Distractions are more than visual for drivers https://bit.ly/2EdrAba
Distractions are more than visual for drivers | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Putting the pieces back together after a shattered femur can take plenty of work.
Car Crashes Can Pack A Real Punch
Car accident-related femur fractures: an overview https://bit.ly/3bKLExV
Car accident-related femur fractures: an overview | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Texting behind the wheel is still a problem in 2020: Here's why https://bit.ly/31XltAU
Texting behind the wheel is still a problem in 2020: Here's why | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Understand the ways that children have a higher risk of a dog bite injury.
Are Children More Likely To Suffer Dog Bites?
Some accidents can lead to lifelong spinal cord injuries https://bit.ly/2YsBw7t
Some accidents can lead to lifelong spinal cord injuries | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Suffering a TMJ injury after a car accident https://bit.ly/36NzDYj
Suffering a TMJ injury after a car accident | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
These 3 diseases can kill after a dog bite https://bit.ly/3nAVoR4
These 3 diseases can kill after a dog bite | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
The blame for truck accidents may lie with people other than the drivers.
4 Common Factors In Truck Crashes
Poor sidewalk designs can lead to wheelchair accidents https://bit.ly/3kbz4Lu
Poor sidewalk designs can lead to wheelchair accidents | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
5 ways to improve your safety on a motorcycle https://bit.ly/3oALAXw
5 ways to improve your safety on a motorcycle | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Many drivers have heard of whiplash, but there are other risks they should watch out for too.
What Is A TMJ Disorder?
What happens if rental scaffolding at your work leaves you hurt? https://bit.ly/3krmB6y
What happens if rental scaffolding at your work leaves you hurt? | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Construction workers can seek compensation from negligent companies after an accident.
What Can I Do After A Rental Scaffolding Injury?
Program helps bring down teen auto accident rates https://bit.ly/3ko8cap
Program helps bring down teen auto accident rates | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Anyone from LA knows we see our share of accidents.
The First 3 Things To Do After A Crash
Blue-collar workers often have more to lose after a car crash https://bit.ly/3lkN8CV
Blue-collar workers often have more to lose after a car crash | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
How a three-stage licensing program is helping teens become safer drivers and saving lives.
Reducing The Risk Of Fatal Teen Car Accidents
Slips and falls on wet grocery store floors can result in serious, life-changing injuries.
Wet Floors + Busy Shoppers = A Recipe For Disaster
A slippery floor at your grocery can cause a severe injury https://bit.ly/3pODIlZ
A slippery floor at your grocery can cause a severe injury | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
The dangers of rolling stops https://bit.ly/3mKR5km
Bitly | Forbidden | 403
What are universal helmet laws? https://bit.ly/3pwsFgm
What are universal helmet laws? | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
What are some good first-aid treatment tips for animal bites? https://bit.ly/2WWsrCZ
What are some good first-aid treatment tips for animal bites? | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Slowing without stopping at intersections could put people at risk.
How Dangerous Are Rolling Stops?
Dog bites on private property https://bit.ly/3hBVNQp
Dog bites on private property | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Outside experts help to establish the cause of a vehicle crash https://bit.ly/3oCz1uB
Outside experts help to establish the cause of a vehicle crash | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Aggressive driving and car accidents: What you should know https://bit.ly/35mYsZr
Aggressive driving and car accidents: What you should know | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
How can you pay bills after losing wages after an accident? https://bit.ly/3pfRJbw
How can you pay bills after losing wages after an accident? | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Different professionals can help reconstruct the scene of an accident and establish the cause.
How Outside Experts Can Help With Accident Claims
One in five accidents is caused by this.
Who Is Invincible On The Road?
How to choose the right temporary wheelchair https://bit.ly/3jmhTaA
How to choose the right temporary wheelchair | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
The dangers of distracted driving https://bit.ly/2Mxb6ic
The dangers of distracted driving | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
A fall in the grocery store might be someone else's fault.
What Causes Most Slip And Fall Injuries?
Can you help your child regain trust after a dog bite? https://bit.ly/2MRW1rZ
Can you help your child regain trust after a dog bite? | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
How dangerous are parking lots for pedestrians? https://bit.ly/3rhPFB4
How dangerous are parking lots for pedestrians? | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
Should you consider a pre-settlement loan? https://bit.ly/3q97GzS
Bitly | Forbidden | 403
Vehicles are supposed to be maintained at all times https://bit.ly/2NPopLM
Vehicles are supposed to be maintained at all times | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt
How can a commercial vehicle driver's negligence put me at risk?
The Dangers Of Poor Truck Maintenance
Injuries are far more common in parking lots than anywhere inside a store.
3 Dangers To Look Out For In Parking Lots
There are many possible injuries from a car crash, and some are not visible on the surface.
Beware Of Concussions After A Car Crash
Serious car accidents can lead to traumatic brain injuries https://bit.ly/3eQvVRC
Serious car accidents can lead to traumatic brain injuries | The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt