There are several different instances where hiring an education lawyer is going to be beneficial. This includes if your school is refusing to accommodate your special needs child, if your child was discriminated against, or if your school is trying to expel your child.
So what exactly is alternative dispute resolution, or ADR? This is an alternative recourse to a lawsuit, in which the matter is handled without actually going to court.
Zero tolerance discipline policies have serious, negative repercussions for students and careful scrutiny of district guidelines is needed to protect them. If your child is facing penalties under zero tolerance provisions, seek legal help.
A malicious prosecution claim asserts that the police officer violated the victim’s Fourteenth Amendment right to liberty. To win this claim, the victim must show that the police officer commenced the criminal proceeding with malice and no probable cause.
Federal special education laws are written so that classrooms mirror society as much as possible. In the same way you may encounter people with a variety of disabilities at work or elsewhere, kids with disabilities should remain in classrooms with children without disabilities.
With a few caveats, employers are not allowed to favor or discriminate against a person because of his or her religious practices or views. If you think you have been singled out unfairly, we will help you with your cause.