The Fat Loss Coach

(on highland ave)
Health and Medical in Cheshire, CT
Health and Medical
Weight Loss & Control Programs


9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 2:00PM


1303 Highland Ave
Cheshire, CT


If you are struggling with your health, weight goals or simply challenged with the commitment of a long term exercise program, fat loss coaching is definitely the way to achieve amazing results. Exercise is important, but your diet is responsible for 90% of weight and fat loss. Our 12 week fat loss challenge has proven results.


The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo The Fat Loss Coach Photo


  • The 12-Week Fat Loss Program
  • Body Scan
  • Customized Meal Plan
  • 7 1 on 1 meetings with the coach
  • Gift Certificate Special
  • Fat Loss Coach system
  • Free Consultation
  • fat loss meal plan
  • “Becoming A Winner At Losing.”
  • 12 week fat loss challenge
  • Ultrasound Lipo Cavitation
  • Wellness Program
  • Weight Loss
  • Emotional Well-being
  • Spiritual Well-being


Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan Over three decades of counseling Coach has yet to meet someone who planned on failing at reaching their fat loss goal… If there was a problem it became they failed at planning their work and working their plan… Every client starts out with the perfect plan, because each plan is fitted to them based on metabolism, percentage of body fat, activity level, exercise schedule and food likes and dislikes… The secret to succeed is to plan your work and then work your plan… To become stable in your plan and to maintain the result of your work nothing should be left for chance… Your destiny should not choose you, but you choose your destiny… Your success of tomorrow lives inside you today and your plan should guide your way… Believe your plan will work; expect the results of your plan before you receive them and work your plan with all your heart… God bless… Coach Take 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Call or Text 860-839-2482
Weight Loss WISDOM from ABOVE Earlier today one of Coach's clients posted where to find the Ezekiel bread Coach recommends... Well the answer to that is easily found... The real question is why does Coach recommend this bread? The answer will also solve the mystery of managing your weight and long term health... The bible records in Ezekiel 4:9 God telling the prophet Ezekiel to take wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar to make bread for yourself... Weigh out twenty shekels of food to eat each day and eat it at set times... There were three instructions first was the quality of the food whole grains… Second instruction from God was the portion of the food… Third instruction to the prophet was to eat at set times… Why are these three instructions so life changing? The combination of the three instructions manage your blood sugar and hormone responses, which manage your weight and long term health… Fast forward to today or over the last thirty years this is the same message Coach has shared, which has changed the lives of a multitude of clients... The Fat Loss Coach lifestyle fits you to the quality, portion and timing of the foods you eat, which manage your blood sugar and hormone response... The same message God gave Ezekiel... Take The 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Call or Text 860-839-2482 To Book Free Consultation...
Coach Introduces His NEW Fall Shape Up Program... 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge Receive 6 Weeks FREE... What would you say if you could work with Connecticut's Premiere Nutritionist for only $19 per week for amazing results and if you choose take up to 6 months to pay interest free... Coach and Paypal have partnered to offer Coach's 30 year history of helping 1000's of successful clients lose weight and develop life long healthy eating habits... Check out this Amazing offer Call or Text 860-839-2482 To Book FREE Consultation
What Does Your Future Hold? Coach met Monica as a potential client in need of losing weight and healthier lifestyle for the first time…I asked Monica this question… What would you call someone who can predict the future? At first Monica did not know what to say… Let me ask you my reader, what name would you give them… Some might say seer, forecaster, predictor, or prophesier… It makes no difference what you call them the real question is can they do it? I told Monica when we first met she would lose 37 lb. in 18 weeks and go from 174 lb. to 137 lb., and would eat 4 meals per day, 28 meals per week and 504 meals over the 18 weeks… She asked you can predict my weight loss to the pound? Well Monica had her 18 week check in and she weighed 137 lb.; right on schedule… You see Monica’s destiny already lived inside her… All she had to do is believe it was there, decide it was there and act like it was there… What do you call a person who can predict your weight loss; you call him Coach… God bless… Coach Take The 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Call or Text 860-839-2482 For FREE Consultation...
To Start You Have To Be Finished Many times when I meet a new client I make this statement; you must see the finish at the start… Sometimes it sounds odd to their ear, to get started you have to be finished… Yes, finished with lack of knowledge and poor lifestyle habits… One of my “All-Stars” came to visit me today… She could see the finish at the start, and her reward is truly amazing… Panthea before and after picture shows the metamorphic change, which took place… She now is 118 lb. at a very lean 17% body fat and looks terrific… Take the 12 Week fat Loss Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Call or Text 860-839-2482 To Be A FREE Consultation...
If Your Blood Sugar Is Not In The Zone No Matter How Much Exercise You Do, You'll Struggle At Just Losing Fat... If Your Blood Sugar Is Not In The Zone No Matter How Much Exercise You Do, You'll Struggle At Just Losing Fat... Take Coach's 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Free Consultation Call or Text 860-839-2482
Special Day At The Fat Loss Coach Office... When Coach created his unique nutrition concept the goal was to help clients get into their ideal body... Over the years thousands have accomplished the mission, but because it happens one body at a time Coach has been blessed to have been a part of each person's healthy journey... Today I'm blessed again to share with you David Nickolas amazing journey... I met David at 265 lb. at 38 % body fat, and though he is 54 years old his original body scan placed him in stage two obesity and a body age of 62 years old... Coach is happy to be a witness David lost 65 lb. of body fat going past his goal weight of 203 lb. down to 200 lb.... His body type went from obese to muscular and his body age went from 62 yrs. old down to his normal age of 54 years old... Tomorrow is David's birthday Coach was blessed to be a part of his present to himself of an ideal body and healthy new lifestyle... God bless... Coach Let the next amazing journey be yours... Call or Text 860-839-2482 for a FREE Consultation...
Start Your Day With Coach... Image your day starting in your kitchen with the Fat Loss Coach... No not the Coach himself, but Coach's healthy lifestyle... No more guess work deciding what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat.. Image every four hours staying in a ideal blood sugar zone, where muscles are well fed and fat burning hormones turn on... Able to eat sprouted breads, sprouted muffins and whole grain pasta and never being hungry... Well that's how thousands of Fat Loss Coach clients days start each day... Invite the Fat Loss Coach into your kitchen and no longer image what it's like, but start enjoying what it's like having a healthy lifestyle... Coach We all suffered through covid 19... Now we can all get a restart with Coach 19... Start your day in kitchen with Coach for $19.00 Weekly... Call or Text 860-839-2482 For Free Consultation
Coach's Customized Lifestyle Outperforms Any Diet... Work One On One With The Fat Loss Coach For A Little As $19.00 Per Week... FATLOSSCOACH.ORG The Fat Loss Coach | Nutritionist Charles Remington
Healthy Lifestyle Eat More To Weigh Less... The most common phrase I hear meeting new clients is,"Coach I've tried dieting and eating less and it doesn't work for very long and I can't keep the weight off"... I show them this picture saying,"You could have eaten four meals like this and it would target fat, while friendly to muscle and metabolism... The best part is it keeps working to you reach your goal, then to maintain the result you'll eat even more... Sound to good to be true? Coach has proven it's true for thirty years let him prove it to you... Take Coach's 12 week challenge...Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Coach's Direct Text 860-839-2482 FATLOSSCOACH.ORG The Fat Loss Coach | Nutritionist Charles Remington
Confusion Leads To Effective Fat Loss If you have more than twenty pounds to lose this year, this secret alone will open the door to accomplishing it… If you eat fewer calories than your body requires continually, which happens on most diets, you will keep from reaching your long-range weight loss goal… Why coach? Your body’s hormonal and metabolic design will keep it from happening… It’s always best to work within your hormonal and metabolic design, than work against it… Dr. Oz, said it best recently… He said body builders have taught us to keep our muscles responding to exercise one of the best techniques is muscle confusion… To put if simply it means to fool your muscle with different workouts to keep them from self-adjusting to the workout… Then he went on to say the same is true with your response to calories and make up of foods on your diet… You have to keep your body from self-adjusting to it… Well Dr Oz, I agree with you… In fact I agree with your statement whole-heartedly… Why? Because it has been the foundation of my nutrition concept and teaching’s for more than twenty years… I called it the glyco-cycle, and its more than just cycling calories confusing our metabolism from wanting to slow down or adjust, which is the underlining reason why most diets are poor solutions long term to get to your ideal weight and body composition… So to lose weight as fat and keep it off, the secret is don’t try to lose it every day… You must learn to cycle fat burning days with maintenance or recovery days… So if this is the year you reach your ideal, listen to The Coach and Dr. Oz, the principle of confusion will get you there… God Bless... Coach
Reverse Aging With Healthy LIfestyle Lose up to 36 pounds using unique fat loss program in 12 weeks. Work with Renowned Nutritionist . Customized fat loss program fitted to your body fat using the foods found at your local grocery store. Click to learn more: YOUTUBE.COM Charles Remington "the Fat Loss Coach" and his 12-week fat loss program.
Fat Loss Coach Out Performs All Diets... Why do most diets just flat out fail and why does YOUR program succeed? As a champion bodybuilder and nutritionist, I hear this question often. My answer is always...generic weight loss programs under feed the body and work against your hormones and metabolic design. This forces YOU to fit the program...not the program being fitted to YOU. If you haven't noticed...the only aisle in the supermarket where the food comes with any instructions at the pet food aisle. Where's our instructions? I'll show you how to shop and prepare the foods you enjoy, giving you not only knowledge...but a customized plan that allows you to lose 2-3 pounds of fat per week, without being hungry or tired. To personalize your plan, The Fat Loss Coach uses non-invasive scanning technology to get a precise body composition that analyses your muscle, metabolism, bone density, external fat and visceral fat within your body. This assessment gives us the knowledge to properly prescribe the right food, in the right amounts, and at the right time...turning your body into a fat burning machine! Take the 12-week challenge and lose the fat. Consultations are free. For more information, visit: YOUTUBE.COM Why do weight loss diets and programs fail? Shocking video reveals the truth.
Weight Loss Proven System Time To Lose Weight Choose A Proven System... Become One Of Thousands To Achieve Amazing Results... Thirty Minutes With Coach Is Life Changing... Amazing Transformations More Than Weight Loss New Healthy Lifestyle... Target Only Fat While Maintaining Muscle And Metabolism... Generic Diets Are Wrong Fit... Right Meal Plan Must Fit You... Work Within Your Hormones And Not Against Them... Eat Foods You Like Easy To Prepare Without Being Hungry... Lose The Weight Where You Want You'll Win At Losing... Sculpt A New You Using Right Foods And Right Amounts... Only $19.00 Per Week Brings Coach's Plan Into Your Kitchen... You Can Be A Winner Next Amazing Results Could Be You... Your One Click Away To The Health You Deserve... Free Consultation 860-839-2482 Work With The Coach In Office or Online...
Coach Back Stronger Than Before... Many small businesses didn't survive during covid... Well Coach"s destiny is in Gods hands and he's back stronger than ever... My office has been open since Monday 6/22 and its time we all get back to more normal healthy lifestyle... Covid 19 has left a devastated footprint now Coach 19 is here to get you back on the healthy lifestyle track... Call or text Coach for an appointment 860-839-2482 Coach 19 only $19.00 weekly Charles Remington – Fat Loss Coach
Spend 30 minutes with the Coach... It's Life changing... Call or Text 860-839-2482 For FREE Consult...
Time To Get Serious About Body Fat RESULTS I received a phone call from a client that went like this; “Coach I have a bad back, a torn knee and I am at least 40 lb. over-weight can you help me”? My response, “Sounds like you’re in a great place to be helped”… Many times in fact too many times when our circumstances look bad we do not see we are in the right place at the right time for change… I explained to her injuries put her in a place to no longer rely on several hours of exercise correcting the hundreds of hours her body's hormones responding to poor eating habits… The good news I brought to her bad situation was by eating right foods, right amounts and properly timed her hormones and metabolism would now go to work for her, instead of against her… Well I am happy to report she has lost 37 lb. of fat, while increasing 6 lb. of muscle with very limited exercise of only 2 hours per week… She still has a bad back and is scheduled for surgery, but her serious change in body fat is amazing… Is it time for you to get serious about losing your body fat? Learn to activate the fat burning hormones and let your metabolism work for you, your results will be amazing too… Coach
End 2020 With The Revelation Last Year's New Year's Resolution Didn't Work... You Need A New Years REVELATION Not New Years RESOLUTION... Losing Weight As Fat And Keeping It Off Starts And Ends With Healthy Lifestyle... Fat Loss Coach Customizes Fat Loss Meals Plans To Fit You... To become your lifestyle you have to end 2021 the way you started it... Any diet no matter what you call it won't allow you to stay on it... Take The 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge And Receive An Added 6 Weeks FREE.... Call or Text 860-839-2482 for FREE Consultation... FATLOSSCOACH.ORG The Fat Loss Coach | Nutritionist Charles Remington
30 Minute Consultation With Coach Can Be Life Changing... Call or Text 860-839-2482 To Make 2021 Your Journey Into A Healthy New Lifestyle... FATLOSSCOACH.ORG The Fat Loss Coach | Nutritionist Charles Remington
The Journey of Reaching Your Ideal Body As you read this story picture yourself on a journey, and I am your tour guide… I will bring you on a pathway of knowledge, which breaks away from conventional wisdom, and shed light on a new approach to reach your destination; your ideal weight… Before we leave you will have to unpack your bag of failed weight loss concepts and diets… Our trip will bring a fresh arousal to your spirit and challenge your mind to see weight loss in a healthy, but completely new way… On our journey, many times I will ask you to stop and see beyond the logic of your intellect, for your common sense is a poor guide… We will discover together hidden truths, which go deeper than nutritional facts and science alone would get us off coarse… At times I will have to guide you through a fog of misleading, media driven information, but you can relax; I have guided this tour thousands of times before… Our 12-week journey will empower you for a lifetime of results… Each tour must be individually experienced no one can travel in the success of someone else… We only move forward in our journey to our goal when we keep our feet on the path of right foods, proper amounts and timed correctly… Our trip will ignite your metabolism and redirect your spirit… When we finish your tour you will never want to leave… Take The 12 Week Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Call or Text 860-839-2482 For FREE Consultation...
FAT LOSS DONE RIGHT !!! Does right feel wrong during weight loss? I know what you might be thinking. Did the Coach leave the car running in the garage too long today? Did he just say does right feel wrong during weight loss? Well I did say it, and here’s why. So many times when I teach a new client the proper weight loss techniques of eating right foods, right portions, at least four meals per day, a common response during the first week is, feels like its not working. When in fact most lose at least two to three pounds of fat in first few days. When I find out how they’re feeling they tell me, I feel full, feels like too much food, eating when not feeling hungry. All the feelings they never had when losing weight wrong in the past, so even though they have been taught properly, right feels wrong to them. Image for a moment I am a tennis coach, and I happen to come on the scene at the tennis courts and watch you hit an ugly backhand. As I instruct you how to hold the tennis racquet in a slightly different position, the right grip feels wrong in your hand. Why? Because you have become comfortable with holding it wrong. The same is true if you need to lose weight, your wrong eating habits feel right to you. Sounds strange, wrong feels right and you have become comfortable with wrong. If you’re serious about weight loss, its time to change eating habits. Not just the foods you eat, but also acquire what it feels like to do it right. Now I not going to change the way you are holding your fork, just adjust what your fork is attached to. I will even take all the guesswork out of what to eat. It's going to be right foods, right amounts and at right times fitted to your body. Now I’m not your tennis coach, but my reputation as The Fat Loss Coach speaks for itself. I have helped thousands reach their ideal weight. You’ll look and feel your great, and best of all finally right will feel right, and because you lost the weight right, it will stay off. God Bless… Coach Take Coach's 12 Week Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks FREE... Call or Text 860-839-2482 For FREE Consultation...
Fat Loss Coach Does All The Heavy Lifting - You Win The Fight Losing Weight... Customized Weight Loss Plan Outperforms Any Diet... Take Coach's 12 Week Challenge And Receive 6 Weeks Free Call or text 860-839-2482 for free consultation... FATLOSSCOACH.ORG The Fat Loss Coach | Nutritionist Charles Remington
NOTHING TASTES BETTER THAN RESULTS The formula is simple.... Eat right foods, right amounts and at right times... Your result will never turn out wrong... Call or Text 860-839-2482 for FREE Consultation... FATLOSSCOACH.ORG The Fat Loss Coach | Nutritionist Charles Remington
Weight Loss The Right Way... If there is a right way, then obviously there must be a wrong way... The biggest challenge in educating new clients is breaking the misconception all weight is good... Pictured is an example of two women who both lost 30 lb., and the scale and BMI both imply they were equally successful... The picture should make it obvious this is far from the truth... The woman on the left lost a combination of both muscle and fat, while the woman on the right reduced only her body fat, while maintaining her muscle... Take a moment to watch my video and learn the difference between weight loss done right or wrong... Click on the link below...
The Perfect Fit... Over the last 30 years the one thing which works and continues to work to solve the weight loss puzzle?... It 90% balance nutrition fitted to your individual biology and right form of exercise to achieve the body and health you desire... Call or text 860-839-2482 for a FREE consultation... Make this year the perfect fit to reach your goal... FATLOSSCOACH.ORG The Fat Loss Coach | Nutritionist Charles Remington


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The Fat Loss Coach
Health and Medical


  • What is the phone number for The Fat Loss Coach in Cheshire CT?
    You can reach them at: 860-839-2482. It’s best to call The Fat Loss Coach during business hours.
  • What is the address for The Fat Loss Coach on highland ave in Cheshire?
    The Fat Loss Coach is located at this address: 1303 Highland Ave Cheshire, CT 06410.
  • What are The Fat Loss Coach(Cheshire, CT) store hours?
    The Fat Loss Coach store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 8:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 2:00PM, Sun: Closed.