Insert drool emoji
We know you have choices when it comes to dining out, and we know we’re nothing without our fans, so we created the SWEETFAN LOYALTY PROGRAM to give something back to our most loyal guests.
Membership is complimentary and includes a sign-up credit, birthday gift, the ability to accumulate points and credits for your visits to Sweetfin as well as other surprise gifts and access to exclusive events.
bowlmates > soulmates
used the ring light for this one
house parties in 2020 be like...
winner winner Sweetfin dinner
patio season has arrived
headed into the weekend vibes 🤙
every day I’m trufflin’
Sweetfin Chopsticks 101: 1) tuck first stick under thumb and hold firmly 2) add second stick and hold like a pencil 3) hold first stick, and move the second up and down 4) grab ahold AS MUCH fish, veg, and rice as humanly possible 5) 🤤
really embracing all the Sweetfin Spring vibes