Dealing with a disaster is challenging enough. Don’t let the insurance company give you more to worry about. If you need a professional to assist with your insurance claim, turn to The Insurance Claim Guru of Miami, Florida. Our claims adjuster has been in the insurance business for over 25 years. You’ll have someone on your side who is familiar with the process – no matter what type of claim or which insurance company you’re dealing with.
The Insurance Claim Guru will handle all insurance negotiations for your claim. Specifically, our adjuster focuses on drain line claims. If you’ve faced problems with your cast iron drain, copper pipes or other water feed lines, reach out to our Miami-based public adjuster right away for drain line damage claim assistance. The guru also assists with:
Fire claims
Hurricane claims
Tornado claims
Plumbing claims
For many clients, The Insurance Claim Guru has tripled what the insurance company would normally offer to someone without representation. Communication and negotiation skills can go a long way for your residential or commercial claim. Choose one of the best for your insurance claim in Miami or the South Florida area.