredibly painful to engage in everyday activities. Learn more about TMJ and what kind of treatments are available. http://bit.ly/32njELj
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction - Harvard Health
Worried that your teeth aren't up-to-par before your upcoming dental checkup? Refamiliarize yourself with the basics of brushing so that your teeth fully shine! http://bit.ly/2vapfpc
You're probably brushing your teeth wrong – here are four tips for better dental health
Have you ever wondered why children seem to get more cavities than adults? The answer lies in baby teeth! Because these teeth are meant to fall out, they're a lot softer! This makes it much easier for bacteria to corrupt them. Having your child practice good oral habits can prevent cavities from forming. http://bit.ly/2PiZRa1
Why some kids are more prone to dental decay
Though over-the-counter teeth whitening products are available, it's recommended you talk to your dentist first. They may have at-home whitening kits or can recommend some safe products. http://bit.ly/2BntUap
Tooth whitening – don’t gamble with your teeth
Recent scientific research points to the possibility of regrowing tooth enamel that is destroyed. http://bit.ly/31ldyKb
Can we heal teeth? The quest to repair tooth enamel, nature's crystal coat