Finally had the service truck and trailer updated with logos and a wrap.
Setting conduit for future wire before concrete. Using a hot box to make bends and mold the conduit as necessary is a common event for us.
Landscape lighting should subtly enhance the space and not overwhelm it. Drawing the eye to the focal points easily while leaving others slightly hidden.
I’ve never been one to sit around and wait for things to change, I am always changing the rules of the game so I can win!
That being said as well as ‘Geekster Designs’ I am firing up a full blown landscape design and installation division.
Of course it is ‘The Landscape Geek’ for the Sacramento area of course! Like everything we do, we get it done right the first time. We can pour & finish concrete, plants, irrigation, sod, trees, fountains...
And most of all, with the fit and finish we are famous for because we are Geeks about it!
I have some of the best concrete finishers in the business foaming at the bit to get at it! Do me favor and spread the word!
With the California shut down, phones are quiet and we are shifting our focus to to our demonstration facility/wedding venue/training facility. It is called Mermaid Acres and it will be 2 acres of what we are capable of. Complete with Sebastian’s Dive Bar, a shipwrecked crab boat on a coral jetty, a Caribbean village, and a 50’ picnic table, just for starters.
Outdoor lighting, outdoor sound, outdoor movie screen, Lutron Radio Ra2, and so much more.
If everything goes well, we will have an open house in spring. It will be something rather epic, yet refined. You will be transported to the Caribbean with as much ambiance as we can muster.