The Carver Law Office, PLLC updated their address.
The Carver Law Office, PLLC updated their address.
We explained how eligible low-income taxpayers can take advantage of Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) if they can’t afford legal help dealing with the IRS. But how do you find out if you are eligible for LITC assistance? Click the link to find out!
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic Income Eligibility Guidelines
Our legal team at The Carver Law Office, PLLC understands how frustrating and stressful it can be when you have to deal with legal matters involving the IRS. That is why we have dedicated our practice to representing clients throughout Oklahoma who need advice resolving tax issues.
The Carver Law Office, PLLC
Starting a business you are passionate about can be very rewarding. It can also be a little overwhelming for new business owners. Our experienced lawyers provide useful tips and strategies that business owners can use to cover their various tax responsibilities.
The Carver Law Office, PLLC
Unfortunately, some payroll providers fail to comply with the IRS filing and deposit requirements and end up leaving the employer on the hook for substantial sums of money. In this blog, we explain what business owners should do if they outsource their payroll duties.