
Teen Rehab is a national organization that connects teens with addictions and mental health issues to treatment centers in the 50 states. The adolescent brain is still growing and developing, and substance abuse can create neurological pathways that lead to lifelong addictions. We help teens with any kind of addiction, including drug, alcohol, prescription drug, internet, sex, and video game addictions. We also help teens with mental health issues, such as eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. Our goal is to both educate teens and their parents about addictions and to refer them to effective treatment programs that will heal addictions and establish new healthy patterns.

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TeenRehab locations in US


US Postal Code:92625

Address: 1111 Bayside Dr, Corona Del Mar
Store Hours:


US Postal Code:37203

Address: 1212 Laurel St #2107, Nashville
Store Hours:


US Postal Code:10010

Address: 295 Park Ave S, New York
Store Hours: