@techproductsinc is increasing our productivity again with a new #minster #press with the help of the guys @pedowitzmachinerymovers
Check out our latest ad in Pipeline & Gas Journal https://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/gulfpub/pgj_202007/index.php#/p/68
Pipeline & Gas Journal - July 2020
Now this is a #patriot. Every morning she does the pledge of allegiance (as per her principals direction, thank you Dr. Buono). The dog, not so much. She must see a squirrel.
#TechProductsInc would usually post about #CincodeMayo and #MayThe4thBeWithYou , We absolutely want to celebrate #NationalNursesDay and will pray for our mothers on #MothersDay. What we really want is to wish all of us a speedy end to this crisis and everyone to be safe
Happy Earth Day!
#ThankALineman for keeping the lights on and our devices charged while we sit at home #NationalLinemanAppreciationDay
Great article about our friends #Ramakerassociates
Ramaker and Associates: When Employee Ownership Leads to Longevity | Inside Towers
Just when a weekend couldn’t go better, family, friends and good food, I come across the greatest #poletags #Everlast #poletag
Happy New Year! May our future be bright. Tech Products, Inc. will be leaving early 12/31 2020 and be back in the office roaring to go on January 4th 2021
Tech Products, Inc.@TechProductsInc will be closing early on 12-16-2020 and close on 12-17-2020 due to the #Noreaster We will be answering calls and e-mails as best we can. We will be in the office again on Friday 12-18-2020.
Great Comic from the The Wall Street Journal . Someone will always answer the phone Tech Products, Inc. between 9 AM and 5 PM and no one will sell you what you don't need.
Thank you to #DenverGlassMachinery www.DenverGlass.com for purchasing our Tech-3D Embossed Metal Nameplates for their glass kilns.
#happythanksgiving to our wonderful customers, Great employees and the families that support us all! We will be off for the Thanksgiving holiday till 11-30-2020
#techproductsinc wants to thank our President, Plant Manager and all our Veterans who served our great country.