Exposure to carcinogenic toxins such as formaldehyde, arsenic, and carbon monoxide is common in some occupations.
10 jobs that are linked to a higher risk of cancer
If you're involved in a serious accident, it's important to seek and document medical care as soon as possible.
Medical evidence is crucial to the success of personal injury claims, and prompt treatment can improve medical and legal outcomes.
"Large numbers" of workers in the service industry "have an elevated risk of hearing loss and need immediate hearing conservation efforts," NIOSH researchers say in a recent study. https://bit.ly/3mB1nEH
Study finds elevated prevalence, risk of hearing loss in many service industry subsectors
If you're injured at work, seek treatment for your injury as soon as possible. Prompt treatment not only aids recovery, but strengthens your workers’ comp claim. If you delay treatment, your employer’s workers’ comp insurer could argue that your injuries weren't as severe, or that they were unrelated to your work.
Overexertion and falls were the top causes of serious workplace injuries, according to a new report. https://bit.ly/3lpjflw
The top 10 workplace injuries costing employers $1B a week
Lawsuits filed against two of the nation’s largest e-scooter companies allege that the companies failed to properly maintain their scooters, resulting in injuries to nearly 90 plaintiffs. https://wapo.st/32fl1Nb
Lime and Bird sued over alleged scooter safety failures and injuries to dozens
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were approximately 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers in 2019 (the most recent year on record.) If you've been injured or fallen ill as a result of your job, talk to a workers' compensation attorney about your legal rights.
A worker died every 99 minutes from a work-related injury in 2019 (the most recent year studied), according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. https://bit.ly/3ceLi3i
Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs of 2021
Golf Carts carry “considerable risk of injury and morbidity” to drivers and passengers of all ages, especially kids and older adults, say researchers from the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. https://bit.ly/2PuVq01
Study finds golf cart-related injuries are common
Workers compensation covers injuries sustained at work and illnesses or effects suffered from long-term exposure to hazardous or strenuous conditions. These can range from a broken arm resulting from a fall, to hearing loss from drilling in a quarry, to carpal tunnel syndrome from stress caused by typing. #WorkersCompensation https://bit.ly/2Pd0mm1
How Workers Compensation Works
The surge in pet adoptions during the pandemic brought much-needed joy to many families, but doctors are worrying about a downside as well: more dog bites. https://nyti.ms/3sqwGnY
Got a Pandemic Puppy? Learn How to Prevent Dog Bites
Employees who file a Workers' Compensation claim are protected from retaliation by their employers. That means your employer cannot legally fire you for exercising your rights under workers' compensation laws.